12 week weight gainer

Thursday March 11/04

-Fairly decent today. I must start getting better sleep and taking more track of what i eat and when i eat.

-No training today.

-Well i passed my exam today, so now i'm almost certified as a Personal Trainer. Soon i will be training the fat and the old at a gym around here, but that is the first step in opening up my gym in the future. I will try and work my way up in the gym and learn how they work, blah blah blah, use that information for my own purposes, blah blah blah. Anyway, i'm pretty happy about that, feels like i actually accomplished something for once. Going out to meet the girl now, Shoulders and Abs tomorrow.
Friday March 12/04

-Pretty decent, got a lot of food in today.

-No training today, think i still needed a day of rest. DEFINATLY working out tomorrow though.

-Must start getting proper rest... and i think i should start sleeping at my own house. I end up being lazy all day when i don't. I'm gonna get the girl to start going to the gym, so that way i kill 2 birds with one stone... she gets more fit, and i do too.
I don't know why but i'm feeling so hazy today, like i'm just not there, or i'm reacting way too slow to things. Thank god i already finished that exam haha. anyway, shoulders and abs tomorrow for sure.
So i missed shoulders and legs last week,,, not too happy about that one,,, i'm not gonna stay completely sober for the next 2 weeks!!!

Monday March 15/04

-Decent,, been having bad sleep (getting too much) lately, so i woke up late, but i keep eating, had my vitamins and about to have a protein shake (need to buy more cause i'm almost out).

-Chest, Triceps and abs. Actually finished entire workout too, felt great. Did flat bench press, did 245 pounds for 2 reps (unassisted) today, that's the most i've ever done. Then did incline dumbbell press with the 90's for 5 reps, then did decline fly's with the 30's for warm up then the 40's for 2 sets. Went to close grip bench after that (135 pounds for 8-10 reps), did 3 sets, then did tricep pushdowns with the rope, then did dips with a 25 pound dumbbell between my feet, and i'd do about 8 reps, drop the dumbbell and do 4-6 more reps with no weight,,, fuckin killed the triceps.
Then did abs, did a set of hanging leg raises (12 reps), then did situps with twists with my buddy throwing me the 12 pound medicine ball, then did another set of leg raises, then the ab ball throwing again. Abs hurt, today was a really good workout. Can't wait for tomorrow's workout.

-Went to a movie last night with the girl and who did i see for the first time in 2 months? The ex and her boyfriend. I noticed them in the line buying tickets like 4 feet away from us, i just looked at her and made eye contact for a second, then i looked at her boyfriend for a few seconds, smiled while looking back at her, then just looked away and started walking with my girl. At first when i realized it was her my heart beated pretty fast and i was like thinkin "FUCK, what am i gonna do???",,, but i had no desire to even speak to her, so i just looked at them. I thought i'd be more pissed off when i saw her, but she didn't look that good at all, and her boyfriend isn't the least bit attractive, and neither one of them looked happy and they weren't talkin or anything,,, i sort of felt bad for her, thinkin hopefully she's not stuck in this relationship and can't get out (just the way she is), but then i thought,,, who gives a flying fuck? hahaha, at least now i know when i run into her i won't have any feelings for her and it'll be a lot easier to talk.
anyway, i need food. Tomorrow is Back, Biceps and Calves... till then.
bigbuffstaples said:

-Chest, Triceps and abs. Actually finished entire workout too, felt great. Did flat bench press, did 245 pounds for 2 reps (unassisted) today, that's the most i've ever done. Then did incline dumbbell press with the 90's for 5 reps, then did decline fly's with the 30's for warm up then the 40's for 2 sets. Went to close grip bench after that (135 pounds for 8-10 reps), did 3 sets, then did tricep pushdowns with the rope, then did dips with a 25 pound dumbbell between my feet, and i'd do about 8 reps, drop the dumbbell and do 4-6 more reps with no weight,,, fuckin killed the triceps.
Then did abs, did a set of hanging leg raises (12 reps), then did situps with twists with my buddy throwing me the 12 pound medicine ball, then did another set of leg raises, then the ab ball throwing again. Abs hurt, today was a really good workout. Can't wait for tomorrow's workout.

