Actual Custom Cycle Used To Turn Pro


Community Veteran
Actual Custom Cycle Used To Turn Pro

In 2011 I was privileged to work with a top national level bodybuilder who I had known for about 3 years. He’s a very hard working dedicated bodybuilder with a steel will and tremendous determination. I admire his machine like eating habits and hard work ethic in the gym. He’s also blessed with good genetics but frankly his nutrition and training are dialed in like few others I have ever met personally. I cannot express how immensely important nutrition, training and recovery are to be successful at a high level in bodybuilding.

One thing that struck me was he was always dieting very hard in his previous preps and it seemed to me his body was at a stage where it was ready to grow. He had done relatively low dose cycles in the past and during the interview process we decided that he should use AAS doses higher than he had ever used before.

I typically like to interview a bodybuilder to determine what side effects and responses they have had from any previously used compounds. Once I finish the interview process we have a clear customized plan based on the goals and experience level of the person. He knows his body better than anyone so most of the interview is listening and letting the bodybuilder do what has worked for them in the past with some tweaks. Therefore this cycle is not meant for anyone else, but it’s a custom cycle for a particular person with particular goals. I’m not advocating readers attempt this cycle and a medical doctor should be consulted before using any medications.

His goals were to add as much LBM as possible in phase one then switch to a second cutting phase. He had recently come off of a prep and his body was primed for growth. Many times when a bodybuilder has dieted down and depleted their body through rigorous training and dieting they are in such a depleted state that they will make amazing gains going straight into a lean bulk. It’s almost as if the body soaks up every bit of nutrition and dramatic changes in LBM are produced. The primed bodybuilder seems ultra-sensitive to the flood of androgens and increased calories. We decided to take advantage of this condition and implement the lean mass phase right away.

Phase One

Week 12-week 7
900mg Test E weekly
400mg Deca weekly
300mg Tren E
50mg D-bol daily
4iu's Mon-Fri HGH
250iu's Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Mon and Thur

Week 6 and week 5
600mg Test E weekly
300mg Tren E weekly
300mg Masteron weekly
50mg Winstrol daily
50mg Proviron daily
4iu's Mon-Fri HGH
250iu's Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Mon and Thur


Phase Two

Week 4 and week 3

300mg Test Prop weekly
300mg Tren A weekly
300mg Masteron weekly
50mg Winstrol daily
50mg Proviron daily
30mg Halotestin daily
4iu's Mon-Fri HGH
250iu's Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Mon and Thur

Week 2

300mg Test Prop weekly
300mg Tren A weekly
300mg Masteron weekly
50mg Winstrol daily
50mg Proviron daily
60mg halotestin daily
4iu's Mon-Fri HGH
250iu's Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG) Mon and Thur

Week of the show

50mg Winstrol daily
50mg Proviron daily
60mg Halotestin daily

The whole time on
Arimidex .5mg Mon/Wed/Fri
Clenbuterol 50mcg twice a day
Cytomel (T3) 25mcg twice a day (cut this on first day of carb load)

This bodybuilder worked exceedingly hard during his prep. He did not cheat on his nutrition plan or his training. He remained focused all 12 weeks and his reward was victory. His pro card became a reality in 2011 and I was blessed to be a small part of his journey.

that cycle is awfull from the start.
5 weeks of deca is as useless as tits on a boar hog.7 weeks of test eth isnt much better and its tapered down at that . it gets even worse he runs 2 WHOLE WEEKS of tren eth lol.whoever made this cycle up has absolutely no idea about steroid esters and half lifes.
Bullshit cycle.

IMO some kid s see this and mimic Dawg said neither the compounds nor the doses or duration are anything I d see a PRO doing....he must be a genetic monster....
I agree with both above...very very stupid
that cycle is awfull from the start.
5 weeks of deca is as useless as tits on a boar hog.7 weeks of test eth isnt much better and its tapered down at that . it gets even worse he runs 2 WHOLE WEEKS of tren eth lol.whoever made this cycle up has absolutely no idea about steroid esters and half lifes.

Naw, I think you misread the weeks brother.

Test E is 8 total weeks-12,11,10,9,8,7,6, and 5 weeks out. Then transitioned to Prop.

Tren E is also 8 weeks total, weeks 12-5 with a transition to Tren A after that.

