750 pounds and dropping

can any one recommend some circuit exercises for an over weight man???i cant do things like mountain climbers and burpes...what are some exercises i can through in the mix to get my cardio on?

does your gym have a pool? i would do as much low impact cardio as possible. pool, eliptical, bike, etc.

also keep in mind that this is a marathon not a sprint. GL bro.
stay strong bro. dont try to do to much to fast , you didnt get this big in 1 day and you wont lose it all in 1 day.
Take it one day at a time Jusselin,

Like DADAWG said it took time to get this way, it will take time to change it, focus on now, and worry about tomorrow later.. Don't over expect of yourself, don't let yourself down.. Rome was not built in one day !
Don't sweat it, focus on the acomplishments, keep motivated.
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Thanks guys and gals....normally where i would cave in and get pizza and hot wings or as many dollar burgers as possible I instead went to a local deli ad bough the salad bar ad did work...i had my protein through my eggs and had lots of raw veggies and even some rasins and cranberries on my salad...had a little white cheese and low sodium extra light ranch.

i still feel like i ate too much just now but i am glad it was salad and not the usual.

here are pics of the damage...oh yeah and artichokes thats whats in the middle of the salad.

I still want something sweet though so i am trying to drink down some coffee to get my mind off of it
your doing too much at once... again.. losing weight is in layers.. dont stress urself out too much.. dont go from 10000 calories to 2000 calories so quickly.. control ur descent. ur trying to freefall..

at ur weight.. u shouldnt' be doing anything but long walks and light weight training...

tomorrow im headed to the local highschool football field to get my walk on....the treadmills at the gym dont hold my weight...

No pools at the gym either
I still want something sweet though so i am trying to drink down some coffee to get my mind off of it

When I'm strict on my eating and craving sweets, I snack on bananas dipped in natty pb...mmmmmm goood

keep up the hard work big j!
Have you tried tricking your body?

Such as when you have a sweets craving open a Gatorade or high sugar/carb drink and swish it around in your mouth and spit it out.
Thanks guys and gals....normally where i would cave in and get pizza and hot wings or as many dollar burgers as possible I instead went to a local deli ad bough the salad bar ad did work...i had my protein through my eggs and had lots of raw veggies and even some rasins and cranberries on my salad...had a little white cheese and low sodium extra light ranch.

i still feel like i ate too much just now but i am glad it was salad and not the usual.

here are pics of the damage...oh yeah and artichokes thats whats in the middle of the salad.

I still want something sweet though so i am trying to drink down some coffee to get my mind off of it

mistake number 1 that most people make..

they think their salad is a better choice then other things...

i bet u that salad is over 1500 calories maybe over 2000.. and im just talking about one of them\

shit.. the eggs alone are nearly 1000... and you have it smothered with dressing

if you want dressing.. u put it in a cup on the side and dip ur fork into it then pick up the salad so u dont gorge on it

u need to start counting calories J... ur not gonna get away with this type of behavior... u have to think about what ur putting in your mouth.. its tough.. but over time itll become like walking
mistake number 1 that most people make..

they think their salad is a better choice then other things...

i bet u that salad is over 1500 calories maybe over 2000.. and im just talking about one of them\

shit.. the eggs alone are nearly 1000... and you have it smothered with dressing

if you want dressing.. u put it in a cup on the side and dip ur fork into it then pick up the salad so u dont gorge on it

u need to start counting calories J... ur not gonna get away with this type of behavior... u have to think about what ur putting in your mouth.. its tough.. but over time itll become like walking

i got yuh...i just caved in, my appetite was fucking screaming in my head and i swear to God it was like a crack addiction, i would have damn near murdered someone to get what i wanted. Im not proud of it...some times i wish it were crack so i could at least go to rehab you know...fuck!
Is there anything that i can turn to when i wake up late at night and just want to eat something? Is there anything i can or have when i really just feel like effing food up, when my appetite strikes and i was to really just tear it up is there anything i can do or anything that i can eat?
Hey J... When I wake up in the middle of the night hungry, I drink 2 big glasses of water or 1 cup of almond milk. The almond milk coats my stomach walls and tricks my body into feeling full.

As for your previous post about cravings and addictions...MIND OVER MATTER

Our mind is a very powerful instrument we are gifted with but rarely use.

I want you to follow this exercise:

Take a piece of paper and right down all your positive qualities in the form
"I am ____ " (ex.I am a great husband)

Then follow with all the things you want to be, still in the same format..
ex: "I am healthy..I am 250 pounds...I am a mentally strong..etc"

then write this mantra at the bottom:
"Food does not control me"

Repeat the following EVERY morning and Every evening !

