19 year old test 250 8 week cycle


New member
Hi, I'm starting my cycle of test 250 for 8 weeks.. I am 19 years old 170lbs 5'8 I know I'm young but I don't care, I'm looking to use estrogen blockers and just want to know what is going to happen to me long term and short term. I'm doing this regardless just want someone's input that had experience. Don't talk me out of it...
Your endocrine system could stop developing. You could get gyno, you could not have any complications at all.
I understand that I could screw with my natural hormones but would pct fix that.. Looking for an honest answer not just a "too young" response
The honest answer is there is no guarantee for anything with AAS. You could follow perfect protocol for pct and still not recover, or you could use no pct and have a chance of great recovery. The odds of not recovering correctly increase with a young (less than 25) person.
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Did you read MrRippedZillas thread that is linked to which provides medical studies regarding using AAS at your age? There is your answer.

And no, PCT is never a guarantee.
Not worth it buddy. You'll look back and know you made a mistake. Spend some time researching, and If you're honest with yourself, you'll know you shouldn't pick up the needle.

Good Luck
Hi, I'm starting my cycle of test 250 for 8 weeks.. I am 19 years old 170lbs 5'8 I know I'm young but I don't care, I'm looking to use estrogen blockers and just want to know what is going to happen to me long term and short term. I'm doing this regardless just want someone's input that had experience. Don't talk me out of it...

Bro, wait a few more years, the words, "I do not care", will get you into alot of trouble when your messing with AAS. Take the advice from the vets here, its going to be a sad day for you, your friends and your parents if you go into AAS aimlessly and without cares.
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Not looking to shut you down but if you are looking to gain mass you can do this without any gear, it's all about nutrition , what you put in your body is what you will get out of it. I do not personally think this is a wise choice, but then again this is not MY choice to make..... Like you stated "I'm doing this regardless just want someone's input that had experience. Don't talk me out of it..."

I do not believe you will get support with this here.

Delta Zulu
my recommendation is to hire 3J as a couch at your age your natural production of testosterone is high. With 3J making a diet and plan for you, if followed correctly you can make amazing gains naturally at this point. i would give consideration to spending the money on that instead of aas.
thats nice.. lets give the kid advice to run a cycle.. smart man!! iv edited your post

No problem. I didn't see it as advice being I stated how pointless and stupid it was at least 3 times and told him why.

I get it no biggie
You obviously won't listen to reasoning so I'm going to try to appeal to your ego. I started when I was 18 and did everything right except I was way too young and it was an oral only cycle. My pct was perfect and I still didn't recover. Even ran another one a few months later. I'm on TRT for life now.

Now, you might be thinking that it's no big deal, just an injection twice a week for the rest of your life. It takes 10 minutes tops, but I recently switched from the gel to the needle for TRT so there was a time when my test levels were low despite being on TRT. Not to mention there are other things that can go wrong that you don't have to worry about if you have normal natural test levels.

I said all that to tell you that recently I went to hook up with a chick that I had been bugging a mutual friend about to introduce us for months. We went on a date, we were about to hook up and I couldn't get it up because I was switching from the gel to the needle. I had been trying to get with her for months and my dick wouldn't work when it was finally about to happen.

You do not know what disappointment and awkward is until you're about to hook up with a 10/10 and you have to explain to her why your dick won't get hard at 21 years old. She hasn't talked to me since. All because I wanted to build some muscles fast at 18 years old.

Edit: Also I'm pretty sure I am unable to grow a decent beard because of this.
You obviously won't listen to reasoning so I'm going to try to appeal to your ego. I started when I was 18 and did everything right except I was way too young and it was an oral only cycle. My pct was perfect and I still didn't recover. Even ran another one a few months later. I'm on TRT for life now.

Now, you might be thinking that it's no big deal, just an injection twice a week for the rest of your life. It takes 10 minutes tops, but I recently switched from the gel to the needle for TRT so there was a time when my test levels were low despite being on TRT. Not to mention there are other things that can go wrong that you don't have to worry about if you have normal natural test levels.

I said all that to tell you that recently I went to hook up with a chick that I had been bugging a mutual friend about to introduce us for months. We went on a date, we were about to hook up and I couldn't get it up because I was switching from the gel to the needle. I had been trying to get with her for months and my dick wouldn't work when it was finally about to happen.

You do not know what disappointment and awkward is until you're about to hook up with a 10/10 and you have to explain to her why your dick won't get hard at 21 years old. She hasn't talked to me since. All because I wanted to build some muscles fast at 18 years old.

Edit: Also I'm pretty sure I am unable to grow a decent beard because of this.

Thank you this is the kind of answer I am looking for. Any more people with experience from taking it at this age? Also how can taking just 250mg be a problem , doesn't seem like enough to really screw with me
I'm going to make this as easy as I can for you.



You've been given the link to these threads already by multiple members but clearly haven't bothered to read them so I'm giving you a direct link to the EXACT posts that explain the dangers of cycling too young, regardless of the dose your using (suppression is suppression).

Everything in those posts are FACTS - so if you read it and still want to try and convince yourself that its fine to cycle at your age, your automatically showing everyone that your an irrational person who's not worth helping any further :)
Thank you this is the kind of answer I am looking for. Any more people with experience from taking it at this age? Also how can taking just 250mg be a problem , doesn't seem like enough to really screw with me

Shutting down your HPTA is shutting down your HPTA. It doesn't matter if its a 10g of test of 250mg.

This shows that you have no clue to what you are wanting to undertake.

My advice, stop acting like every other entitled kid out there and put in some fucking hard work. Diet and training both. There are no shortcuts.
Shut down is more dependent on how long you are on, not doses. Dose doesn't effect shut down AFAIK.

I did a cycle for 4 weeks. 2 PCTs and 2 years later my test levels were 220 ng/dl. Even with that short cycle, I was still shutdown. Not sure if I'll even be able to have kids.

Seriously reconsider.

I know you won't though. You're waiting for just one guy who cycled at 18 and is fine to chime in. He's the exception, not the rule. You most likely won't be so lucky.

But really. Think about it. You're naked in bed with a chick who's better looking than anyone else you've ever been with and you cannot get hard.
Thank you this is the kind of answer I am looking for. Any more people with experience from taking it at this age? Also how can taking just 250mg be a problem , doesn't seem like enough to really screw with me

so what youre saying is you think there is a difference between 250mg and 500mg in terms of shut down and recovery..

you got alot to learn kid.. which is why no one here is condoning what youre planning on doing