As far as Deca goes the Nandrolone levels spike within a day or two of injecting and is in the cycle to promote heavy lifting and water weight as Deca soothes the joints for heavy intense training.
Naw, I think you misread the weeks brother.

Test E is 8 total weeks-12,11,10,9,8,7,6, and 5 weeks out. Then transitioned to Prop.

Tren E is also 8 weeks total, weeks 12-5 with a transition to Tren A after that.

As far as Deca goes the Nandrolone levels spike within a day or two of injecting and is in the cycle to promote heavy lifting and water weight as Deca soothes the joints for heavy intense training.

i misread the tren e but the deca is NOT spiked in a day or 2 deconate is one of the longest esters . its still a shitty cycle. if your post is real he made his card based on effort and genetics DESPITE a piss poor cycle. any mid level board member could have designed a better cycle than that.
i misread the tren e but the deca is NOT spiked in a day or 2 deconate is one of the longest esters . its still a shitty cycle. if your post is real he made his card based on effort and genetics DESPITE a piss poor cycle. any mid level board member could have designed a better cycle than that.

I realize you probably don't know who I am or even care and that's cool. I'm sure you see guys come and go all the time that make claims that seem unbelievable. I understand. I hope over time you will see I'm an honest member with a reasonable amount of experience and knowledge. I mod on 7 different sites and started using AAS over 24 years ago off and on. I'm in my mid forties and over the years I have come to appreciate some of the more unconventional protocols on PED use.

As far as Nandrolone it does in fact spike pretty quickly after injection. Not sure if you have ever ran it in the beginning of a contest prep but it's great for 6 weeks at the beginning for the water on the joints. Obviously the competitor can't be holding a bunch of water as the contest draws near so it must be pulled to see what is underneath that water.

Anyway the following shows the Pharmacokinetics of Nandrolone;


Time course of plasma nandrolone concentrations in 23 healthy men over 32 days after i.m. injection of 100 mg of nandrolone phenylpropionate in 4 ml of arachis oil vehicle into the gluteal muscle (group 1) (diamond) or injection of 100 mg of nandrolone decanoate into the gluteal muscle in 4 ml of arachis oil vehicle (group 2) O, into the gluteal muscle in 1 ml of arachis oil vehicle (group 3) (•) or into the deltoid muscle in 1 ml of arachis oil vehicle (group 4) (Square). Results are expressed as mean and S.E.M., unless the S.E. is smaller than symbol.
I realize you probably don't know who I am or even care and that's cool. I'm sure you see guys come and go all the time that make claims that seem unbelievable. I understand. I hope over time you will see I'm an honest member with a reasonable amount of experience and knowledge. I mod on 7 different sites and started using AAS over 24 years ago off and on. I'm in my mid forties and over the years I have come to appreciate some of the more unconventional protocols on PED use.

As far as Nandrolone it does in fact spike pretty quickly after injection. Not sure if you have ever ran it in the beginning of a contest prep but it's great for 6 weeks at the beginning for the water on the joints. Obviously the competitor can't be holding a bunch of water as the contest draws near so it must be pulled to see what is underneath that water.

Anyway the following shows the Pharmacokinetics of Nandrolone;


Time course of plasma nandrolone concentrations in 23 healthy men over 32 days after i.m. injection of 100 mg of nandrolone phenylpropionate in 4 ml of arachis oil vehicle into the gluteal muscle (group 1) (diamond) or injection of 100 mg of nandrolone decanoate into the gluteal muscle in 4 ml of arachis oil vehicle (group 2) O, into the gluteal muscle in 1 ml of arachis oil vehicle (group 3) (•) or into the deltoid muscle in 1 ml of arachis oil vehicle (group 4) (Square). Results are expressed as mean and S.E.M., unless the S.E. is smaller than symbol.

Nice Info Heavy! Thank you
I realize you probably don't know who I am or even care and that's cool. I'm sure you see guys come and go all the time that make claims that seem unbelievable. I understand. I hope over time you will see I'm an honest member with a reasonable amount of experience and knowledge. I mod on 7 different sites and started using AAS over 24 years ago off and on. I'm in my mid forties and over the years I have come to appreciate some of the more unconventional protocols on PED use.

