1st Cycle: Test E (500/wk)

Sept. 11th

For those of you wondering how post cycle is going...not post cycle therapy (pct) yet.

I have been off for one week and dont feel too different, just the thought in my head about being off. My weight is at 196. 2 lbs down from 2 weeks ago, mostly bc of diet. Ive been so busy w school, but my diet is NOW back in check.

I began taking SizeOn creatine today and will for one month and then cycle off for a week or two. Hopefully this will help me keep my strength/weight up some.
IGF will start in one week along w clomid and nolva.

i shot 300ius of Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) today and am doing my last Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) inject tomorrow at 300iu. (thats all i have left). i havent been using my aromasin, but have it in case i notice any gyno,etc..

in the gym today i hit legs hard. i wanted to try 405 on squats but absolutley no one was in the gym today so i used the smith machine to be safe and to get use to that weight some before i use the squat rack. i got 405x7,5,3. not too bad : )
quick question

great thread mate! im just gathering info before i start my first cycle, im planning to take dbol with my test what is you opinion of this?


Thanks for this log, massive help to me. Just researching my first cycle options andthis has been the most helpful info so far
Tuesday, Sept. 13th

Its been 1 week, 2 days since my last inject and im feeling pretty good. I had a killer shoulder workout today. Also made a PR on shoulder press machine

Shoulder press: 230x10, 240x8, 250x8

Today i bought some SizeOn intra workout creatine and mixed it with some regular monohydrate creatine. Looking forward to begin creatine again.

My PCT as well as IGF-1 starts this sunday.
my first cycle since jail am on 20mg dbol daily and 350 sutabolic weekly in week 2

am also doing first cycle for a time am doing 20 mg dbol and sustabolic 250 1.5ml weekly all good so far second week cutting nice and am eating/lifting hard.:biggthump:biggthump
Tuesday, Sept. 13th

Its been 1 week, 2 days since my last inject and im feeling pretty good. I had a killer shoulder workout today. Also made a PR on shoulder press machine

Shoulder press: 230x10, 240x8, 250x8

Today i bought some SizeOn intra workout creatine and mixed it with some regular monohydrate creatine. Looking forward to begin creatine again.

My post cycle therapy (pct) as well as IGF-1 starts this sunday.
its all good am also on second inject and creatine, profuel,and the whey protein am cutting well as had msc but weight down to 11 3/4 stone at first know 12st 8lbs
am also doing first cycle for a time am doing 20 mg dbol and sustabolic 250 1.5ml weekly all good so far second week cutting nice and am eating/lifting hard.:biggthump:biggthump
its all good am also on second inject and creatine, profuel,and the whey protein am cutting well as had msc but weight down to 11 3/4 stone at first know 12st 8lbs
my weight was down due to accident am eating for england good mix am also just getting the extra stamina and no aches unless lifting on my four hard a week and three mediium but i am getting my mind on just steds and eating and lifting
I'm hoping to keep 195-205 after my cycle also. Can't wait to start my detailed log. Waiting on my student loans to order!!!!
I'm hoping to keep 195-205 after my cycle also. Can't wait to start my detailed log. Waiting on my student loans to order!!!!

nice man. at the end of my cycle i was right at 196. a few weeks previous i was hitting 198.5 but was mostly some bloat i think.

Today i weighed in right between 195-196. My glutes look a little smaller than on cycle haha, but my strength is still there, as well as my upper body size. My arms might look barrrelllyyy smaller, but its probably my mind thinking that. im hoping to keep a minimum of 190.
Saturday, Sept. 17th

Today i began my IGF-1 LR3 4 week cycle!! post cycle therapy (pct) starts tomorrow as well.
I hit chest today, (without a spot, which was different), but i had a really solid workout and had a great pump. Throughout the next 4-6 weeks, im keeping my workouts around 45min-1 hr and doing heavier weight/less volume.

Gym: Chest
Flat DB: 110x8,6,5,5
Incline DB: 90x8x2, 95x6
DB Incline Flys: 45x10, 50x8x2
Cable Flys: 4 sets

When i got home from the gym i pinned 25mcg in each pec. The inject went alot easier than i thought it would go. Little sting from the acetic acid, but i diluted w some BW so it wasnt that bad. Tomorrow i begin clomid and nolva, as well as IGF pinning triceps.

I havent weighed myself this week, trying to stay off the scale. but my diet has been solid, lifts have been maintaing. I think ive lossed some water weight/bloat. I can def my arms are more defined and not as swelled up as they were.