2016- the years this shit gets real.

Monday was shoulders traps and calves

Pretty strong overall heaviest set of dumbell presses was with 75's
Moved directly into the hs shrugs worked up to 4 sets of 3 plates es

Smith upright rows supersetted with side lateral until shoulders were burning 3 sets

Sitting calf raises 4 drop sets then went over to straight legged version until I could barely walk.
Added face pulley pulls for 4 sets and finished with crunches until I got a cramp in my abs....hate that
always enjoy your logs, thanks!

Thanks Milton... Sometimes I wonder if any one reads these
. I know I need to track my workouts and try to give e as much detail as I have time for as it helps me in future workouts and strength increases and or rep ranges but sometimes it's a pita on my phone
Worked back and biceps Wednesday. Good workout. Great bicep pump as I did a few drop sets on curls at the end. 70# ezcurl bar curls until failure then continued with a 40# bar until failure. Arms were swole as I left. This morning was heade in for chest and triceps followed by a nice whirlpool to relax then home for a blowjob and a nap.... well maybe just a nap
Chest went great. Old man strength coming in nicely. I warmup with 2 sets of 135 on the bench press
Added another plate 225.vot my usual 10--12 and kept going
To 15

Added 25#,ea side so 275 now.struggled wiyh the 7th rep but got it! Dropped down to 225 again for 12 then 10 on the last set.
Moved on incline on the smith machine....thiught it might be a. Nice change .getting 80lb dumbell into position for incline challenges my shoulders at times. I position the bench so the bar just misses my chin and did one warmup then three working sets.

Pretty good pump going by now and I move over to triceps using a preacher bench backwards for tricep ext with 75 lb dumbell warmup and e more sets with 90. Tris are getting pretty tired cuz I tried some bw dips ND failed at 8 reps other even close to 15-20 (what I usually get). Now I go from cable to cable trying to fry my Tris even more and the pump is getting ridiculous.
Finished with 3 sets ofn (scoops) and I'm done. Had to step through the door sideways to get out I felt so wide
Pulled a brisket off the smoker grill and went to do legs while getting meat rested. Started with squats...

135 x 15,12 warmup
225x 10
295 x 3 on the bottom of the 3rd or 4th rep my left knee popped. I almost dumped it but wasn't in a cage so I gutted it out and racked it. So far it's just a little sore. If I hold it straight out..no pain but bent like it was when it popped it hurts

I did a few sets of calves and leg ext then finished with some abs. Rubbed it down with horse linement and dmso. So hopefully the knee won't be too bad tomorrow
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Pulled a brisket off the smoker grill and went to do legs while getting meat rested. Started with squats...

135 x 15,12 warmup
225x 10
295 x 3 on the bottom of the 3rd or 4th rep my left knee popped. I almost dumped it but wasn't in a cage so I gutted it out and racked it. So far it's just a little sore. If I hold it straight out..no pain but bent like it was when it popped.

I did a few sets of calves and leg ext then finished with some abs. Rubbed it down with horse linement and dmso. So hopefully the knee won't be too bad tomorrow
Thanks for the update, but what I would like to know here is how that brisket came out? :)
Thanks for the update, but what I would like to know here is how that brisket came out? :)

Brisket was a prime cut from Costco and was fabulous. Probably my specialty but my pork ribs are pretty damned good as well. But my darn knee is getting stiff and sore. But not very swollen which is a good sign. Next time I'm squatting barefoot. Eliminate all squishyness
Been pretty busy lately and haven't posted for a week or so. Last Sunday I may have torn some meniscus on my left knee doin squats. Heard/ felt a 'pop' at the bottom of the rep as started back up. Finished that painful rep w/ 295 and racked it. Later that night I couldn't bend it and it got real sore but not significant swelling to speak of.
Didn't work Monday and made a appt with an Ortho for Thursday. X-ray didn't show much but less cartilage (space between the two bones) on the knee I injured 30 years ago. Should be getting an Mir next this week to see the extent of the damage I did last Sunday. I'm able to do calf work so that s good. Worked the rest of the body last week changing a few things.

Friday I worked back and varies my cable rows from a double handle to a single handle row. Mainly because supporting my self with both feet proved painful so with less weight on the stack for one arm wasn't too bad. The rom was deeper and I'm sore now in places I wasn't normally. Also changed my normal dumbbell pullovers to a cable version like you see people do with a straight bat standing back away from stack kicking the arms straight... just a little different.

Yesterday chest went pretty well.no heavy Dumbbells mostley HS isolateral stuff starting with decline press's then smith machine guillitine presses then HS incline and tricep ext with cables until my triceps were cramping. Need to remember taurine every workout to combat that.

A good friend of mine had a son get married last week and the reception was last night. He asked me to smoke a few briskest soft the party.. Needless to say I'm now famous for my smoked brisket. It was pretty good but I have it once a month so it was same ole same ole to me but people were singing my praises. At least I'm good at something if it's not a smoking bod with rippling muscles lol
Last night, I got in a pretty good back and bicep workout. I asked over on the training forum about exercises for the middle back/ lower traps and got some good responses. So I tried these out last night.

Yates rows 135x10 warmup

185x 12
205x 2x12
By this time my low back is pretty pumped.

It might have been the first time I've done these so I hope I did em right. I let my shoulders go forward and sit down a bit at the hips until the bar is just above my knees. Then I power the bar up my quads until it slams into my junk/waist. My low back is weak and it sucks.
Next move was chest supported incline rows like a 45 degree tbar rows. These went good as well and the last set was a dropset.
Preacher curls went ok but I tired easily on these
2 sets narrow and 2 sets wide bar plus 25's
Dumbbell pullovers 80 lb war up with 2 more sets with 100#
Finished up with 3 sets dumbbell curls 35 # wu plus 2 sets 40#
Things are getting rolling here. Definitely getting leaner and bigger. Getting an mri on my knee next Monday but I may start using it with light leg presses to feel it out before that. Sleeves on my 2x t-shirts are getting more snug and shoulders are filling out more. As i get more comfortable with my bf I'll be posting a few progress pics
Shoulders and calves tonight. Weight has been 253-255. Felt pretty good tonight. Worked the hs shoulder press to 115 # per side for 12 then 9 on the last two sets heavy then dropped the 25 off and did 16 more.
Upped the weight on upright rows on the smith machine to 55# per side for one set then dropped back to 50 es.
Changed up the dumbell lateral raises to 3 sets each to bent over raises and regular side raises. Finished with some killer sets of calf raises straight and bent leg
Weight was 252 yesterday morning. Went in last night for some cardio mostly to test my left knee. Did 30 min on the elliptical and then some light leg presses and more calf work. Still getting mri done on Monday but knee is feeling about 85% which is promising
Chest n triceps today went good. Right shoulder seemed strong and solid today as usually my right side is a hair weaker due to injuries sustained 20 years ago. Not a huge fan of strength measuring but just do test it every now and then by doing max reps at a certain weight. Today was 8 reps with 275 bar bench press beating my previous 7 reps. I can remember not long ago when those reps were with 225. Once I get 10 with 275 I'll step it up to 295. Weight is steady at 253 this morning. Trying get to get under 250 daytime weight by October. Finished with tricep incline skull crushers and triceps ext
Cardio ws8 20 min elliptical pre weights
Shoulders tonight....

Smith machine military presses
25# es x 20 rep wu x 2sets
60# es x failure reps 4 sets
Low cable crossover lateral raises 3 sets last one dropset
Face rope pulls supersetted with rope high upright rows ...shoulders are pumped and achy right now.
Finished up with 30 min cv elliptical burning 350 plus csl