All things are temporary.
Thank you for keeping a good log, maybe the best on the site. I know not every single person responds but I'm sure a lot of people have seen it.
Thank you for keeping a good log, maybe the best on the site. I know not every single person responds but I'm sure a lot of people have seen it.
... in order to preserve the 12 lbs i have gained. (10lbs was lost this week due to water weight and i guess not enough food intake which is strange cause my diet hasnt changed).
wtf.. are you serious??? lolArimidex during cycle to offset bloat will have no bearing, contrary to the belief of many using it thinking what they are gaining is rock solid. You are still retaining large amounts of water. I did my cycle without the use of Arimidex & gained 32lb kept 16-18lb 6 months later, that was while i reduced caloric intake from 7500-8000 to around 3500-4000 post cycle. Henceforth, you are likely to lose 50% of the bodyweight irrespective of diet post cycle. A few weeks in you should know very well where you will stand in a few months.
What counts is what you keep 2-4 months after cycle in terms of body weight and strength gains.
I did similar cycle 6 months back lost 1/2 the bodyweight but kept about 75-80% of the strength.
wtf.. are you serious??? lol
iv had clients who have gained 25lbs and kept 20 of them..
iv gained 35lbs on a cycle and kept 25 of it...
where the hell did you get those numbers from??
sounds to me like you dont know how to run a correct post cycle therapy (pct) and maint diet after a cycle.. thats what i think...
8000 calories on cycle???
u know im 280lbs and iv never eaten anything over 5000 calories to bulk??
dayum 280lb???i feel shooo shmallll !!!
but seriously 8000cals?
yes i am serious
Getting those numbers? Are you kiddin me, you think i am making them up?
Those numbers are exactly what i did - it's detailed word by word in my log.
I gained from 214- 246 came back to low to mid 230s, this is while i started cutting calories and adding cardio towards the end of cycle and post cycle. I did post cycle therapy (pct) for 2 weeks only, that is likely where i messed up as i do note that numerous times in my log.
Never say never. I got out exactly from the cycle what i put into it and what i expected.
"With my cycle in check, the next was getting a lean bulk diet in check. With the help of 3J, my diet looks like this: "
"Originally Posted by Session25 View Post
... in order to preserve the 12 lbs i have gained. (10lbs was lost this week due to water weight and i guess not enough food intake which is strange cause my diet hasnt changed)."
3J he's a client of yours, what's with his unexplained weight loss since his diet has NOT changed?
i really dont think you understood the point of my statement..yes i am serious
Getting those numbers? Are you kiddin me, you think i am making them up?
Those numbers are exactly what i did - it's detailed word by word in my log.
I gained from 214- 246 came back to low to mid 230s, this is while i started cutting calories and adding cardio towards the end of cycle and post cycle. I did PCT for 2 weeks only, that is likely where i messed up as i do note that numerous times in my log.
Never say never. I got out exactly from the cycle what i put into it and what i expected.
Arimidex during cycle to offset bloat will have no bearing, contrary to the belief of many using it thinking what they are gaining is rock solid. You are still retaining large amounts of water. I did my cycle without the use of Arimidex & gained 32lb kept 16-18lb 6 months later, that was while i reduced caloric intake from 7500-8000 to around 3500-4000 post cycle. Henceforth, you are likely to lose 50% of the bodyweight irrespective of diet post cycle. A few weeks in you should know very well where you will stand in a few months.
What counts is what you keep 2-4 months after cycle in terms of body weight and strength gains.
I did similar cycle 6 months back lost 1/2 the bodyweight but kept about 75-80% of the strength.