12 week weight gainer

Tuesday Feb.10/04

-50mg andro, creatine, 2 protein shakes, vitamins, 3 egg whites, one whole egg, can of tuna, etc.
Good food intake today overall.

-Did Chest, Back and abs today. Good abs and chest work out, half decent back.
Well i felt really strong today, i started off with bench press. I did a warm up of 10 reps of 135, then i did 10 reps of 185 (unassisted). And i was like fuck it, i'm gonna try 225. So i did and i got 3 unassisted reps of 225. Then i did a last set of 215 for 8 reps. Then i did 3 sets of 8, 6, 6 of Wide Grip Chinups. Then i did incline dumbbells, started off with the 60's and did 10 reps, then i grabbed the 80's and did 6 reps, then the 70's for 6 reps. My chest was burning by this point, and it felt good. After that i did dead lifts, i did one set of 10 reps with 135. Then my buddy was like sayin lets up the weight, and i've never done more then 135 pounds (cause i just started them), so i did 185 and i got 2 sets of 6 reps like that. Which wasn't too bad considering i just started doing them and have a weak back. Then i did flat bench dumbbell flys, did a set with the 30's for 10 reps, then 2 sets of 6 with the 45's. Then i was like "Fuck it, i'm just doing abs now" because my chest workout drained most of my energy. So i decided i would try needsize's ab routine. I did 3 sets of 6 reps though, and i only held for like 3 or 4 seconds, so i didn't do it exactly the right way, but i think i'm gonna do it again in a few days, so we'll see if i can do 5x5 and hold for 5 seconds.

-Well i did good at the gym today, feeling much stronger now that i finally can bench 2 plates for a few reps. My goal is to be benching 250 by this summer, and i think i can do it.
I'm also gonna be getting help on my diet from someone i know, so i'll be happy to see some more size coming on.
Also tonight i went to play pool with a few friends, and a wicked hot girl we know works there and she was just getting off work, so she came and had a few drinks with us (i drank water tonight though) and played a few games of pool. We used to go to school with her, and haha, i know whoever reading is gonna laugh if you've seen my pics on here, but she was like "Are you ####?" and i was like "Yeah,,," and she was like "I didn't recognize if it was you at first", and i was like "Okay...??" (cause i've seen her a few times in the last couple weeks), and she was like "You look different" and i was like "What do i look like?" and she was like "You just look manly", hahah, and i was like "YA! IT'S CAUSE MY TRAPS ARE HUGE!!!" (in Arnold's voice) and laughed, and she was like "No it's a compliment"... it's shit like that, that also helps motivate me to keep working out. Can't wait till i actually look "manly" hahaha, someday i will.
And last thing to remember from today is i gotta go out with this girl soon, cause my buddy is tryin to hook me up with this girl that is a friend of a girl he's trying to hook up with. And i'm probably going out thursday night with them for some drinks, so i gotta figure out if it's gonna go anywhere with the girl i'm gonna go on a date with soon. I should call her ass up tomorrow and see what's up.

Alright, that's it for today, ARMS tomorrow!!!
Hey Buff, I've been checking out your log. You're making great progress man.

The weight on your deadlifts will increase by leaps and bounds.
Thanks beans,,, i think next time i'm gonna TRY and do 215 for deads, we'll see what happens though.

Wednesday Feb. 11/04

-Good, had the protein shakes, vitamins, and all that, had some good meals, did very well today.

-Worked arms today and got a wicked workout. Started off with the 60 pound bar and did bicep curls for 10 reps, then did the 80lbs bar for 8 reps, then the 90 for 6 reps, then did a final set with the 60 again for 10 slow reps. Then i did flat bench tricep extensions overhead with the ez curl bar, first with a 25 on each side then a 35 on each side. Then i did hammer curls with the 40's for 10 reps, then the 45's for 6 reps (2 sets), then i grabbed the 15's and did insanely slow reps and held the contractions for a few seconds. Then i did reverse grip tricep pushdowns then overhand grip with the straight bar (widest one they have). Then i did preachur curls with dumbbell's, started with a 25, did 10 reps, then grabbed a 35 and did to sets of 7 reps. Then i layed down on a flat bench and took a 30 pound dumbbell and did i guess sideways overhead extensions, not sure what their called, but fuck they worked good, then i finished with 2 sets of 12 reps of dips. My fuckin arms were lookin HUGE after the workout. Everyone i knew from the gym was complimenting them and being like "man your gettin big". It was cool, but i lose my pump so damn fast, like an hour later i was like "FUCK" hahaha, ah well i know i'm gettin bigger so it's all good.

