Adequan for joint pain relief

I came across this sight while researching information about the human use of Adequan. Just thought I'd share what I know. My Vet told me about his use of it several years ago but I was reluctant. We went on a Canada fishing trip and the discussion came up again. Here's his story. About 10 years ago after a shoulder operation did not fix his problem he started on Adequan. He had good results with canines. Prior to starting he could not get his arm above his shoulder. After 6 weeks he was getting stuff off the top shelves in his clinic. He has been on it for 10 years with absolutely no side effects. His advice was this. Six doses 1/2-cc one every 3 days. Then spread out to 4 then 6 then once a week. I'm on my 20 shot. I've spread it out to once a week and I'll do that until after the first of the year. Then go to two week intervals then three as long as the joint pain is OK I'll pick an interval that keeps me in a good state of fitness. Since it builds cartiledge it will probably take time to get it to the point where it begins to help the pain level. I've experienced no injection problems. I'm using this because most injections from the medical field will raise my blood sugar and I have been a diabetic for 27 years. My knee pain is much less and my back seems to be improving. So far I'm pleased and I don't think the price is at all to high. I get a vile (10-shots) for $50 from my vet. That's almost cheaper than taking medications and supplements.
I hope this helps
Like I said in my post below I have a friend that has used it for 10 + years and he's just fine.

Like I said in my post below I have a friend that has used it for 10 + years and he's just fine.


youre a lucky guy TeJay... ive been looking for this stuff forever with no luck. i swear i could find uncut columbian bam bam easier than this harmless stuff haha knees are really tore up & hurting constantly. i am in horrible shape from not being able to be as active as i used to be and am in no kind of health to go on a steroid cycle to increase collagen synthesis. so adequan is really my only option because it poses no real side effects.... thanks for posting this up, not many bros into adequan haha.
Zephyr 987,
Well I guess I am lucky. My Vet, who worked until he was 81 and is retired now, has spoken about the stuff often and now that I'm using it he's excited that I'm having good results. He's a very kind and concerned guy. He was a real good vet and always treated us and our animals with a great deal of compassion. I guess that's why he's so willing to help me and is so excited that it's working. I don't want to wear out my welcome but don't know how much of the stuff he'd let me buy for say friends etc. I will ask him when I need some more. For others I think one could talk to a vet and see if they would be willing to supply you with some for your pet. He sold some to us for our dog even before he mentioned as something I might want to take. Most vets will sell you the stuff/needles and instruct you in how to give the shot for your dog so you don't have to keep coming in every 3-4 days. I think this approach might work. Say to the vet. "I've been reading on the net about this Adequan as a help for dogs with arthritis. My dog is having trouble, would you sell me some so I could start him on it??" I really don't think they would really care if you were giving the stuff to your dog or yourself. You might pay about $70 for one bottle which would be about 10 shots. My vet recommended 1/2-cc per shot. Hope you have some luck with this. Let me know if you do.

Zephyr, I just read your first post concerning Adequan and some of its side effect. I'm 68 weigh in at around 160# and have had HBP and also a stint in my heart. I take meds for the HBP. I am also on 2 baby aspirins daily. I have been on the Adequan for about 2 months. My BP has remained very steady around 120/70 and I have notice no issues with thinner blood or excessive bleeding. The reports concerning the bleeding have been shown to be minimal. Also remember that the initial dosage routine, as suggested by my vet are this. All shots as recommended to me by my vet are to use 1/2 cc only. They are to be spaced out like this: shots 1-6 are 1 every 3 days, shots 6-12-- 1 every 4 days, shots 12-18-- 1 every 5 days. I'm now taking 1 shot every week and will until after the first of the year. At that time I will probably stretch that out to 1 every 2 weeks. Remember the Adequan is building cartiledge and it will take time.
My best

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