12 week weight gainer

Saturday May 29/04

Well, i actually have been working out lately, but i haven't posted a single workout yet. I can't even remember where i ended off last, i see it was a week ago, i just never have as much time to sit around on here and post stuff, and when i get home someone's usually on the computer so i don't get as much of a chance. I've stopped my cycle (not sure if i mentioned that, too lazy to read back), but i'm waiting till i get the cash so i can get it all at once, blah blah, hopefully soon i'll get to start it back up, also workin on a diet for myself for the summer that i hope to follow.

The gym i work at is pretty shitty, heaviest dumbbell is 60lbs and the heaviest barbell is 40lbs,,, but mostly women go to this university so that's why. But it's better this way, because i'm like one of the biggest strongest guys there and there's not many guys around so it'll probably be pretty easy to pick up there, plus they've got a bar just down the hall from the gym. Some smokin hot girls were already workin out on my first shift yesterday, i started talkin to one of em. Also got to workout and get paid for it. What a job haha.

Gonna go eat and get ready then do shoulders. Hopefully i'll get a chance to post the workout later today. But so far basically all the weights are the same, i'm gettin a few more reps then i usually do though. Till then.
That's right nagga'z i'm back...

Tuesday June 1st/04

-Eating like a mother fucker today, not gonna stop either.

-Shoulders and abs and 10 minutes of cardio on the bike.

Seated Dumbbell press:
warm up with 40's for 12 reps, then 3 sets of 7-8 reps with the 60's

Upright Rows:
first set with 40lb bar, then 3 sets with the 70lb bar (gotta increase weight as time goes on)

Barbell Shrugs (behind the back)
First set with 135lbs, then 2 sets with 185lbs, then back to 135 for last set.

Dumbbell Shrugs:
60's, 2 sets with 80's, then 60's again.

Lateral Raises (side):
3 sets of 10 reps with 25's

Lateral Raises (back):
3 sets of 10 with the 25's

Lateral Raises (front):
Took a 45lb plate and did 3 sets of 10 with that, something different for a change.


hanging leg raises:
3 sets of 15-20

Crunches (throwing the 12lb medicine ball):
2 sets of about 15 reps, i went really slow and held the ball over my head for most of them, fuck my abs are gonna kill tomorrow.

Then i did 2 sets of 25 push ups cause i was with 3 other people and didn't wanna stand around and talk while they did their sets on abs...

Then i did 10 minutes of cardio on the bike,,, fucking KILLED my legs.
Wicked workout today.

-I'm doing a competition with my buddy right now, we set it up today. Basically, he's tryin to lose weight and i'm trying to gain weight, but the way it goes is, we'll have a few people judge our body's now and get measurements done, then i get 1 month (because i'm genetically superior to him haha) and he has 2 months... after the first month our judges will see how much i've improved, then after that we have one more month of waitin on him and we'll see how much he's improved,,, whoever does the best wins (i'm so fucking confident, i'm gonna kill him),,, and it was HIS idea, but he was like "If you win, you get my girlfriend, and if i win, i get whatever girl your with at the time" and he's praying it's the one i'm with right now. Thing is, the girl i'm seeing won't get with him for sure cause she's not like that, but his girl hahaha, she liked me before she met him so we both joke about hooking up in front of him all the time, he knows it's all joking around though, but she'd probably go through with this, which is cool with me, but the thing im' doing this for, is just so it'll give me more motivation to reach my goals, i need that right now.

Also, saw the ex girlfriend i was with for 3 years last night for the first time in about 3 or 4 months,,, and what sucks is she looked fucking amazing, because the last time i saw her she looked gross, and now i'll have this as my new image of her,,, i wanna shave her head and be like "HAHHA your ugly!!" but i wouldn't ever do that. I only drove past her so she never noticed me, but i have to get a tent from her SOON so i'll see her face to face for the first time since we really broke up very soon. It's gonna be fuckin weird.
It's fucked that i still think she looks so good, the girl i'm with now the majority of people would say is like 10 times hotter then that ex, but not in my mind, which is shitty, but whatever,,, i'm focusing on getting huge and winning this comp. with my buddy.

This is a long post because i had a wicked workout and i'm havin a good day so far, so fuck it,,, legs tomorrow.
Wednesday June 2/04

-Pretty good, just keep eating yet again.

