Thanks ecto & sonis!
This was just a little dive that has a bikini contest every now & then, no big deal, no finals or anything like that. The big ones are already over, I'll be hitting them up next year, I kinda took this year off from them. Don't worry, I got my winnings last year!
I put on a coat of my shelf self-tanner, to give me a little more color I didn't want to go thru the Protan debacle just yet! My hams are there, and they pop when I want them to, it just seems that we don't always catch them in the pictures!!
sonis, this week I'm trying the MON-WED-FRI cut on the carbs and we'll see if I can sustain thru the workouts. I know my body, and usually I have a very hard time once my carbs get to fifty & below...I'm hoping I can pull thru this. I usually have bad dizzy spells when I drop low. That doesn't leave much carbs, knocks me down to around 25! I've been doing my 30-40min cardio in the AM, with 20min in the PM.
I'll try to get some pics of more figure poses, but I'm not the best on posing w/o seeing myself! My trainer, Jeff Long, has given me grief for this forever! He's always telling me I need to practice posing more! He laughs at me....