2016- the years this shit gets real.

Weight this am was 246

Got my cardio in this morning but had to cut it a little short than planned. Trying to do a version of fasted cardio, I call it low carb cardio. Sometime past 30 minute mark I get a little dizzy and feel like low blood sugar symptoms. I try to slow it down and cruise into 45 min but today I had to stop. Sat down, ate a protein bar 200 cal and went home for lunch.

Afternoon workout (after a nap) was legs.

Started with leg presses warming up to 5plates per side and did 3 more sets of 10-15. The last 5 or so I stopped at the bottom for a couple seconds for added intensity and went back up then down without a lockout/pause. Good burn *read pump*
Moved on to back squats just to feel it out. Pretty burnt from presses but did a couple sets of 135.
First sesh doing squats since I hurt my knee a month ago......went pretty good, no pain. I'll slowly add weight weight next leg day.

Moved on to linear hack presses for the front quads
1 plate Es wu then added 35 Es for 3 more sets. First hack machine I've used that didn't feel like my knees were gonna shear off.
Finished up with supersetting leg ext with leg curls 3 sets ea
Weight this morning was 246.5

Didn't lift or cardio yesterday.. Legs were spent and my whole body ached for a day of rest.

Hit chest and triceps today. Dumbells....

Flat 50# wu x20
80# 12 reps
100# 8 reps
95# 7'reps
85#'9 reps
Slight incline 80# x 12,10,8 reps

Cable triceps extensions chest high alternating sets with overhead ext 4 sets

Pec dec x 3 sets
Scoops x 3 double dropsets

Back to calf raises straight legged on the leg press. These I used a rigid bar to do forced reps after I failed a full rom .... 4 sets

Walked out gingerly ... No cardio today'
I gush, but I've been in the game for 35 years off and on.

Even where I live there are guys my size that make me look sick. Shoot, look at Onk from down under.. that guy does front squats with 275 for reps....I weigh 250 and 205 is a good weight for me.
Thursday weight was 247. Fawk! Calories have been 2-2.5 k weight should be going down. Just have to tell myself weight loss isn't linear. I dropped 5 lbs last week. That can't continue.

Last night had a good back work out. Tried some new exercise like an underhand machine pull down . I like it a bunch as the weight was easier as it came down like it had a cam on the belt. Need to build my lats
Cardio this morning for 39 minutes. I seem to get low blood sugar symptoms if I don't eat much carbs before cardio right at the 30 minute mark. Not sure why but it's happened several times this week.
Went back in this evening for legs with my little brother. Worked on some squats until my back started to tweak.
1x 135x 15
185x 10
225 x 8,10, 8 the last sets had 3 rest, pause at the bottom

All the sets with 225 was shoeless. I forgot how stable it feels squatting with out shoes.

Moved to the squat press machine. My legs were pretty toasted but managed to do a few sets
These have back support , I felt them in lower quads around my knees

Finished off with 3 sets of walking lunges with. 25 lb bar on my shoulders. Going to start adding these to my leg day again. Nothing makes my gluteus sore like these

Tomorrows weigh in day.. Looking for 245#
Made weight this morning..245. Back is sore, legs are getting that way. Definitely feeling leaner.

Ate some breakfast and will head in for some cardio real soon.

Got my 45 min elliptical out of the way, bringing 614 calories

Went back later with my brother for a chest/triceps workout.

Got up 275 x 7 on the bench then went down to 225 for 2 more sets of 11, 10

After a bit, an incline bench was available and hit some incline dumbells. 75# for 3 sets.

3 sets of dips with my brother holding my feet out to hit more chest and less triceps. I'm toasted.
Time for a ribeye and baked potato or rice
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Weight was up this morning as expected..247.5 After last night workout I ate an awesome ribeye cooked to 135 degrees on my pellet BBQ. Nuked a red potato, added cottage cheese and frozen steamed broccoli/carrot/cauliflower mix from Costco. Couldn't finish the steak, but was hungry again in 3 hrs. Got up around 2am to snack on mixed nuts(salty) and crackers with peanut butter.

Trensomnia and hunger pains at night...ugh! Prolly only 500 cal over maintenance but the salt in everything prolly spiked the scale.

Watched the Seahawks steal one from the Falcons and then went it golds for. My 45 min cardio sesh. No weights today. Sitting here trying to figure this weeks workouts

Next Saturday weight goal is 242 but I'd be pleased with 243 as well. 2-3 lbs/ week isn't unrealistic is it? I wouldn't think so at 20 % bf. As I get closer to 10% it'll get much slower I'm thinking
Couple pounds a week I think is about max without your body reacting with a metabolism slowdown, but that applies to the 'non-supplimented' body. Not sure about juiced.

