How's PCT going?
you are not going to log your post cycle therapy (pct)? most important part of any log IMO...
Nice man looking forward to seeing some pics, hope post cycle therapy (pct) goes well.
great thread mate! im just gathering info before i start my first cycle, im planning to take dbol with my test what is you opinion of this?
Thanks for this log, massive help to me. Just researching my first cycle options andthis has been the most helpful info so far
its all good am also on second inject and creatine, profuel,and the whey protein am cutting well as had msc but weight down to 11 3/4 stone at first know 12st 8lbsTuesday, Sept. 13th
Its been 1 week, 2 days since my last inject and im feeling pretty good. I had a killer shoulder workout today. Also made a PR on shoulder press machine
Shoulder press: 230x10, 240x8, 250x8
Today i bought some SizeOn intra workout creatine and mixed it with some regular monohydrate creatine. Looking forward to begin creatine again.
My post cycle therapy (pct) as well as IGF-1 starts this sunday.
my weight was down due to accident am eating for england good mix am also just getting the extra stamina and no aches unless lifting on my four hard a week and three mediium but i am getting my mind on just steds and eating and liftingam also doing first cycle for a time am doing 20 mg dbol and sustabolic 250 1.5ml weekly all good so far second week cutting nice and am eating/lifting hard.
its all good am also on second inject and creatine, profuel,and the whey protein am cutting well as had msc but weight down to 11 3/4 stone at first know 12st 8lbs
I'm hoping to keep 195-205 after my cycle also. Can't wait to start my detailed log. Waiting on my student loans to order!!!!
ya 190 would be great. i bet u will keep a couple more pounds if you stay on top of your game tho!!