-Went to a movie last night with the girl and who did i see for the first time in 2 months? The ex and her boyfriend. I noticed them in the line buying tickets like 4 feet away from us, i just looked at her and made eye contact for a second, then i looked at her boyfriend for a few seconds, smiled while looking back at her, then just looked away and started walking with my girl. At first when i realized it was her my heart beated pretty fast and i was like thinkin "FUCK, what am i gonna do???",,, but i had no desire to even speak to her, so i just looked at them. I thought i'd be more pissed off when i saw her, but she didn't look that good at all, and her boyfriend isn't the least bit attractive, and neither one of them looked happy and they weren't talkin or anything,,, i sort of felt bad for her, thinkin hopefully she's not stuck in this relationship and can't get out (just the way she is), but then i thought,,, who gives a flying fuck? hahaha, at least now i know when i run into her i won't have any feelings for her and it'll be a lot easier to talk.
anyway, i need food. Tomorrow is Back, Biceps and Calves... till then.

She's the past man. You've moved on. Good on you.

Have you started to notice any improvements? Strength wise or on your overal look?
prl said:
She's the past man. You've moved on. Good on you.

Have you started to notice any improvements? Strength wise or on your overal look?

Thanks, it's true, i feel like i've moved on,,, a lot of people say "It takes a girl to get over a girl",,, i think in a way that's true but not entirely. I've got a new girl now but she's no rebound, i really like her.

And i'm really starting to notice gains actually. I mean 2 months ago when i got back into lifting, i was having trouble pushing 185 on bench for even 5 reps, and the other day i did 245 for 2 reps, it's the most i've EVER done on bench. I'm noticing a lot of strength gains, and i've still yet to "plateau" as they are still increasing, which i'm really happy about.

But also i've noticed that my chest is coming up a lot more now, i've been trying to eat as much as i can,, i'm sort of noticing a loss in the abs, but it doesn't matter because i'm trying to put on size and their still really strong, and when i flex you can feel them. I know they'll come back, but i've neglected them a bit in the past week or more. But i'm tryin to stay as focused and serious as possible, so i think i'm doing well. Hopefully in a few weeks when i notice more of a difference in appearance i'll put some new pics up in the members pics section so others can judge if i've improved at all.

Thanks again for taking note and interest in my progress, and if anyone has any tips or suggestions about my workouts or eating, give me hell cause i'll take all the advice i can get.
This is for yesterday's post that i missed...

Tuesday March 16/04

-It was good, but i had about 7 hours of NO food at all cause i kind of got fucked over at work and was stuck without taking a break. But i ate like a mother fucker after it, so i guess i made up for it in a way. I was so pissed off that i had no food for that long, so i woke up in the middle of the night last night and got some food, which wasn't the greatest idea, but i was so damn hungry.

-Didn't do any actually... i was going to, but i was still sore from the workout from the day before, so i figured i'd take another day of rest.

-Pretty boring day, just worked, then ate and hung out with the girl, watched a movie i've seen a bunch of times and fell asleep. I've been sleeping a bit too much lately, if anyone reads this, any tips you think i could do to not be so tired? something im' lacking in my diet maybe?

I might post about it to get more suggestions... Back, Biceps and Calves (maybe a bit of abs too) tomorrow. (which is really today)
WOW,,, i'm about to go to the gym but i just spent the last little while reading my entire journal.... a LOT can happen in 2 months, both mentally and physically to a person. I had a lot of ups and downs,,, and i'm already lookin back thinking "What the fuck was wrong with me?",,, but that's the whole point of this journal.
Thanks for anyone who read and posted with positive comments,,,, appreciate it a lot.
Anyway i'm off to the gym now, so i'll post how it went when i get back.
Posting for yesterday...

Wednesday March 17/04

-VERY good today, i don't know why but i was constantly hungry and i just kept eating. It was a good day for food intake.

