750 pounds and dropping

Hey J... your going to go through manyyyy changes... you are in transformation... this will mean sleepless nights, weired emotions, heightened senses, etc.

One suggestion I have is... try not to exercise so late into the afternoon. the energy from the workout might prevent you from winding down.

Try a bedtime tea to help you naturally wind down (available at most health food stores/supermarkets)

My sister would give my niece Chamomile tea to help her sleep... it's natural & is supposed to relax you, you can even drink it in the day time as a stress releaver. (My nice was like 9, and never complained of the taste, so I think it had a pleasant taste.

Maybe Madam 3J can recommend other ones, this is the only one I know.

BTW (You might want to ask 3J about this) But I see your eating a bagel in the mornings, maybe you should add some protein (egg whites & maybe 1 whole egg) and substitute the bagel for 1 cup of Oatmeal... Oatmeal is Low in the glycemic index, is high in fiber, & will keep you fuller longer (buy the whole grain oatmeal, not the instant one)
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chicken and broccoli on the menu for today... then two speeds of no xplode from my boys at orbit nutrition....then off to the gym!
BTW (You might want to ask 3J about this) But I see your eating a bagel in the mornings, maybe you should add some protein (egg whites & maybe 1 whole egg) and substitute the bagel for 1 cup of Oatmeal... Oatmeal is Low in the glycemic index, is high in fiber, & will keep you fuller longer (buy the whole grain oatmeal, not the instant one)

at this point.. i just want him to keep his calories under control.... yea protein in the morning would be good.. and the bagel isn't the best choice.. but it isn't the worst choice either....

i just dont want him to cave in
at this point.. i just want him to keep his calories under control.... yea protein in the morning would be good.. and the bagel isn't the best choice.. but it isn't the worst choice either....

i just dont want him to cave in

I hear you... Your the expert, so he should follow your advise FO SHO ! :)
ahh for the day i basically had 2 big meals today

lunch i had 4 chicken breast - 1000 calories

6 cups broccoli - 180 calories

snack small protein shake - 100 calories

dinner 32oz roasted turkey breast (bone included) - 1300 caloris

drank lots of fluids today and got out and walked a lot today...when my wife and i ran errands today i didnt just stay in the truck. I got out with her and stood in line and all that jazz with her....

my total calorie count for the day...............................2580 :)
My bad, i was just checking my logs here... i did NOT lose 10 pounds this week........ I LOST 13 POUNDS

the one thing that keeps haunting me though is that i am still very big and have so far to go...i fought for my life this week, did things i didnt want to do...cried myself to sleep some nights because i wanted to eat something so bad....and all of that for 13 pounds...and i still have 402 pounds to go...i dont know how I am going to do it....i really dont.
My bad, i was just checking my logs here... i did NOT lose 10 pounds this week........ I LOST 13 POUNDS

the one thing that keeps haunting me though is that i am still very big and have so far to go...i fought for my life this week, did things i didnt want to do...cried myself to sleep some nights because i wanted to eat something so bad....and all of that for 13 pounds...and i still have 402 pounds to go...i dont know how I am going to do it....i really dont.

Young grasshoppa. One who is thirsty must not focus on the field of green between itself and the waters edge. One must leap high and far above it, focusing not on the distance left that it can see from the air. No, it must focus on the water. For it is the prize that drives, not the trial.

The biggest part of this above all else Jusselin, is training your mind. Mental fatigue will come before physical. Mental weakness before muscle weakness. You must focus, find a way to tune your mind and overcome yourself.
how do I break mental walls down

lemme see how did I break some of mine...

When it involved a woman it had me rolling in a bed by my self at night screaming clawing at my skull..

Some things involved sitting long periods on a bench in a park thinking and meditating on life.

Some changed when I became consumed in my faith.

Some broke when certain life events happened.

Some broke when I laid on a hospital bed expecting death....

Some break when a loved one dies.

Breaking mental walls is usually a realization of your own power, its not something someone can do for you or hand you an exact formula. No self help book works, only the fact you seek one out shows a desire to help yourself. Just saying. The trick is realizing YOU are the source of power, the one who chooses your own fate.

You may not be the one who strings your musical instrument called life, but you are the one who chooses how to play it.