Adderllin/Forged Burner log

Did you try the interval training yet?

Yep I'm doing it. Just started this week. I like it so far I feel like it makes my workouts quicker and I don't feel bored.

I am trying to lost a couple of pounds and get more toned. Not too much maybe like 5-7 lbs.

I am alternating between the burner, adderllin & i'm throwing clen in there too once or twice a week.

I like Adderllin the best. It gives me the energy I need every time I need it and keeps me focused during my workouts. The burner is very strong as well. It is a better appetite suppressant than Adderllin. I have never taken them together and definitely will not, lol. That would be too much.


Supps: Multivitamins
fish oil
evening primrose

breakfast- 2 omega-3 egg omlet with low fat american cheese cheese
lunch- tuna
dinner- 2 turkey burgers with low fat american cheese & reduced sugar ketchup, no salt PB

workout- shoulders, 20 min of cardio on eliptical and tennis

bumped up the clen to 2 tabs half hour before workout. wasn't too shaky but definitely sweat a lot.


Supps: Multivitamins
Fish oil
Evening primrose

Breakfast- myoplex lite packet with extra virgin olive oil to keep me full
lunch- 2 turkey sausages with bleu cheese
dinner- another 2 turkey sausages with bleu cheese (because that's all we have tonight lol)

Workout- 3 miles around the track.
1ST Mile: Jog
2ND Mile: Powerwalk
3rd Mile: Jog & sprints
Also added abs.

Today was supposed to be a burner day but I was feeling pretty tired and didn't know if I had enough energy to work out hard so I took Adderllin. Only half though. Half an Adderllin turned out to be just enough and I was really into my workout.
Have you lost any weight this week? If not, you may want to up your cals. a bit, they seem very low for someone who is as active as you are.

No, I haven't. Still at the same weight 127. What do you suggest I do?


Supps: Multivitamins
Fish Oil
Evening Primrose

Breakfast- 2 omega-3 egg omlet with 2 pieces of low fat american cheese & reduce sugar ketchup
Lunch- Mypolex lite packet with extra virgin olive oil in it
Dinner- 2 turkey burgers with a low fat american cheese & reduced sugar ketchup

Workout- 1 hour cardio on eliptical & legs
Also took 2 clen.

Went out last night and drank more than I thought I would. I had a lot of fun but now today I am a little bit bloated which pisses me off. I didn't do anything crazy today just had a relaxing day with Lartinos so I shouldn't be worrying but just knowing I could have prevented it makes me angry lol.


Supps: Multivitamins
Fish Oil
Evening Primrose Oil
Acnetame (Definitely worth giving it a shot if you need it. I have seen no new acne in the past couple of days)

Breakfast- Myoplex lite packet with extra virgin olive oil.
Lunch- Salad with grilled chicken & mozz cheese
Dinner- Haven't eaten dinner yet, probably going BBQ some chicken though

Workout: Played tennis today and that was it. Today I have been extremely tired so I figured I'd give my body a break. I also took a break from any stims today.

i have noticed that over the couple weeks i have been following too...

Okay. I will. Thanks guys.

The past two days I have been on track with my diet. Yesterday I took one Adderllin at 12pm. Wasn't tired all day. Had a really good workout and really worked up a sweat. Included the interval training.

Today had another good workout. Did an hour of cardio, switching between machines. Took 2 clen today. Also worked back.

Ate grilled chicken with onions, chicken wings & spinach and then had a Ralph's small sugar free ice.
Still on track with my diet.
Still taking multivitamins, kelp, evening primrose, fish oil, taurine, acnetame.

Took the burner two days ago and felt good while playing tennis and working out.

Yesterday I took 2 clen, worked up a really good sweat and feel stronger.

Today I took one Adderllin at 9. Running on about 4 hours of sleep. I think one will do me right today, I may think about taking 2 if I am going to work out tonight. I may need to take off today. We'll see.
Decided that today I will only take one Adderllin. I'm not going to work out so there is no point in taking another one, plus I'm exhausted and I actually want to get some sleep tonight. My body needs a day to rest.

For breakfast- 1 egg over easy with 3 breakfast sausages
Lunch- tuna salad and 2 pieces of grilled chicken
Dinner- I will be having turkey burgers

Worked out early today. Usually workout around 8 or 9 pm but today worked out at 1030.
Took the burner today. Felt good taking it early. Got some other stuff done too.

Did not eat before the gym and did intervals.
After the gym had some tuna, then grouper, then steak with onions and tomatoes for dinner. Also some PB afterwards.

I got a tattoo today so I don't think I will be working out tomorrow. I'm so tempted to but I think I should give it another day, lol.
Past 2 days I've been good with my diet. Today was the first day I actually worked out hard because I didn't want to mess around with the tat.

Took the burner today. Worked up a great sweat as usual.
From throwing in the clen, I feel a lot stronger. I went up in weight doing tri's today.
The adderllin works more on beta-3 receptors as opposed to Clen and
Burner which work the beta-2. By using both you can get a better effect IMO.
Do you have any rhyme or reason in using a certain stim on a certain day? It seems kinda arbitrary.

I don't use a certain stim on a certain day. I mean, if I know I have a long day and still need to work out I will take Adderllin.


Supps: Multivitamin
Fish Oil
Evening Primrose

I'm starting to do something new for breakfast. I am going to try to eat carbs in the morning.
Breakfast- maple brown sugar oatmeal (quaker oats weight control oatmeal)
Lunch- tuna with olive oil based mayo
an hour and a half before I worked out I had tuna again
Dinner- 2 turkey burgers with cheese & a some PB (no salt)

Supps: Multivitamin
Fish oil
Evening primrose

Breakfast- weight control oatmeal
lunch- turkey sausage with peppers and onions
dinner- 3 pieces of grilled chicken with onions
pre workout- handful of roasted non salted cashews

Workout-Shoulders & 20 min of cardio on elliptical.
Then went to the track and ran 3 laps (had bad shin splints today)

Supps: Mutivitamin
Fish Oil
Evening primrose
1/2 an adderllin

Brunch: chicken wings (non breaded) & spinach
Mid afternoon- no salt added PB
Dinner- Grilled chicken, couple pieces of chicken sausage & peppers
Dessert- no salt added PB

Workout- 20 min on eliptical, 20 min on bike, chest
Past 2 days I've been good with my diet. Today was the first day I actually worked out hard because I didn't want to mess around with the tat.

Took the burner today. Worked up a great sweat as usual.
From throwing in the clen, I feel a lot stronger. I went up in weight doing tri's today.

Congrats on going up in weight! Keep at it!

The clen made you feel stronger? I always feels like it robs me of strength.
Congrats on going up in weight! Keep at it!

The clen made you feel stronger? I always feels like it robs me of strength.

Yeah! It always makes me feel super strong.

Today will be my last post until the 10th because I'm leaving for Spain tomorrow.


Supps: Acnetame
Fish Oil
Evening Primrose

Breakfast- Scrambled eggs (2 omega-3 eggs) with no salt ketchup
Lunch- Tuna with olive oil based mayo & no salt added cashews
Dinner- Sausage & peppers and spinach

Workout- Ran around the neighborhood, probably about 2 miles. No shin splints today.
@ the gym worked back, then played tennis for about an hour.

Be back soon!