Aboot's Tren/Test, Boldenone/Test Cycle Journal

Wednesday, Week Five of PCT

Feeling good still. Today was an off day from the gym so no motivation worries for the time being at least. Last night I actually got pretty heavy on barbell curls for the first time in a while and today my biceps are sore. I haven't had that in a very long time. Good to see.
Thursday, Week Five of post cycle therapy (pct)

Argh! I was warming up benching today and my right delt felt a bit awkward. I tried to ignore it to see if I could work through it. I got to my first heavy set and my shoulder felt awful. It was weak and sore. I immediately stripped the plates off the bar and left the gym. I'm acutally impressed that I was smart enough not to try and work around the soreness using other exercises, but that doesn't make me feel any better right now.

Right now my shoulder feels fine. No pain or anything. Just benching. Looks like I'll be taking a couple weeks off of doing regular, full range of motion flat benches. Inclines cause me no pain so they are an easy substitute. I'll see how my shoulder feels tomorrow. If it is sore I'll take the day off, but if it feels alright I'll train. Just have to see how it goes.

Otherwise, post cycle therapy (pct) is going fine. Sex drive is normal and I feel good. I'm not sure if I'll continue with the aromasin for the last week. I have enough to but I may just drop it and stick with only the nolvadex. We'll see.
Monday, Week Six of post cycle therapy (pct) (last week)

So today was my first day without aromasin. I'm only taking 20mgs of nolvadex for the next week and then my post cycle therapy (pct) is over. Sex drive has been good the last few days (not that it was poor before that) so I am confident that I have run my post cycle therapy (pct) for as long as I need to.

My calories remain high so eating is not a concern. Sleep has been great lately as well. If anything I have to worry about sleeping too much and not getting anything done during the day except eating more. I'm looking forward to not having to pop as many pills next week. Just six more days to go.
Wednesday, Week Six of post cycle therapy (pct) (last week)

Had a good workout tonight. I have been battling my motivation, or lack there of, but got myself in gear tonight and felt good in the gym. Strength and form weren't quite there on my heavy lifts but that is to be expected. Other then that sleep and eating is on target.

The plan is to clean up my diet next week and start taking in a bit more protein along with more EFAs. I'm taking in around 350 grams of protein per day right now. I'll probably bump this up to 500 grams beginning Monday. I've never been one to see major benefits from diets that have mega amounts of protein but hopefully the extra 100-150 grams will provide me with some benefit. We'll see how it goes.
Yeah, plus I got the thought of extra lean ground beef by the bucket full in my mind. At the very least it should be satisfying.
Aboot said:
Yeah, plus I got the thought of extra lean ground beef by the bucket full in my mind. At the very least it should be satisfying.

That reminds me I'm fresh out. I really need to do some shopping.
Friday, Week Six of post cycle therapy (pct) (last week)

Feeling small and fat today. Ugh. I guess I'll consider it motivation to attack the gym next week and stuff my face full of beef and stay away from the pizza. Aside from that I continue to feel pretty good. I have most of next week off so I can concentrate on my diet and training and hopefully get into a groove. It should be easy without having to worry about work for a few day.

Only two more days of taking nolvadex and then post cycle therapy (pct) (and this journal) is done.
Sunday, Weel Six of post cycle therapy (pct) (last day!)

So this is the official end of my cycle. post cycle therapy (pct) is finished and I accomplished my goals for the most part. I definitely feel recovered, as much as I could, and look forward to being able to pop a few less pills throughout the day now that post cycle therapy (pct) is over.

I'm happy with the strength gains that I made on cycle and glad that I was able to push through some plateaus that I ran into prior to it. The hope now is to maintain most of these gains. We'll see how it goes.

As for my next cycle, hopefully I'll be smart enough to hold off until around September. I doubt I'll do another cycle this long for at least a while. I like to stick to 12-14 weeks. I found this one to be a little long. We'll see how good my will power is in staying off the sauce though. I hope to practice what I preach.
Congrats on all the gains you made bro.Had a great time following your journal.Learnt alot too.Hope you keep making gains and im looking forward for your next cycle log.
Aboot said:
Not yet. I'm usually pretty good about maintaining it post-cycle.

5'8", 260lbs or so, ~20% bodyfat, 27 years old.
holy crap Aboot i didnt realise how friggin big you were...i now feel small and feeble at my current ht and wt :( do you have pix posted anywere?
Aboot said:
Trust me, it's not as impressive looking as it sounds. Remember I'm a bit of a tubby powerlifter-type dude...
i always thought you more of a BB'er? and i think i have the same PL physique you have then, just a few lb's lighter than you. most of my wt is carried in my midsection/ass area.sometimes i hate being short.lol

Here's an explanation why not:


ok. thanks Aboot nice explanation and completely understand.