As far as Nandrolone it does in fact spike pretty quickly after injection. Not sure if you have ever ran it in the beginning of a contest prep but it's great for 6 weeks at the beginning for the water on the joints. Obviously the competitor can't be holding a bunch of water as the contest draws near so it must be pulled to see what is underneath that water.

Anyway the following shows the Pharmacokinetics of Nandrolone;


Time course of plasma nandrolone concentrations in 23 healthy men over 32 days after i.m. injection of 100 mg of nandrolone phenylpropionate in 4 ml of arachis oil vehicle into the gluteal muscle (group 1) (diamond) or injection of 100 mg of nandrolone decanoate into the gluteal muscle in 4 ml of arachis oil vehicle (group 2) O, into the gluteal muscle in 1 ml of arachis oil vehicle (group 3) (***8226;) or into the deltoid muscle in 1 ml of arachis oil vehicle (group 4) (Square). Results are expressed as mean and S.E.M., unless the S.E. is smaller than symbol.

welcome to the board but your still wrong lol.

look at the difference in the quote unquote spike levels between npp and deconate.deca is one of the longest esters and will not have spiked in that 30 day study IMO. i do agree if that cycle had been done with NPP it would have kicked in fast but thats not what was written.

dont get me wrong i do love a healthy debate but ive been around on this earth even longer than you have and have been in this hobby off and on for a very long time and ive never seen deca ran properly less than 12 weeks.

my mininum reccomendation are basically
12 weeks for deca and eq and omnas and sustanon
10 weeks for cyp and eth
8 weeks for short esters , i dont like short cycles lol.
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welcome to the board but your still wrong lol.

look at the difference in the quote unquote spike levels between npp and deconate.deca is one of the longest esters and will not have spiked in that 30 day study IMO. i do agree if that cycle had been done with NPP it would have kicked in fast but thats not what was written.

dont get me wrong i do love a healthy debate but ive been around on this earth even longer than you have and have been in this hobby off and on for a very long time and ive never seen deca ran properly less than 12 weeks.

my mininum reccomendation are basically
12 weeks for deca and eq and omnas and sustanon
10 weeks for cyp and eth
8 weeks for short esters , i dont like short cycles lol.

Thank you for the welcome brother.

I have no problem with healthy debates either and hope to bring some different perspectives here in a respectful manner.

Nandrolone blood androgen levels rise pretty quick after injection of Deca so maybe the word spike is causing a disconnect in our communication. Anyway, I have ran Deca 3-4 times in the beginning of a course for 6 weeks and loved the added water on my aging joints but I have no problem if a guy/gal wants to run Deca longer.
Thank you for the welcome brother.

I have no problem with healthy debates either and hope to bring some different perspectives here in a respectful manner.

Nandrolone blood androgen levels rise pretty quick after injection of Deca so maybe the word spike is causing a disconnect in our communication. Anyway, I have ran Deca 3-4 times in the beginning of a course for 6 weeks and loved the added water on my aging joints but I have no problem if a guy/gal wants to run Deca longer.

water to the joints and length of cycle to optimize gains are a different beast . that being said at our age the deca is probablly more important for our joints than our gains lol.
I don't care what graph says I want blood tests to prove it

They did quite a bit of blood testing during that clinical human trial. Here is an excerpt from the study.


Blood (5 ml) was sampled before injection (8:00–9:00 a.m.) and at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 hr and 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30 and 32 days after injection. During the first 10 hr, the participants were in a metabolic ward facility and were allowed to undertake normal daily activities. Subsequently, participants returned for blood sampling on an ambulatory basis while resuming their habitual daily activities.

To calculate absolute bioavailability, two additional subjects received a single i.v. bolus of 1 mg of 19-nor-testosterone, with sampling before injection and at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 720, 900, 1440, 1980 and 2880 min. For this study, crystalline nandrolone (Steraloids Inc., Wilton, NH) was dissolved in dehydrated ethanol BP (David Bull Laboratories, P/L, Mulgrave, Australia) at a concentration of 40 g/liter, from which a nandrolone stock solution (2 mg/ml in 15% ethanol) was produced by appropriate dilution with sterile saline. The nandrolone stock was filtered through a 0.2-***956;m cellulose acetate filter (Minisart NML; Sartorius GmBH, Gottingen, Germany), and the first 1 ml was discarded. Preliminary experiments showed that >80% of tracer nandrolone was recovered after such filtration. At the start of the study, the stock solution was diluted 10-fold with sterile normal saline in a 20-ml syringe (final ethanol concentration, 1.5%) and 5.0 ml was infused rapidly (within 10 sec) via an indwelling cannula in a forearm vein (nominal dose, 1.0 mg), followed by a flush of the syringe and cannula with an additional 5 ml of sterile saline solution. Aliquots of the injection solution were kept for subsequent assay of the exact amount of nandrolone administered. Blood sampling was from another cannula placed in the other arm.

