Aboot's Tren/Test, Boldenone/Test Cycle Journal

Tuesday, Week Three of PCT

Still feeling pretty good, but motivation for going to the gym is a bit low at the moment. When I get there I'm fine but it's actually getting out of the door that's the problem. Just something that has to be battled through but it always passes. Other then that my lifts remain stable in terms of strength.

Noticed that acne has popped up on my back and shoulders a bit. It's just a pimple here and there, nothing major or noticeable to others but they definitely weren't there during the cycle. I doubt that it'll get worse as the number has been pretty stable since I first noticed it.

Joints continue to feel good and then tweak that I felt in my lat while benching is completely gone as I expected.
Thursday, Week Three of post cycle therapy (pct)

Still maintaining my size, as I was checking myself out in the mirror yesterday (I'm only half joking!). Definitely not losing anything in that department and wouldn't think I should have since my diet has remained high in terms of protein and calories. Strength has remained stable as well. My lifts have remained where they were during the last week of my cycle for the most part. A great sign to say the least.

The motivation for the gym is on a bit of a roller coaster. Yesterday and Tuesday it was extremely low, but today I was looking forward to my workout the whole day. I attribute this to just being the natural flow of post cycle therapy (pct) and getting over the bout of overtraining I went through earlier. I should pull out of it soon.
Friday, Week Three of PCT

Argh!!!!!!!!!! No motivation to go to the gym!!!!!!!!! Fuck!!!!!!!!!!! Strength is all there but I just can't get motivated to lift!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to scratch my eyes out if this keeps up much longer!!!!!!!!!! God damn it!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That is all.
Sunday, Week Three of PCT

I will be cutting down my clomid dosage starting tomorrow to 50mgs per day. I will continue to run it for 2 more weeks. At that point I'll continue with nolvadex only for the sixth week and then that will probably be it. I doubt I will need to run anything further beyond six weeks, and even six weeks might be a little overly cautious but hey why not?

As for everything else, feeling great.
Monday, Week Four of PCT

Utterly confused and depressed.

That basically sums it up right now. Not in terms of testosterone levels or anything like that, more motivation and drive to get into the gym and train. Just not sure what I want to be doing training-wise right now and that indecision has fuelled my lack of motivation to actually step inside the gym. I skipped my workout again today. The worst part is that I am making progress with my weights but simply can't wrap my head around a "training program" and style that I can stick with. Right now I seem to have no guide for myself and that in turn makes me feel like I'm treading water. Not a great feeling.

So that's where I'm at right now. As I said, I feel great whenever I'm not thinking about the gym and my mind is clear. Not depressed about anything else. I think my recovery is going extremely well. It's just this training shit that has got it's teeth into me. Obviously I think I am suffering from information overload in terms of training schemes, etc. I simply have to quit reading about these various programs and stuff I want to encorporate into my own training for variety's sake instead of paying attention to what works for me.

Easier said then done at the moment however.
yea i always tell people that at the gym... once you learn too much about a certain subject it somewhat ruins it for you... it makes it hard to enjoy. because theirs so many theories and training schemes that people swear by... why dont you just go in their and do a compound 2 day week? i know its not the best, but since your not motivated this would help... you know like squats/bench/military or something on monday...and then on thurs or friday do bent rows/deads...just to help keep your muscle mass on, and the workout would be so short that it would be a breeze. just tryin to help...hope things turn around for you bro.
Aboot I've got an interesting 4 day powerbulding split you might like, very simple and lots of room for adjustments. Let me know if you want an outline.
ok...so for instance... its tuesday and lets say thats your back day...you usually go to the gym at 8 or 9 at night, your happy all day, and then at 7 when you should be taking your pre workout meal, you start feeling sad and confused?
Nah, it's like about an hour before I am supposed to go. I have a routine where I go and sit on my computer for the hour leading up to my workout. Then I start clock watching. I'll be like, "Ok, gotta leave in the next 10 minutes", then "next 20 minutes", then "next 40 minutes", etc. until I've run out of time because I simply don't have the motivation to get out the door. Very odd for me. Shit, I usually have to convince myself not to go to the gym 6 or 7 days a week, not force myself to go to the gym once or twice. Weird.
well maybe youve been at it so long that its just gettin old...thats why supplements and Anabolic Androgenic Steroids (AAS) keep things interesting and new...maybe you need to think of the reason why you started training in the first place...and remember how you used to feel when you training...haha im not trying to be a psychologist but i found when i lose motivation i just think about when i first started training and how much fun i had and the outlook i had on it...