-Legs and cardio

Leg press:
3 sets of 540lbs for 6-8 reps

Leg Curls:
110lbs for 10 reps (3 sets)

Leg extensions:
3 sets of 120lbs for 10 reps

Straight Leg Deadlifts:
3 sets of 135lbs for 8 reps (gotta work on that one)

Seated Calve Raises (That montana one beans was talkin about):
Did the best i could and got 75 reps of 70lbs

Standing calve raises:
1 set of 150lbs for 15 reps.

then did 15 minutes on the Olyptical Trainer (whatever its' called)... fuck i was sweating bad.

Great workout though.

-Might have a new job paying very good money, waiting on the call back. So far so good, 2 days in a row, and tomorrow i'm just gonna do abs and cardio. Till then.
string_bean00 said:
Where's the squats at, Buff?

hahahah, i knew someone would notice,,, yeah when i got there a guy was already using the bar for squats, and he just started, so i was like "Fuck it, i'll do leg press", and when i finished he was still using the bar, so i did the leg curls and extensions, but by then it was painful in the legs so i said fuck squats, i'll just do straight leg deads... next time i'll hit squats for sure, but i mean i'm really just gettin back into it cause i fucked off for a while there, and i always neglected legs.
Saturday June 12/04

I haven't been keeping up with this log cause i'm not around as much, but i have been keeping up with my workouts, the weight is pretty consistant.

I've been pretty fuckin depressed again lately too, i bet it has a LOT to do with my old ex from months ago that i was with for like 3 years. I ended up talking to her today too actually and that kind of fucked with my head. Gotta try and not think about that shit though, don't wanna lose motivation or anything, gotta think positive and happy things.

Anyway, hopefully i'll keep up with this journal more often so i'll see the progress of the weights, sets, and reps.
Wednesday June 16/04

Been eating quite a bit lately, but still keeping low body fat which is nice. I've just been maintaining but not going as well as i'd like. I gotta get my shit together and get ready for my test cycle that should come up soon if i can get some cash.

On a personal note,,, the girl i'm seeing is leaving in like 2 weeks for Quebec and i was talking today to my last ex about hooking up again. I just gotta call up my buddy who used to go out with her and if he says he's completely cool with us being together then we're gonna try it again, cause we both like each other still and she's over him for sure now and we joke about hooking up.... so why not try it?

Anyway, i think i'm gonna hit the weights tonight too,,, won't get to post the results yet again though... soon i'll get back into this log.
Friday June 18/04

Did legs yesterday, only squated 185 for 8 reps, straight leg deads with 135 (3 sets of 10), leg press with 600lbs for 6 reps, leg extensions and leg curls, then that montana calve raise (seated with 90lbs),,, weak leg day but i felt it today so i took today off. Shoulders tomorrow.
Sat. June 19th/04

ate a lot of food all day and night.

Did shoulders and abs.

dumbbell pressed the 70's for 6 reps, lat raises with the 30's (25's bent over, and the olympic bar for fronts). Barbell shrugs with 225lbs, upright rows with 70lbs.

Not a bad shoulder day, then i just did 2 sets of hanging leg raises (15 reps).

Today is really sunday so i'll post again later if i can, doing chest today.
Sunday June 20/04

Chest today.

Benched 250 for 3 reps (not bad for the break i had really)

inclined the 85's
declined the 60's (3 sets, felt weak on those for sure)
flat bench flys with the 40's.

Pretty decent workout. Feelin it in the chest for sure.
Gonna eat a lot for the rest of the day/night, then back tomorrow.
it's july 2 now........ i've drank and smoked myself retarded all day and night for the last 2 or 3 days now. Time to take today as a recovery day and get back into this soon.

Don't know if i'll stop this log and do a new one or keep this one going. We'll see.
July 8/04

Possibly the last post in this Journal,,, i'm thinking about starting fresh with a new one and keep serious with it. I just bought a bunch of stuff,,, got my multi vitamins, glutamine, dextrose and maladextrose and some protein bars,,, might throw in a 10 week cycle of Test in there in a few months.

I've been sick for a few days now and i'm just gettin over it, just nasty cough and stuffed up a lot, drinkin a lot the last 2 weeks too. Ended up hookin up with an ex girlfriend last night too,,, i think now she thinks we're together, ehh,,, fuck it.

Might post in this soon, might make a new one starting for Sunday... i'm badly outta shape i think and i'll take before pics and shit and try and take the next journal very serious.
rachat de credit

I love reading your site for the reason that you can constantly get us fresh and awesome things, I feel that I should at least say thanks for your hard work.

- Henry