-I was really happy with my workout today, progress is doing pretty good. I'm having trouble's with my transmission i believe, and i gotta get it checked out in the morning because it could end up being a HUGE problem.
Also i started thinking about Mrs J today, don't fuckin know why, and i felt shitty after the gym cause that's when i was thinkin about her. But then i was like "FUCK HER" and started thinking about Mrs C who HOPEFULLY i'll be going out with this friday night, and now i'm in a good mood thinking about her.

Life goes on and so do i...

Cardio in the AM tomorrow, then LEGS!!!!!!
Thursday Feb.12/04


I was gonna work legs and do some cardio in the morning, and i wake up to check out my car for the transmission problem, and i find out my car got broke into and they stole all of my shit. But i've got a plan, i'm getting a hold of EVERYONE i know around here who knows people who steal shit and i'm gonna act like i'm buying my gear back. And if someone is stupid enough to have my shit and try and sell it to me, i'm gonna break their fucking legs. Tonight after work i'm just gonna be going out and looking for my shit. I have so much fucking anger right now it's unreal, so if i find the fuckers that did this it's not gonna be pretty.

Hopefully i'll be back posting again tomorrow and nothing TOO bad happens. I just know some really fucked up people and i just hope i don't get a gun pulled on me or some shit if i find out who did it.
2 minutes after this post above this one my dad called and said we're gonna work on the car... i spent the whole afternoon fucking around with it and we now find out i need a new transmission... feels pretty fuckin good when i know some cock sucking little pricks out there stole my shitty car stereo gear and probably gonna make like $100 off it at the most, and they wrecked the shit out of my car doing it, and now i gotta spend another $600 to fix the fucking car itself. Steal from the poor and sell to the poor,,, what the fuck is wrong with this world???

If i find out who stole my car stereo shit, i'm seriously without a doubt literally gonna kill them,,, I didn't even end up going to the gym today because of all of this shit, and that is pissing me off. I still have a bit of time, so i MIGHT go, but i'm so fucking tired at this point, i don't know if i will before work or not. I'm not gonna fuckin post anymore today unless i go to the gym,,, FUCK THE WORLD!!!!!
Friday Feb.13/04

-Not the best,,, sat around a lot today, but the night isn't here yet so i'll stuff my face, and i'll be drinking later so i'll get some calories (the bad ones) in then haha. Just had 1 protein shake and vitamins for supplements today.

-Just ended up doing cardio,, i don't have a car and none of my friends do right now (accidents), so i've been stuck at home. I walked/ran for 20 minutes today, then did a few sets of pushups.

-Feelin sort of sick, just my throat is dry and slightly sore,,, i slept a lot too, cause there's fuck all to do when you don't have a car or money. Drinkin tonight, not a lot though. Shoulders and Legs tomorrow if i fit it in.
Saturday Feb.14/04

Happy fuckin valentine's day...

-Had vitamins, andro, creatine, no protein shakes cause there's nothing to drink it with and i aint' puttin it with water. Had oatmeal, can of tuna, bagel, eggs, etc. So far so good, day is only half over.

-Worked Shoulders and abs today. Started off with military press (barbell), did 10 reps with 70lbs, then 10 reps with 95lbs, then 7 reps with 115lbs, then 5 reps with 125lbs, then did final set with the 70lb bar again. Then i did side lat. raises, first 10 reps with the 20's, then 8 reps with the 30's, then 6 reps with the 30's, then i grabbed the 15's and did as many as i could but held at the top for 3 seconds. Then i did bent over lat. raises, a set of 10 with the 20's, then a set of 9 with the 25's, then i did a set with the 20's again, then i grabbed the 10's and did slow reps and held till failure.
Then i did front lat. raises, started with the 20's, then the 30's, then i grabbed the olympic bar and did reps with that, then the 20's again, then the olympic bar one last set.
Then i did upright rows, started with the 70lb bar, did 10 reps, then the 90lb bar, did 7 reps (failure), then the 70lb bar again. Then i grabbed the 60's (dumbbells) and did 12 reps for shrugs, then the 85's for 8 reps, then the 100's for 6 reps, then i did a final set of the 60's till failure (7 or 8 reps).... i felt so sick today but i went to the gym anyway and did a pretty good workout.
Then i did needsize's ab workout, only this time i did 5x5 and went VERY slow and held for about 4 seconds or so. MAN my abs were killin.

