Adequan for joint pain relief


New member
Hi I am a newbie to the site.
My question is has anyone ever take Adequan for joint pain relief and are there any types of programs (experirmental or not) that are in place in Canada or the US. I am asking this because adequan is apparentley only legal for dogs. I know that this is just because of the pending FDA approval (i have done my research). I am looking into alternative ways to help aleviate some pain in my girlfirends knees (she has had multiple knee surgeries and has very little cartilage left) she does take glucosimine and she does not want to take decca due to its water retention rates. Also has anyone ever been able to get a vetrenarians perscription over the net (I am just wondering because this is one of those sudo-legit type of things)

Thanks in advance
thrashin is the 1 to ask about this.. he takes it and im pretty sure hes happy with it.. wait for him to comment on this..
I am having HUGE issues with Tennis elbow..does this stuff help recovery or just hide the pain. If it is just hiding the pain wont that make you just mess it up more??
I am looking into alternative ways to help aleviate some pain in my girlfirends knees (she has had multiple knee surgeries and has very little cartilage left) (I am just wondering because this is one of those pseudo-legit type of things)

Thanks in advance

If she has little cartilage, there are only a few documented things that will rebuild it. The most know and easily available is HGH injected directly into the joint.

I know from personal experience the results of cartilage growth from this methodology and highly suggest going this route. Just note that it takes many injections of many IU's per inejction and a year(s) to rebuild to normal thickness.

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Just saw this. I use and have been using Adequan for the last year. I have been graced with less then stellar knees too, as well as am gettin old...
The Adequan has allowed me to be able to do squats. I have been lifting since the 70s. I was in the military and was discharged on a medical due to my knees.
Recently I am squating 205. Now I know thats not much, except that I have never been able to squat due to knee pain.
Ichon is Adequan that you dont need a script for.
Good luck and def give it a try.
The injections can be painful, I heat it up first under warm water and the massage vigorusly after.
i have a friend who is an retired vet. so i asked his if he could acquire the adequan as well as pentosan . still not sure about the pentosan but he said that adequan has been around for bout 30 to 40 yrs and there might be a better product on the market as of now. i will keep you posted
also , dont go for the ichon . its not as good as adequan. do your own research and u will see. i a am also of the understanding that the pentosan is a superior prduct and a more equitable price. good luck. i too have knee issues and will be injecting or eating whatever it takes to make myself better . we are our own best doctors.
if you are going to try this then take advice from a doctor.

Adequans are for animals. They might have some side effects on human body.

Misha Collins


Thanks for the input. Your second statement along with no ease of getting the product has kept me from trying it. Thankfully direct injections of HGH into my joints is doing the job of rebuilding the cartilage so I don't see a point in trying it anyway.

As for you first point, I cannot agree at all. No doctor would prescribe the protocol I am on currently for the rebuilding of my joints and underlying bone. However the results have been phenomenal in my case. Sadly, sometimes we have to be our own lab mice. Remember that doctors are knowledge-based tools and nothing more. Get what you need from them and move forward. If a certain tool does not work, get another.
i too am new....chronic pain w/lots of pain med but my problem is musculosceletal...........

many people tell me gluc/chondrotin helps them
i found a blog where a doc told someone to take UC-II and vitamin shop sells it......for pain in her knees. i hv only taken one bottle but it's undenatured it rebuilds...........girlfriend shd try it for 3 mos and see if it helps.
I train racehorses and everyone of them is on weekly Adequan shots. My girl has 1 really bad knee and I was talking to one of my drug reps and he said that Adequan is about to come out with a human product as well. If it works on humans as good as it does on horses then we should all probably buy as much stock as we can!
I've used it. I took 2cc equine Adequan injected sub-cutaneous once weekly for 6 weeks. A vet told me he took it for tennis elbow. The only side effect I've heard of is increased bleeding time. I haven't noticed that in myself.

The facet joints work together alongside the intervertebral discs to form a functional working unit. The facet joints direct the plane of motion at each vertebral segment which is dependant on their angle and orientation.The facet joints are synovial joints which help support the weight and control movement between individual vertebrae of the spine.
Chiropractor Lawrenceville GA
Knee Pain Relief

My mother is over 60 and can now barely walk (she fell down about a week ago). I have read a few reviews from various joints pain relief medication. One that came across as worthy is Flexoplex. My mom said she was getting great results from this a new product. Studies have shown that some, such as Flexoplex, are highly effective at helping repair cartilage damage using Natural Eggshell Membrane.
Since this old post popped up, I thought I would post myself.

As a reference, I have been researching joint rebuilding for many years and have tried most products on the market. That being said, the only things that have TRULY helped in rebuilding joints and eliminating pain has been direct injections into the joint. It only makes sense that oral supplements cannot come close to giving the body what it needs.
Hey I know this is an old post, but do you think that Adequan or Ichon (Ichon really) have any real chance of giving you mad cow disease, since it's taken from a cow's trachea?

Seems to me like the same odds of eating a burger or steak from the grocery store and getting mad cow...

Also, these companies probably take very careful measures to make sure the cows they use are healthy, don't you think?

Any thoughts? Thanks.
i too have had several knee surgeries to repair torn ligaments/cartilidge.. my last surgery was 3 yrs ago and i have been dealing with constant knee pain when sitting and standing up...i cant even walk down stairs. i have been researching adequan for a while and also HGH, but im hesitant because i have high blood pressure (thanks to the 3 yrs of limited mobility). i have read that HGH can elevate blood pressure. my question is does adequan jack up your BP? or is the only side effect increased bleeding? any help would be a huge help.