-Back and Biceps. Couple sets of wide grip chins, then lat pulldowns (overhand grip semi wide), then seated cable rows (180 pounds about 6-8 reps each set), then did t-bar rows (close grip) with 135 pounds. then Deadlifts, first set with 135lbs, then 2 sets with 185lbs, felt weaker on deads today cause i haven't done em in a few weeks. Gonna try 225 next week.
Biceps, did straight bar curls, first set with the 70lb bar, then 2 sets with the 100lb bar, then grabbed the olympic bar and did 8 reps right after the last set with the 100lb bar. Then did Hammer Curls (dumbbells), first set with 45lb dumbbells, then 2 sets with the 50's finishing with a set of the 30's, then concentration curls with 20's and 30's. Good workout, great pump.

-Was very pleased with the food intake, gonna try and do the same for tomorrow (today). At night just worked, and went to a movie with the girl and some friends, saw Spartan, half decent movie, i was in a good mood all day, cause i was happy about how much food i was getting in and shit like that.
Thursday March 18/04

-Pretty good so far, could be better though, but it's only early afternoon.

-Don't think i'm gonna train today, still got a sore body from yesterday's workout, so it's either work shoulders or legs today, and they both sort of hurt, so i think i should take a day off to rest some more and just eat well, MIGHT do some abs, don't know yet.

-Woke up early today and picked up the girl, she came over and helped clean my room, it's been literally like 3 months since i've cleaned it... we were finding shit like notes from my ex, but she wouldn't read them, and i just said fuck it and threw them out... i read a few things and it kind of hit home with the stuff she said in them, but the past is the past so i just threw all the cards and notes and shit like that from her out. Sadly we actually had a fun time, and my girlfriend actually likes cleaning rooms which is sweet cause i fuckin hate it, but i had to take her to a hair appointment where she is right now and i'm stuck cleaning up the rest of the mess cause we didn't finish... so i guess i'll go do that then go to work, yay,,, probably do shoulders tomorrow if i can fit it in between the work shifts. till then.
sounds like your doing good now... thats tight you guys cleaned your room together... thats pretty personal.. anyway i just read your first post and didn't ask before, why no steroids yet? is it yet or no steroids ever? also how old are you?
panteracfh said:
sounds like your doing good now... thats tight you guys cleaned your room together... thats pretty personal.. anyway i just read your first post and didn't ask before, why no steroids yet? is it yet or no steroids ever? also how old are you?

Yeah it is kind of personal, plus i didn't know what we would end up finding, but it was all good, like i've only known her for just over 2 weeks and we're just clicking really well.

And i wouldn't say no steroids EVER,,, i'm only 20, in like 2 weeks i'll be 21, but i'm poor as fuck haha, and i still think i can reach more gains and goals naturally for now,,, once i hit plateau's that i feel i can't overcome, then i'll really consider juicing, till then it's all natural.

I am doing fairly well now, still get depressed about shit, but it's more so that i can't figure out what i wanna do in life,,, i still think i wanna open up a gym so i'm gonna try and head in that direction. Thanks for the interest in my journal, keep readin, there's always more to come.
Friday March 19/04

-Fairly decent considering... Feelin better now, it's 3:30 in the afternoon and i'm gonna try and get some more food in.

-No training today, gonna do shoulders and abs tomorrow instead of today (which really should have been done yesterday).

-Fuck,,, after work last night i went over to the girls place, and 2 of her friends (one of em is my friend) came over and they all started drinking... now i was gonna go sober for 2 weeks, and they were like "Come on, let's just go downtown" and she said she'd pay for me and stuff, i refused it,,,, for a bit, then i was like "Ah fuck it i'll have one beer",,, then 3 beer later i was like "I dunno, i MIGHT go out", then the girl went upstairs to get changed and get ready to go out, so i started drinking her wine,,, then she came downstairs and fuck she looked awesome, i could hardly take my eyes off of her,,, i was like "Alright i GOTTA go down now", so we went upstairs and i had a few shots of Gin (straight), then rum (straight), and she said bring it downstairs,, so i started gettin all shitty, i was geared up to go out at this point.. so i gave her twin sister my car keys cause she was gonna drive us down and pick us up. We were all chillin in the basement, then i went up to the main level to take a piss, and when i came out she met up and i was like "where you headin?" and she was like "I wanted to meet you up here",,, she wanted to fuck on the couch in the living room,,, now i didn't care about her sister or the 2 friends catching us (which they all would have), but her parents were upstairs, and haha, i dno't know if i posted this before, but the first night i went out drinking with her i ended up staying the night (before i even met her father, who is pretty overprotective of her), so we didn't start off on a good foot at all,,, so i was like "Yea,,, i dunno" cause all i could picture was him catching us and it wouldn't be pretty haha. But then we just went downtown, had a wicked time, got retarded, went to sleep just after 3 in the morning, had to work at 7am, didn't start till 10am, runnin off of not much sleep right now, so i'm gonna go get some sleep before work.