-Well, there's ups and downs to not having a Girl on Valentine's Day, i know it's gonna suck ass at work, but i'm gonna try and get out hella early, and yes,,, yes i'm gonna go get shit faced tonight. Gonna go downtown to the bars and just get shitty and have a good time... but i'm considering calling up Mrs C (the new girl) and wishin her a happy V-Day... i'm not sure though. We'll see.

But tomorrow probably near the night i'm gonna work legs after i've recouperated from the drinking i'll be doing tonight, then Monday i'm starting a new training split.
hey,BBS, i know what thats like to get your shit jacked.... 2 days after new years eve, went out to my car to leave, my driver window is busted open, they took my fucking touch screen dvd/cd player/tv that i just got put in a month ago... insurance didn't cover it too! so i had to pay the 1000$ deductable to fix the damages to the car, cause it was like 1200, and small claims don't get put on your record.... PLUS im out $2k for the TV! i only enjoyed it for 1 month too... no one even knew i had it, only a few friends, i tried to keep it DL cause i know shit like this happens and my car is high profile. It was someone who knew how to do shit... fuckin, didn't have my car for a MONTH! insurance shit takes SOOOO long... one month without a car! and you have to be 25 to take a rental, im 18.... fuck that! anyway... your training is going good from what i see, and so is your personal life.... good luck with those new girls... and don't hold out on your friends...lol... you know it ain't fun if the homies cant have none...:) pass her down...:D
panteracfh said:
and don't hold out on your friends...lol... you know it ain't fun if the homies cant have none...:) pass her down...:D

hahahha fuck that man,,, see, me and my ex were tight, so fucking close, and the way we ended it, it's like watching a movie and at the end you go "What the fuck? they might make a second one". So i don't know if we'll get back together, and me and all my friends always said we'll NEVER EVER get with our ex's unless we're all cool with it. And i definatly wouldn't be.

But man that fucking SUCKS about your shit gettin jacked too... i'm not going through insurance anyway, like you said it's a pain in the ass. I just hope i find the fuckers that took my shit. And thanks for the positive comments for me, really appreciate it.
Sunday Feb.15/04

-SHIT,,, puked last night a few times, then today all i had so far was a bagel, oatmeal and a protein shake and lots of water, gonna take my vitamins SOON and try and get some good food in me.

-hahaha no... no training today. Feel pretty bad about that but tomorrow is another day, and it's the day i'm gonna start my new training split.

-God DAMN i got fuckin trashed last night,,, i still don't see how i got so drunk cause i usually drink a LOT more then i did, and i started puking early in the night and passed out a few times. I wanted to go downtown and hook up with some girl (random) but i never even left my buddy's place. Ah well.
I'm wondering how it's gonna go with Mrs C (the new girl), because she's in the middle of dating someone right now, and i'm kind of stepping in sort of. But even if we don't hook up we're gonna be good friends, but i'm just gonna make sure that we're really flirty, cause i ain't stickin the the "friends zone" forever. I know i'm gonna hook up with her, there's no doubt about that at all, it's just now a matter of when. So i'm gonna keep that on the side and keep a look out for other girls while i do.
Me and my friend started talkin about my ex when we first started drinkin at his parents place before we went down to his place, and i'm realizing more and more each day that i really am happy right now. I still don't know how i'll feel when i see her though, it's gonna be tough i think because deep down i'm not really totally over her, but i've gotten to that level of acceptance in knowing that its not gonna happen for a while, and it might not ever happy again with us. But there's SO many fuckin girls out there, i think right now i just need to get laid really really badly and i'll be even more happy. Then i'll just let things go the way they go.