Interested in responses
Weight was up again this morning. 249# not sure but I'm guessing I have an efficient metabolism. I've heard of tren putting on muscle even on a calorie deficit, but can't say that's it either. I'll just keep doing the right things and see what happens. Waistline is getting tighter though. My 36" jeans I can almost pull down without unbuttoning them.

Got some errands to do today, might get cardio or weights in but probably not both
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Weight was???? This morning

Was gonna do legs last night but felt weak and depleted. Carbed up some felt better this morning and goterdone done.
Leg press
3 plates WU
4 plates x 20
5 plates x 15,15,13 pausing at the bottom on the last 5 but then right back down after just short of lockout. Felt pretty good....adding more weight next workout

Next was kind of a superset with walking lunges and linear hack presses. As soon as my breathing stabilized from lunges I did a set on the hack press machine
Lunges are so good. Tomorrow I'll feel em tight at the hamstring/glute tie in and the biggest part of my ass cheek.
Finished with straight legged calf raises until I could barely walk.
Weight was 249 this morning. Had a 350 gr carb day yesterday as I worked legs and was feeling strung out first thing yesterday morning. Realized I needed to do legs and it wasn't gonna be pretty unless I ate some fuel.
Cheeks and legs are relatively sore but not excessively so. I'll add weight next leg day and incorporate heavier squats and front squats again.

Today is very low carb day. No starch just green veggies and inconsequential carbs in protein shakes via almond milk etc.
Today is back and biceps and traps, gonna be a doozy. Just ate some steak, eggs, whites, and peppers, onion mushrooms, let it settle some and off to golds.

Quads are that solid strong feeling I like after a good leg day

Back work went great! Focus, pump, etc. even felt pretty strong.

HS Isolateral seated rows ( narrow grip)
2 plates Es x 15 wu
3 plates Es x15
3 plates + 35's x 12,12 10 the last 3 or 4 was singles one hand at atimee

High underhand row pull down. This exercise I started last week and it gets easier as the lats contract. Pumped up the lats big time ... 4 sets to failure.

Wide grip pull down 3 sets with the last 2'being a drop partial set only doing the last 6" rom

Trap bar deads/ shrugs

Been want to incorporate these into my routine as its a great multijoint exercise. I started small with 2 plates each side. I'd set up and pull it up then do a set of 10 shrugs, then do a set of 7'deads, and finish with another 10'shrugs. 2 sets.. Starting off small to gauge soreness and strengthen my back without hurting myself.

Ezcurl bar with 25's Es 2'sets narrow, 2 wide supersetted with sitting dumbell curls with 35's.

Time for some food
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Interesting weekend.... attended my first show in 20 years.
Npc night of champions in Spokane WA. Lots of competition, especially the open bikini classes. But I came to mostly watch the guys I'd have to compete against next year. I'll be 50 next summer, never competed.
I'm 5.09 currently 250lbs. Heres my takeaway from the show

-to be competitive I'd have to cut to light middleweight 198 1/4.
Otherwise the next class,heavyweight, goes up to 225..big boys
- not a natural show
- while size, symmetry is important, conditioning trumps everything.
-with any kind of conditioning I would have done well against the older guys and the novices.

First things first, diet needs to get dialed in and it starts tomorrow

...with the addition of the super hot Chicks in bikinis these shows have seen a popularity rise since I've seen a show
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Interesting weekend.... attended my first show in 20 years.
Npc night of champions in Spokane WA. Lots of competition, especially the open bikini classes. But I came to mostly watch the guys I'd have to compete against next year. I'll be 50 next summer, never competed.
I'm 5.09 currently 250lbs. Heres my takeaway from the show

-to be competitive I'd have to cut to light middleweight 198 1/4.
Otherwise the next class,heavyweight, goes up to 225..big boys
- not a natural show
- while size, symmetry is important, conditioning trumps everything.
-with any kind of conditioning I would have done well against the older guys and the novices.

First things first, diet needs to get dialed in and it starts tomorrow

...with the addition of the super hot Chicks in bikinis these shows have seen a popularity rise since I've seen a show

Good stuff thanks for sharing!
So 250lb to 198... wow you will look like a different person!
Hope you post up your diet changes and good luck!
Just not sure I have 50 lbs to lose. As I get leaner, we will see where I mite come in at.
At this point, I'm starting to see the outline of my abs, but I still have some troublesome love handles, and fat around my chesticles.

Diet adherence will be the only caveat.....damn, I loathe hunger