After you write these down...read it out loud and tie a piece of yarn on your wrist that will remind you of the above should a craving try to creep up on you during the day.

When those cravings strike remind yourself that food is an inanimate object that does not control you. You control when and how you put food into your body by the POWER OF YOUR MIND.
Hey J... When I wake up in the middle of the night hungry, I drink 2 big glasses of water or 1 cup of almond milk. The almond milk coats my stomach walls and tricks my body into feeling full.

As for your previous post about cravings and addictions...MIND OVER MATTER

Our mind is a very powerful instrument we are gifted with but rarely use.

I want you to follow this exercise:

Take a piece of paper and right down all your positive qualities in the form
"I am ____ " (ex.I am a great husband)

Then follow with all the things you want to be, still in the same format..
ex: "I am healthy..I am 250 pounds...I am a mentally strong..etc"

then write this mantra at the bottom:
"Food does not control me"

Repeat the following EVERY morning and Every evening !

After you write these down...read it out loud and tie a piece of yarn on your wrist that will remind you of the above should a craving try to creep up on you during the day.

When those cravings strike remind yourself that food is an inanimate object that does not control you. You control when and how you put food into your body by the POWER OF YOUR MIND.

Word, thanks Mrs.3J i will give this a shot!
Hey J... When I wake up in the middle of the night hungry, I drink 2 big glasses of water or 1 cup of almond milk. The almond milk coats my stomach walls and tricks my body into feeling full.

As for your previous post about cravings and addictions...MIND OVER MATTER

Our mind is a very powerful instrument we are gifted with but rarely use.

I want you to follow this exercise:

Take a piece of paper and right down all your positive qualities in the form
"I am ____ " (ex.I am a great husband)

Then follow with all the things you want to be, still in the same format..
ex: "I am healthy..I am 250 pounds...I am a mentally strong..etc"

then write this mantra at the bottom:
"Food does not control me"

Repeat the following EVERY morning and Every evening !

After you write these down...read it out loud and tie a piece of yarn on your wrist that will remind you of the above should a craving try to creep up on you during the day.

When those cravings strike remind yourself that food is an inanimate object that does not control you. You control when and how you put food into your body by the POWER OF YOUR MIND.

Good advise Madam :)
Try chewing gum. I do it sometimes for hours on the same piece cause it tricks my body to think I'm eating food and I don't get hungry. but this can only hold me off for a few hours at the most.
Hey J... When I wake up in the middle of the night hungry, I drink 2 big glasses of water or 1 cup of almond milk. The almond milk coats my stomach walls and tricks my body into feeling full.

As for your previous post about cravings and addictions...MIND OVER MATTER

Our mind is a very powerful instrument we are gifted with but rarely use.

I want you to follow this exercise:

Take a piece of paper and right down all your positive qualities in the form
"I am ____ " (ex.I am a great husband)

Then follow with all the things you want to be, still in the same format..
ex: "I am healthy..I am 250 pounds...I am a mentally strong..etc"

then write this mantra at the bottom:
"Food does not control me"

Repeat the following EVERY morning and Every evening !

After you write these down...read it out loud and tie a piece of yarn on your wrist that will remind you of the above should a craving try to creep up on you during the day.

When those cravings strike remind yourself that food is an inanimate object that does not control you. You control when and how you put food into your body by the POWER OF YOUR MIND.

wonderful advice...

J.. u havn't mentallly prepared urself to fight these cravings.. things like what madam 3j said will help you get along the way...

eat frequently so that you dont gain an appetite too big.. its tough to overcome that...
word guys thanks...

i just woke up today, my back is still killing me...muscles right above the ass around the kidneys.

i woke up at 8 and ate a bagel.... and that has been it so far. Im headed out to do some walking and errand running then fish and veggies are on the menu.
im full now....5 pieces of fish and 5 cups of cooked veggies. No oil just water...steamed it all....

Bagel - 250 calories

5 Talapia Fillets - 465 calories

5 cups mixed veggies - 150 calories

ketchup - 60 calories

calories so far today 925

its almost 7pm here and i still have over 1000-1500 calories i can consume and i am full YAY!!!!!!!!!!

Im digging this lol i bought some gum too to help with my cravings!
so i have been chewing gum since my last post and i am getting that appetite that i fear so much...im not even hungry i just want to eat something...im going to kill 4 chicken breast bringing my total for the day to 1992 calories...then im going to drug myself and sleep tonight away...wake up tomorrow and try this all over again.

M3J i am going to try your yarn technique too....FOOD WILL NOT KILL ME!