1st Cycle: Test E (500/wk)

Taking too much of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) can tank your estro. Hinder your gains, make you feel like balls (not look you probably already do), kill libido and on and on but you probably know this already as you know everything there is to know!!

P.S. Machines are for pussies and kids. Real men just lift iron.

you never give it a rest do you. im not taking too much of an A.I. ED, many people recommend 12.5ED of aromasin, its def not killed my libido. lol. and no i do not know everything, im just letting you know my reasons for what im doing, bc your initial post was a paragraph telling me how i should do every little thing, (sounds like youre the one who "knows everything there is to know").

anyway dude, lets just end this crap. we all have opinions on how things should be done, and we won't get anywhere going back and forth like this.

also, i wouldnt consider phil heath a pussy...but then again considering all your pics on here, you must be THE real man
just read through you log..good stuff man..20+lbs for first cycle is not unheard of it..but its not very common either. a good part of this would be because of your diet and 3J would be the man to thank for this...he's very good at what he does...good luck with pct man.
Taking too much of an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) can tank your estro. Hinder your gains, make you feel like balls (not look you probably already do), kill libido and on and on but you probably know this already as you know everything there is to know!!

P.S. Machines are for pussies and kids. Real men just lift iron.

Real men just lift iron? Thats why i see Kai Greene and Ronnie Coleman & Jay Cutler using Machine Preacher Curls & Machine rows and even machine bench press.
I use machines all the time.. Smith machines too, Smith machines allow such a smooth rep.

If you think machines are useless, then your living in the 80's
Go do a Leg Press with a barbell, goodluck.
Real men just lift iron? Thats why i see Kai Greene and Ronnie Coleman & Jay Cutler using Machine Preacher Curls & Machine rows and even machine bench press.
I use machines all the time.. Smith machines too, Smith machines allow such a smooth rep.

If you think machines are useless, then your living in the 80's
Go do a Leg Press with a barbell, goodluck.

just read through you log..good stuff man..20+lbs for first cycle is not unheard of it..but its not very common either. a good part of this would be because of your diet and 3J would be the man to thank for this...he's very good at what he does...good luck with post cycle therapy (pct) man.

thanks, yeah i was very determined this cycle to keep up my diet. i know tht was the key to gain the 20-25lbs.
Sunday, September 4th

Hit chest today. i was still pretty exhausted from a long day yesterday, but had a solid workout. ive been dragging this weekend.

Incline Barbell: 205x10, 225x6,5,4
DB Flat: 90x12, 95x8, 100x7,6
Flat Barbell: 205x6, 185x8x2, 135x12 (my chest was burnin)
Pec Dec: 5 sets

i felt good this workout, added 1-2 more reps on incline bench from the past 2 weeks which is good. did my 23rd pin this morning along w hcg. im gonna finish out this week strong and then scale the volume of lifts i do during post cycle therapy (pct) coming up
Tuesday, September 6th

I havent had time to update everyday, ive been super busy but today i had a tough back workout. I havent done deads in 3 weeks but did them today and made a PR :)

Gym: Back
Deadlifts: 335x10, 365x6, 405x1
T-Bar Rows: 4 plates x 10x4
Pullover machine: 4 sets
Lat pulldown
Reverse grip pulldown

i was happy to get 405x1, next time i'll try that in my 2nd set and shoot for 2-3 reps.
tomorrow is the last day of my cycle. today i weighed in at 196. ive lost 3 lbs the past 2 weeks bc of my busy schedule. i havent had as much time to eat, but that will change this week and continue. I will do a big write up tomorrow as an "end of cycle" analysis.
END OF CYCLE: September 8th

My first cycle has officially ended. I ran Test E for 12 weeks and now am waiting 14 days after my last Test inject before starting PCT along w IGF-1. My last inject was on September 4th, so i will begin PCT on Sep. 18th.

My PCT plan:
Nolvadex 40/40/20/10 ED
Clomid 50/50/50/50 ED
IGF-1 LR3: 50mcg bilaterally 5 days a week for 4 weeks.

I will pin chest, bi's, tri's, delts, and lats w the IGF-1. Split up in 5 days out of a week.
My goal is to maintain strength/weight as much as possible and possibly gain some lean muscle w the use of IGF.

I am very happy with how my first cycle turned out. My diet consisted of lean foods (roughly about 4300 cals/day). I wanted to put on as much muscle ass possible, limiting fat gain. During this cycle, i gained 23lbs. started at 174, currently sitting at 197. My midsection/abs have suffered a little just from the amount of food intake, but i still have a decent 6 pack. I have noticed an increase in size of my arms, delts, lats, glutes,and legs. my chest has increased a little. For comparison on strength:

Bench before: 205x8-10, Now: 235x9, 245x5-6
Squat Before: 315x8-10, Now: 335x10, 350x6-8
Deadlifts: 315x8-10, Now: 335x12, 365x6, 405x1

My sides have been very minimal. I get hot alot more easily now, i have gotten mild acne on my shoulder,back,traps, and 2 on my arms. nothing major, but def different than normal. I also feel more tired when im not in the gym. Other than that, i havent notcied anything else. not much bloat bc i ran Aromasin 12.5ED throughout.

Overall i am very pleased with my results. I didnt reach my goal of 200lbs, but i did reach multiple strength goals. My plan for this fall/winter is to cycle IGF-1 2 to 3 times depending on how i react to the peptide. Starting this Feb/March i will probably begin my 2nd cycle. Im thinking of running the exact same cycle, hoping the IGF before will help increase my gains. I would like to add something else w the test, but for now i'll have to research more and find out what would be effective/safe.

Thanks for everyone who has followed my log, and hopefully it has helped some newcomers in preparing for their first run. if you all have questions, just shoot me a PM.
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hey man ,
cool log
and great results

just wanna ask ya
when did u noticed the test really kickin in ?
im on week 4 of test e 600mg , and honestly i dont feel much of diffrence
Yea, I've been following this thread forever. It would be awesome to see before after pics (w/out the head etc)..
i might get pics up when i can find some time. i dont have any before pics to compare though. i would guess my bf to be maybe 12%. but im really not sure.

As far as the test kicking in, i really didnt "feel" much of a difference, i just noticed size and strength gains progressing week by week.
i might get pics up when i can find some time. i dont have any before pics to compare though. i would guess my bf to be maybe 12%. but im really not sure.

As far as the test kicking in, i really didnt "feel" much of a difference, i just noticed size and strength gains progressing week by week.