Just to clarify randy, 3J only helped me get my diet in line before i even cycled. I am not a client because i didnt have the extra money for his diet expertise.
The first week in my post cycle therapy (pct) i had to subsitute some chicken and potatoes for maybe a hamburger or grilled chicken sandwich (cause of school), thats prob where i went wrong. Im sure if i was an actual client of 3J's, i would have kept alot of what i gained.
i really dont think you understood the point of my statement..
im not saying you didn't do it.. im saying you didn't do it optimally...
and to lose 50% of your gains is retarded post cycle.. dont fall into that myth..
with proper post cycle therapy (pct) drugs, a proper post cycle therapy (pct) diet to promote natty test recovery (yes boys, there are foods that you can eat that will help you recovery quicker) and a proper maint diet you would have held on to alot more of that....
all my clients who do there cycles under my supervision usually hold on to 75% of their gains...
now genetics play a factor of course.. but i consistently see at least 75% of what they gained being kept...
so dont get yer panties in a bunch!![]()
just to point out where you made your mistake
Originally Posted by randy841 View Post
Arimidex during cycle to offset bloat will have no bearing, contrary to the belief of many using it thinking what they are gaining is rock solid. You are still retaining large amounts of water. I did my cycle without the use of Arimidex & gained 32lb kept 16-18lb 6 months later, that was while i reduced caloric intake from 7500-8000 to around 3500-4000 post cycle. Henceforth, you are likely to lose 50% of the bodyweight irrespective of diet post cycle. A few weeks in you should know very well where you will stand in a few months.
What counts is what you keep 2-4 months after cycle in terms of body weight and strength gains.
I did similar cycle 6 months back lost 1/2 the bodyweight but kept about 75-80% of the strength.