anyone watch 1000 ways to die?



just watched an episode of some guy who injected"steroids" him self and had a sudden death later lol i dvr'ed back to the bottle and it was axio labs testaplex pretty funny shit
Yea the heart attack one.....yep.....

People die more often and have more problems from eating FF shit than roids....

I've had patients with 100 different problems on their roids lol
I've seen that show. Entertaining but I'll never die any of those ways. I'll die during sex while having an orgasm.
HAHA! they already had that one too, 2 very shy people from japan, had sex for the first time after they were married for like 6 years. Played just the tip and died of a heart attack!



In that case I'll eat my favorite chocolates, cakes, ice creams, and wine until I fall asleep (from too much wine) and then go in my sleep...thourougly satisfied of course.
I actually like the show despite it being cheesy. I have not seen that show yet. I will be interesting to see how he died from injecting. I've heard axio is killer stuff.
lol that shows funny as hell i stay watching that shit and manswers everyday
I've only seen a little bit of it. However, the one I saw was of a guy was had a small penis, so he decided to fake having a big one. He took a sausage and tied it around the inside of his thigh with a bungee. He went out to a club to show of his "package," but then fell to the floor and died. Apparently he left the sausage tied around his leg for hours, which cut off the circulation, which caused a blood clot that led to his death.

Man, talk about a sad way to're already feeling pathetic being your dick is small, and then you die because you tried to overcompensate for it. Moral of the story: Just don't have a small dick

Yah I saw that episode.. just stupid... Gives AAS a Bad rep... People out there think AAS are a bad thing and kill you.. when it's entirely not the case at all.... FRIGGEN RETARDS !!
there is no medical how anabolic steroids work evidence anabolic steroids can cause brain cancer and Alzado's own doctors admitted anabolic steroids had nothing to do with his death.
there is no medical how anabolic steroids work evidence anabolic steroids can cause brain cancer and Alzado's own doctors admitted anabolic steroids had nothing to do with his death.

where did that come from? lol random post