Anavar Kick in time.


New member
Hi I was able to get REAL humangrade anavar from a real pharmacy in the US.

Each pill is 2.5MG (very low)

So I'm taking 15 pills a day for 6 Weeks
37.5MG a chance I might get more so I will up the dosage.

I'm now on my 9Th day when should I start feeling stuff.

I'm also doing Organon Test suestanon 250 two shots a week.

I did my 3rd shot today.
Your math is off!:D

2.5 mg would be 2500 mcg which will blow your head off or make it spin like a demon!

The common dose is 40 mcg a day - I run mine up to 180 mcg ed which is extremely high for most people.

As an example I get my Clenbuterol from Uncle Z which comes in .08 mg or .04 mg.

The .08 mg = 80 mcg and the .04 mg = 40 mcg.

Most Clenbuterol is measured as mcg when considering doses.

Cycles are usually 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

However, when first running clenbuterol it will usually work well for 4 to 6 weeks and then diminish mostly from the beta-receptor downregulation.

It is good stuff and works like magic! :)
Your math is off!:D

2.5 mg would be 2500 mcg which will blow your head off or make it spin like a demon!

The common dose is 40 mcg a day - I run mine up to 180 mcg ed which is extremely high for most people.

As an example I get my Clenbuterol from Uncle Z which comes in .08 mg or .04 mg.

The .08 mg = 80 mcg and the .04 mg = 40 mcg.

Most Clenbuterol is measured as mcg when considering doses.

Cycles are usually 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

However, when first running clenbuterol it will usually work well for 4 to 6 weeks and then diminish mostly from the beta-receptor downregulation.

It is good stuff and works like magic! :)
read his post again hes talking anavar. wow any way to get the uncle in a thread.
manny you should start to feel the effects by week two. however at 37.5 mg thats a low dose for a man.
Your math is off!:D

2.5 mg would be 2500 mcg which will blow your head off or make it spin like a demon!

The common dose is 40 mcg a day - I run mine up to 180 mcg ed which is extremely high for most people.

As an example I get my Clenbuterol from Uncle Z which comes in .08 mg or .04 mg.

The .08 mg = 80 mcg and the .04 mg = 40 mcg.

Most Clenbuterol is measured as mcg when considering doses.

Cycles are usually 2 weeks on 2 weeks off.

However, when first running clenbuterol it will usually work well for 4 to 6 weeks and then diminish mostly from the beta-receptor downregulation.

It is good stuff and works like magic! :)

lol looks like your reading comprehension is off.
37.5mg youll never feel it bro, sorry. It will do very little for you at that dose. I have run it at 75 and 100mg. I'd say 80mg is a pretty sweet spot. Even then, I noticed pretty decent strength gains and really good pumps (to the point that I couldnt hit full range of motion on some exercises like curls) but no size really. But yeah, you need to get some more Var or scrap it for something else. You'd get better results out of Dbol or Tbol at a fraction of the cost. Even if you aren't bulking.
read his post again hes talking anavar. wow any way to get the uncle in a thread.

x2 .. it gets old ..

37.5mg youll never feel it bro, sorry. It will do very little for you at that dose. I have run it at 75 and 100mg. I'd say 80mg is a pretty sweet spot. Even then, I noticed pretty decent strength gains and really good pumps (to the point that I couldnt hit full range of motion on some exercises like curls) but no size really. But yeah, you need to get some more Var or scrap it for something else. You'd get better results out of Dbol or Tbol at a fraction of the cost. Even if you aren't bulking.

i have seen people g2g w/ 50mg Ed i would try to dose atleast that much ... with good var that could be enough.. and if you have HG var , then i am guessing you got good stuff!!! just my .02 ... im no expert though
x2 .. it gets old ..

i have seen people g2g w/ 50mg Ed i would try to dose atleast that much ... with good var that could be enough.. and if you have HG var , then i am guessing you got good stuff!!! just my .02 ... im no expert though

It's really just not worth the money, IMO. My source had theirs independently tested, and it was GTG, and I paid MUCH less than what HG var would go for. Even at 75-100mg...the gains are clean, but they are just so little compared to most other orals. I would definitely use it to retain mass while cutting, but to me it doesn't make sense anymore to run it at high doses to add additional gains to a cycle. Can be done cheaper, and better, with other drugs.
yeah im taking var not clen. However im going to add some clen into the mixt next week

Woops! :)

Well, here's some info on Anavar.

Anavar is mild and if you want to add some synergy - here's what I recommend for adding more bang for your buck...

Anavar is a "Class I" steroid and works very well with a "Class II" steroid such as Dbol or Anadrol.

If you don't want to add these, that's ok but it's a mild effect - for me I see my lifts go up - the active life is 48 hours so you should feel of see an effect by now - however - you are still running a low dose.

Also, studies have shown that taking an oral anabolic steroid with food can decrease its bioavailability - this is caused by the fat-soluble nature of steroid hormones which can allow some of the drug to dissolve with undigested dietary fat reducing its absorption from the gastrointestinal tract.

So you are best to take this on an empty stomach - most people get this backwards and take it with food.
I used to take my orals in oil and I would blow up from them. I guess thats good to know thou. I will take them on a empty stomach now. How long till you can eat.
I used to take my orals in oil and I would blow up from them. I guess thats good to know thou. I will take them on a empty stomach now. How long till you can eat.

I'm not sure of the time before you should eat?

I would imagine 45 minutes to an hour - I just try and follow it as best as I can - sometimes I'm eating so frequently I just try and do the best I can.

Results should still be great even if you're taking them with food - but just not quite as effective.
I'm only taking 37.5Mg a day because the price. Each box contains 30 pills of 2.5Mg and cost me $40 do the math.(one box last me two days at 37.5mg) I started 11 days ago. I still have 39 days of supply left if i continue at 37.5mg should i up the dose and go less days? what do you guys think I'm also splitting the dose. 12.5 in the morning 12.5 in the afternoon and 12.5 at night.
I'm only taking 37.5Mg a day because the price. Each box contains 30 pills of 2.5Mg and cost me $40 do the math.(one box last me two days at 37.5mg) I started 11 days ago. I still have 39 days of supply left if i continue at 37.5mg should i up the dose and go less days? what do you guys think I'm also splitting the dose. 12.5 in the morning 12.5 in the afternoon and 12.5 at night.

Splitting the dose is good since it's half life is 8 hours - also make sure one of your dosages is like 1-2 hours before your work out.... I would up the dosage and run it less time (like 60 mg for 4 weeks) and look into other AAS since var is way too expensive for what you get, for males (for females its GREAT).
I agree, I ran a low dose of var(50mg) during my last cycle, and i must say......for the money, there are better products out there.
Well im doing a cutting cycle. Im also doing 500MG of suestanon from organon a week. And im throwing in CLEN starting next week
Well im doing a cutting cycle. Im also doing 500MG of suestanon from organon a week. And im throwing in CLEN starting next week

If you even want to add an AAS I would say primo is better than var here - but if this is your first cycle I wouldnt run an AAS yet.