An old mans dating chronicles part 1

Damn it Zeek I need some details. Atleast let us know what move did it for you. Was it the naked man? Did ya just whip it out? Wine & dinner? You posing in your trunks? The bed scoop & slam? .......what man what?
Zeek, bro, don't leave us hanging...

I had to move on from that woman! first off she liked ice cream way too much! 2nd she was crazy as a bat but she did have a really nice rear end :dunno:

I hate to say it but some of these women have been burned so hard by other guys before us that they take a defensive posture from the get go and that is such a huge turn off

I went ahead and gave her # to PhatBastard so she could be burned one last time ;)
I'm going to tell you guys what really happened since you were nice enough to contribute on this thread.

The day after we finally got down to business My phone rings a little after 2pm and there she is flipping! "You sorry MFer, you used me and what planned to never call me again"

My kids were off from school on that day and I had been with them all day. Anyway, she assumed since I had not called her the next day yet that my intentions were evil and that I had used her apparently like many guys had in the past, that was news to me!

I did take her out that night but after that crazy phone call things were not the same for me, I could no longer see her as someone to have around my kids. I'm an old guy with young kids living with me fulltime, can't risk a nut job.

So I changed my cell number ;) and that is history!
I'm going to tell you guys what really happened since you were nice enough to contribute on this thread.

The day after we finally got down to business My phone rings a little after 2pm and there she is flipping! "You sorry MFer, you used me and what planned to never call me again"

My kids were off from school on that day and I had been with them all day. Anyway, she assumed since I had not called her the next day yet that my intentions were evil and that I had used her apparently like many guys had in the past, that was news to me!

I did take her out that night but after that crazy phone call things were not the same for me, I could no longer see her as someone to have around my kids. I'm an old guy with young kids living with me fulltime, can't risk a nut job.

So I changed my cell number ;) and that is history!

Been there, done that!

My motto is this.....

The best way to find out if a woman is crazy is to sleep with her, then give her your number and see what happens. LOL!
It really does get harder to find sane women the older you get. You have the ones who are single and have been single, usually damaged goods. You also have the ones co,ming out of 15-20 year marriages where the husband either abused them or mind fucked them so hard that they are spent.

Then you have the ones with 3-4 kids ugh!

I understand why so many of my friends date younger women now but I really only feel comfortable with women around my own age.

I thought this lady was attractive, intelligent and genuinely a nice and sane person. oh well
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Sorry to hear she turned out to be a loon. Best of luck finding a new gal. I would set you up with my ex...but she is a full fledged nut job. Oh I'll give Phat her number.
Aww sorry Zeek! Don't worry I am sure you will be back in the game in no time. Don't throw the moms away though! Just because we have kids doesn't make us any less of a woman! =0)