Chest, Triceps and abs tomorrow.

Thanks for reading everyone, hope others are learning from my mistakes.
This is my new training split...

Monday - Chest, Triceps, Abs
Tuesday - Back, Biceps, Cavs
Wednesday - Off
Thursday - Shoulders, Abs
Friday - Off
Saturday - Quads, Hams, Cavs
Sunday - Off

Hopefully i'll go to the gym, but i'm fearing that i might run into my boss because one of the stores i was supposed to do today is right next to my gym and i called in sick and he's doing my run. But he should be long gone, we'll see what happens.
That's a good split, Buff.

I do one almost exactly the same but with the bis and tris switched around.
thanks bean, i think it's a good one myself. I've never tried one like this before so hopefully it'll help out a bit. I'm actually on my way to the gym right now so when i get back i'll post how it went. I'm not feeling AS sick as i was earlier, but i know i'm not 100%, but i gotta workout today.
Monday Feb.16/04

-Not bad, honestly not bad, i'm sick but i've been eating like crazy. Had a few protein shakes, 50mg andro, vitamins, potato's, chicken breast, oatmeal, can of tuna, blah blah blah. Turned out good today.

-Oh yeah, ended up doing my new workout, minus the abs cause my buddy had to go to work and i was driving so i'll do them in a bit at home. Started with flat bench dumbbell's, did the 60's for 10 reps, then i grabbed the 75's and did 8 reps. Then i was like fuck it gotta try heavier, so i grabbed the 85's and did 7 reps (last one was assisted). Then we did incline barbell press. Haven't done that in a WHILE so it felt weird, and we just brought a bench up to the squat rack because that's basically all you can do at our gym. Did 135 for 10 reps, then just stayed with 2 more sets of 155 for 8 reps. Then i did flat bench fly's, first a set with the 30's for 10 reps, then 2 sets of 6 and 7 reps with the 45's.
Then i did triceps, just did skullcrushers (with the dumbbell) seated. Did the 60lber for 10, then the 80lber for 7 reps, then the 65lber for 8 reps. My triceps were killing by this point. Then i did triceps pushdowns, 50lbs for 12 reps, then 70lbs for 8 reps (2 sets). Then i just did 2 sets of dips to failure,,, for some reason my triceps felt great though. They were pretty pumped up.

-Was feelin depressed this morning, i think because i was sick for the last 2 days and felt like i wasn't gonna be working out or getting out of the house, but that all changed and i feel much better.
I've really gotta have sex soon, it's starting to get to me.
That is all for today, Back, Biceps and Calves tomorrow.
I'm slipping...

Tuesday Feb.17/04

-I was gonna start a meal plan today but i'm still sick, so i'm just trying to get it all in. So far i could be doing better.

-Although i shouldn't have even gone, i only ended up working back because i'm really sick today. Did one set of 5 reps of wide grip chins (felt gross), then i did lat pulldowns with 135lbs for 10 reps 3 sets. Then seated cable rows close grip with 120lbs, then 160lbs, then 140lbs. Then i did T-Bar rows, first set with 90lbs 12 reps, then 135lbs for 8 reps, then 90lbs again for 8 reps. Then i did dead lifts, did 135 for 10 reps, then 185 for 6, and that was it, i felt like fucking puking. Thought i was gonna pass out in the gym.

-I'm fucking slipping HARD... i feel so god damn depressed today it's unreal. I don't know what it's all about, but i'm in a deep deep depression. I think it's partially my cold, the fact that i'm so in debt, and that i have SO much fucking free time, and i really want a girlfriend. But i keep fucking thinking about my ex which is so god damn stupid!!! I'm getting SO pissed off about this too. Plus it's a really sunny day out and it seems like i'd be happy, but i'm so depressed that i just wish it was dark and cold out. I'm so lost with where i wanna be. I'm considering just packing up all my shit and driving until i run out of money. But what the fuck will that do for me? NOTHING.
I don't know, maybe i'm starting to look at life a LOT differently then most people would. I can't even put my finger on it.
I think the thing i hate most is the feeling of being alone. When i'm out and about and hanging with friends and meeting people then i'm doing good, but when i'm stuck at home doing fuck all i feel like SHIT and i start thinking way too much. And since i've been stuck here sick i'm slipping and feeling like shit and thinking too much.
Fuck i gotta stop this bullshit.
I hope i'm feeling better tomorrow, i'll do cardio and i might do biceps seeing as how i missed it today, only problem is, is that i worked back today, so i dunno, i'll at least do cardio and abs.
Thanks again to anyone who's been there for me and been encouraging me to keep working out, i appreciate it more then words can express. Till tomorrow.
Wednesday Feb.18/04