another thing you could do is just be a robot... go to the gym, do the movements, just dont think...youve been training for so long im sure its happened to you before, where you go in and your just zoned out and going through the motions but not all the intensity is their... even that would be better than anything... hell get a new workout partner. theirs tons of things you can do to get yourself in their. sign up at a new gym...haha ok ill shut up now, just i know how you feel about the motivation thing, and you just gotta remember the past and why you first started, what you used to weigh, what you weigh now, are you willing to let any of your hard earned gains go to waist cause of this little set back...etc. good luck bro.
Ok so I came up with this split about a year ago and it has done wonders for me as far as mass and strength goes. This could honestly be a complete ripoff of someone else's split but I personally have never seen it written down. It evolved from a couple other "upper/lower" splits I had tried but felt that I was getting overtrained so my solution was this:

Day 1: Upper Body Strength
Bench-Work up to 1-5 rep max (take as many sets as you need and alter the "work set" as you see fit, for example if I just hit a new 5rm one week I would maybe try for a 2-3rm next week)
Bent Over BB rows- work up to 5rm
Military Press- 4x6 or 6x3
Day 2: Lower body hypertrophy
Lunges (db or bb, I prefer db) 3x8
SLDL's 4x8
Leg Press (optional) 3x10-15
Calf Work
Direct arm work (here or split it up between this workout and second leg day)
Day 3: Off
Day 4: Off
Day 5: Upper Body Hypertrophy
Incline Bench (bb or db) 4x8
HS chest 3x10
Weighted Pullups 3-4 x8
HS row OR Low Cable row 3x8
Lateral Raises (shoulders) 3x8
Day 6: Lower Body Strength
Squats: Work uo to 1-5 rm (same theory as bench, take as many sets as needed)
Good Mornings 4x6
Calf work
Direct Arm work (?)
Day 7: Off
Day 8: Off

After this the whole thing repeats. As you can see it takes just over a week to complete one cycle of this split. You do not have to run it 2 on 2 off but I vastly prefer it this way because I love the recovery time and prior to this split it was rare for me to ever see 2 days out of the gym. Plus knowing you get 2 days off gives you motivation to absolutely kill yourself in the gym. Also the days off can be used for cardio or accesory work if you don't see fit to do arms on leg day as this is wierd for some people. Other aspects of the split I like- workouts are never long, each muscle gets hit twice in a week (8 days), recovery time is excellent as each muscle group has 4 full nights to recover before the next workout, plenty of room for strength AND hypertrophy work. Ok thats about all I can think of for now. Oh last thing the specific exercises are not nearly as important as the organization imo but those listed are generally the ones I use, you may end up changing half of them if you prefer it differently. I don't deadlift because of a back injury from deadlifting but if I did I would rotate them week by week with squats OR work in some higher rep deads on hypertrophy day in place of SLDL's.
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Friday, Week Four of PCT

The Story of How Aboot Got His Mojo Back.

Alright, maybe I won't go that far and declare victory over this lack of motivation, but I actually made it to the gym tonight. Of course I took a ton of ephedrine and did have a few thoughts of ditching another session before I got out the door but I was definitely motivated to get in there and lift. I did bench work and definitely was weaker. It was mostly having to deal with being out of synch in terms of my form, etc. but the lack of strength is definitely a great motivator to stick with it. I don't want to be a pencilneck! Although with the dip in strength tomorrow's squat workout should be an adventure.

As for everything else, I've been sleeping and eating like crazy these last few days so rest and calories aren't an issue. This is the last week that I'll be taking clomid. I'll continue with nolvadex for two weeks after that and the aromasin for 1 or 2 more weeks.
Monday, Week Five of PCT

Felt great today. Sex drive was sky high and was pumped to go to the gym the whole day. Any thoughts of skipping out on my workout simply floated through my head and had no chance to take root. At the gym I felt good and strong. Nothing spectacular in terms of the weights I was throwing around, but it definitely felt good. I think that if I decided to stop post cycle therapy (pct) now I would be fine. However I always like to extend my post cycle therapy (pct) at least one week past the time that I start to feel normal/good. However since I have enough aromasin and nolvadex to run my post cycle therapy (pct) for at least two more weeks so I'll stick to my plan and run it for a full six weeks. On a side note, today was my first day with no clomid.

Hopefully I'll be able to string a few of these days together and get an extended run of good workouts going. I'm definitely motivated to do so.
great to hear... are you gonna have any blood work done a few weeks after post cycle therapy (pct) or not? im glad your gettin back to your motivated self. what did you workout today?
Yeah, I usually get blood work done about 4 weeks after post cycle therapy (pct) is done. Hopefully I can see my regular doctor to get it done around that time again.