I just really posted this because i had a wicked night and i wanna remember in my head the night that she looked the way she did,,, fuck she looked amazing. hahahah, plus one of the guys we were with got kicked out of the bar withint 10 minutes, christ he was smashed. Reading this in the future will let me see some of the really good times i've had when i look back.

God damn i wish i got a picture of her last night.

Anyway, DEFINATLY workin shoulders tomorrow, and abs,,, but i'm off to get some sleep, then back to work, till tomorrow.
Saturday March 20/04

DAMN!!! First day of spring!!! about fuckin time.

-Very well so far, i keeps gettin hungry, and i keeps eatin.

-None, been workin all day so far, work till 9 tonight.

-In a good mood, actually got decent sleep last night, workin 12-9 today, i keep stoppin back in at home to get food (cause i'm flat broke) and tomorrow i'm gonna do shoulders and legs and abs to make up for the last few days, it's gonna be rough but i'll get through it. Till then.
Sunday March 21/04

-Pretty good actually, just kept eating, had vitamins and a shake after the gym, rice, tuna, chicken, etc. all day.

-Did Shoulders. Started with standing military press (barbell) with 70lb bar for 12 reps, then 115 for 8 reps, then 135 for 4 reps, then did a super set with 115 for 6 and 70 for 8 reps. Then did side, front and back lateral raises, got up to the 35's for 6 reps for side and front, and the 30's for back lateral raises. Then did upright rows, just did the 70lb bar for 3 sets of 8-10 reps. Then did dumbbell shrugs with 65's for 10, then 90's for 8, then the 75's for 8 supersetted with the 55's for 8. Weights at this gym were huge because they were rubber, it was fucked up.

-pretty lazy day, went to gym late in the afternoon,, but still went. (I.G.H.) got some cash so i can get some protein and shit tomorrow, wanna start putting on more size. Rest tomorrow, gotta work a LONG shift.
Monday March 22/04

-Fairly decent, couldda been better, but worked a LONG ass shift today, 14 hours, hard to eat when you gotta work for 14 fuckin hours.


-LONG day, very tired, not so long of a day tomorrow, plus i went out and bought some more protein powder, frozen yogurt, pinapple juice and Mammoth 2500, hopefully i'll put on some more size now. Chest, Triceps and Abs tomorrow.
Tuesday March 23/04

-GOOD, had my mammoth in a shake that added up to like 1500 calories, had that with oatmeal for breakfast, went a few hours without food, then went to the girls place and ate there, then ate a few more times at night, went well, tomorrow should be MUCH better then today too.

-Chest, triceps and abs.
flat bench dumbbell, set 1 was 10 reps (55lbs), set 2 was 10 reps (80lbs), set 3 was 7 reps (90 lbs), then grabbed 60's for 6 reps.
decline dumbbell press, set 1 and 2 were 8 reps (65lbs).
incline dumbbell flys, set 1 was 10 reps (35lbs), set 2 was 8 reps (50lbs), set 3 was 7 reps (55lbs) then 6 reps (30lbs).

skull crushers (dumbbell), set 1 was 12 reps (60lbs), set 2 was 8 reps (80lbs), set 3 was 7 (almost 8) reps (90lbs), then grabbed the 60 and did 8 reps.
dips, did 3 sets from 10-12 reps,
overhead triceps extension (one hand), did 2 sets of 10 with the 20lb dumbbell.

2 sets of about 20-25 reps with my buddy throwin me the 12lb medicine ball, was on more of a decline this time too (different gym).