-Not all that great so far anyway. I still feel pretty sick and im' just tired, been lazing around all day.

-Day off today, but i did 3 sets of 10 on the ab ball, my head felt like it was gonna explode,,, it still does, i'm so fucking stuffed up, i'll attempt to do some push ups later on maybe.

-Uhh,, feel shitty today, so tired and stuffed up so much that it hurts. We're supposed to get quite the storm here in a few hours, which sucks cause i gotta work and i'll be out driving around in that shit. But i'll probably hook off work early because of it. What a shitty boring day.
yeah its raining over here.. los angeles... my suggestion would be to take a couple days off of working out, try and get over the sickness as much as possible... go to sleep early, bust some nyquil and pass out... just eat as much as you can, its a bitch when your sick, but whatever goes down is good... don't even wory about feeling depressed, because sooner or later shit comes together, and when that happens, it won't matter that things were bad before... good luck, and thats cool you didn't slack off on this journal... i was doing a diet log and some days i would just say fuck it... this will help alot of people, because everyone goes through shit. Reading this thing, you can actually see the ups and downs, and its a pattern so you know there is an up coming...
panteracfh said:
yeah its raining over here.. los angeles... my suggestion would be to take a couple days off of working out, try and get over the sickness as much as possible... go to sleep early, bust some nyquil and pass out... just eat as much as you can, its a bitch when your sick, but whatever goes down is good... don't even wory about feeling depressed, because sooner or later shit comes together, and when that happens, it won't matter that things were bad before... good luck, and thats cool you didn't slack off on this journal... i was doing a diet log and some days i would just say fuck it... this will help alot of people, because everyone goes through shit. Reading this thing, you can actually see the ups and downs, and its a pattern so you know there is an up coming...

Yeah depending on how i feel tomorrow i'll probably take the day off. But i definatly gotta get more food in, it is tough but i tried hard today and i'll keep it going tomorrow, i got my vitamins and a few protein shakes in with some good solid food today.
And as for the depression, i know it'll go away, it did not too long ago, but it just came back, i know it'll go away again SOON though.
And yeah i can't slack on this journal, because if i do, then i know i'll end up slacking more in the gym and in my diet. So i gotta keep it going, plus so i can look back and see why i was doing good or bad.
Thanks for reading too, hopefully my journal is a learning tool for you and others reading as well. Appreciate the comments. Thanks again.
Thursday Feb.19/04

-Well it's still the morning so i'm just gonna eat as much as i can. Not feeling AS sick today so i think i'll do alright.

-Can't train today. HUGE snow storm, they've actually called for a state of emergency here in Nova Scotia. I just finished shoveling the driveway, it's like i did it 5 times because there was like 4 feet of snow or more through the whole driveway. I guess i got a good cardio and arms and shoulder workout from it though. It's insane out. Basically everything is closed, even major highways, maybe i'll do a little light workout at home but maybe i should just get more rest today so my cold will be completely gone.

-Today is seriously gonna be SO fucking boring. I'm basically trapped inside with my family, and the power has gone out in a lot of places, if it goes out here i'm gonna go insane. At the end of the driveway there's still like 10 more feet out into the road that is like 4 feet high in snow because the plows only did the other side of the road. it's insane outside today, didn't expect it would be this bad and it's supposed to snow till near midnight tonight, then get freezing rain. I swear to fuck if they tell me i gotta work tonight i'm gonna tell them to shove it up their ass. Hopefully i'll find something to do today to keep myself occupied, or maybe i'll just sleep or some shit. Hopefully i'll get to do my workout tomorrow (shoulders). Till then.