Full Study

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nandrolone Esters in Oil Vehicle: Effects of Ester, Injection Site and Injection Volume
water to the joints and length of cycle to optimize gains are a different beast . that being said at our age the deca is probablly more important for our joints than our gains lol.

Yeah, I seem to get more sides from Deca as I raise dose so for me I usually only run maybe 200mg Deca weekly then after 5-6 weeks it seems to negatively effect my sex drive just enough I would rather go without it. I can tolerate high dose test so that is my normal base drug.
They did quite a bit of blood testing during that clinical human trial. Here is an excerpt from the study.


Blood (5 ml) was sampled before injection (8:00***8211;9:00 a.m.) and at 1, 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 hr and 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 9, 11, 14, 16, 18, 21, 23, 25, 28, 30 and 32 days after injection. During the first 10 hr, the participants were in a metabolic ward facility and were allowed to undertake normal daily activities. Subsequently, participants returned for blood sampling on an ambulatory basis while resuming their habitual daily activities.

To calculate absolute bioavailability, two additional subjects received a single i.v. bolus of 1 mg of 19-nor-testosterone, with sampling before injection and at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 30, 45, 60, 120, 180, 240, 360, 480, 720, 900, 1440, 1980 and 2880 min. For this study, crystalline nandrolone (Steraloids Inc., Wilton, NH) was dissolved in dehydrated ethanol BP (David Bull Laboratories, P/L, Mulgrave, Australia) at a concentration of 40 g/liter, from which a nandrolone stock solution (2 mg/ml in 15% ethanol) was produced by appropriate dilution with sterile saline. The nandrolone stock was filtered through a 0.2-***956;m cellulose acetate filter (Minisart NML; Sartorius GmBH, Gottingen, Germany), and the first 1 ml was discarded. Preliminary experiments showed that >80% of tracer nandrolone was recovered after such filtration. At the start of the study, the stock solution was diluted 10-fold with sterile normal saline in a 20-ml syringe (final ethanol concentration, 1.5%) and 5.0 ml was infused rapidly (within 10 sec) via an indwelling cannula in a forearm vein (nominal dose, 1.0 mg), followed by a flush of the syringe and cannula with an additional 5 ml of sterile saline solution. Aliquots of the injection solution were kept for subsequent assay of the exact amount of nandrolone administered. Blood sampling was from another cannula placed in the other arm.

Full Study

Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics of Nandrolone Esters in Oil Vehicle: Effects of Ester, Injection Site and Injection Volume

I'm not knocking it bud just hard for me to believe off of one study, But welcome aboard
a national-level competitor that won his pro card on 300mg's of tren per week is absurd... and 4iu's of gh for a "young" bodybuilder is useless... one other thing; if this guy is as competitive as u say where is the slin?? too many holes in that "messy" cycle and less than a gram of test is very hard to believe for at as high a level as u say he is...
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I have to agree with Heavyiron and Dawg. Actually I think pretty much all esters reach their peak within 48 hours post inject but for whatever reason the long esters take more time to actually build and remain stable for our purposes.

There is some good info posted. This is one that I think about on a regular basis because levels should spike in that 48 hours but I guess with SE most is being released into the bloodstream and le is slowly releasing in depot so while it does spike blood levels it just takes longer to build to supraphysiological levels.

I'm also a fan of no less than 12 weeks of deca but I have seen similar pre comp cycles with drol at the end as well. Now for a powerlifter this would not be a good choice because you are looking to peak raw strength from nandro.

I've always been skeptical of cycles like this for pre comp but for what ever reason they seem to work specifically for appearance. No I would run this as my typical bulk or cut but it seems many guys have been successful with similar cycle but again it's specific to pre comp.