-Wicked workout, didn't get the food i should have in quick enough though, missed out on my vitamins and post workout shake, fuckin girlfriend, tomorrow i think it'll be a LOT better cause i don't gotta work till 6 at night. Back and Bi's tomorrow (with calves this time).
Wednesday March 24/04

-Good, just kept eating all day.

-Back and Biceps, didn't get calves in, wasn't pleased about that but i'm probably gonna do legs tomorrow so i guess it's not so bad.
Lat Pulldowns, 4 sets, 150lbs for 8-10 reps.
Seated Cable Rows (close grip), 4 sets, 120lbs, then 180lbs, then a super set with 200lbs and dropped down to 120lbs again.
T-Bar Rows, 90lbs (2 sets), then 135lbs for 8 reps

Straight bar barbell curls, 70lbs for 12 reps, then 100lbs (2 sets) for 5-6 reps, dropped back to 60lb bar on last set (superset).
Dumbbell curls, first set with the 40's for 8 reps, then 2 sets with the 50's for 5 reps, then dropped to 30's on last set for 6 reps.

That was it, no deadlifts or preachur curls cause i was late for work.

-Ate very well today, but didn't get to complete my workout, but i was tired as fuck and sore from yesterday's workout. If i'm feelin up to it i'm gonna work legs tomorrow, we'll see. Till then.
Thursday and Friday,,,

Didn't train these last 2 days, it's now saturday and i AM going to the gym today for sure.

Ate fairly well last 2 days, just didn't train.

-Gonna start up a strict diet and workout schedual,,, i'm gettin the woman in the gym this week and we're gonna workout together and shit, and go for jogs and stuff like that, so it'll help me out even more since i don't do like ANY cardio. Shoulders and abs today, then going away tonight so might not be able to post the workout till tomorrow.
Saturday March 27/04

-Can't remember, probably half decent.

-Didn't end up going

-Too much fucking drama in life sometimes... the ex was sayin shit about my friend apparantly saying shit about some other guy cheatin on his girl, somehow me and my other buddy got involved, considered calling the ex but was way too pissed off and didn't wanna flip out and say stupid shit, had to cool down and try and figure out what the fuck was going on.
Sunday March 28/04

-Pretty shitty actually, the last few days have been shit.

-No training yet again, went out to a party last night, car broke down, hung over/tired today, weird fuckin weekend so far.

-Actually it was yesterday that i called the ex about all this shit, i heard about her talkin shit friday night, that's when i didn't call (it's tuesday today, i'm far behind on this log right now). I told the new girl what was going on and she was like "Just call your ex" but i didn't want to cause of how angry i'd be, but yesterday morning my buddy called me up and said she changed her story about what she said and got another one of my friends involved... basically a bunch of us were PISSED at my ex. So i called her up cause i heard someone else might be threatening her and yeah fuck it i'll admit i was kind of worried, so i called and was like "Hey what's going on?" and she was kind of surprised to hear from me and was just like "Hey not much, what's going on with you?" and i was like "Alright i'm just gonna cut the shit and get to the point" and i just got to the bottom of things.
I was on the phone with her for like 45 minutes, it was fucked, that's more talking with her in one session then i have the entire last few months, it was really fuckin weird. And my girlfriend now got worried and started thinking maybe we were talking about hooking back up, and now she's all worried, and it's pissing me off, cause NOTHING is gonna happen with the ex and me. I've noticed lately that i just can't put up with a lot of shit anymore, and i really do feel like there's too much fucking drama in life, and i'm tired of being involved in it. I don't wanna act too quickly but i'm really not all that sure how much i wanna be with the girl i'm with,,, so i'm gonna slow it down like crazy, i only talked to her yesterday for about 5-10 minutes, and i haven't talked to her yet today (note, it's tuesday today, not sunday, i'm just far behing on the log as i've stated). I don't plan on calling her today either,,, i think i fear committment right now, which is fine, because i was committed for 3 fucking years and look what it did to me.
I've also realized that i've been neglecting going to the gym like crazy the last few days, because i was starting to consume myself with hanging out with the girl and my other friends way too much and totally skipping out on going to the gym... NOT gonna happen anymore.