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And it doesn't take 2weeks for the effects to come on that's usually when it sort of calms down and you get used to it I've been hearing some bad reviews from people using ss and definitely sounds like bunk or way underdosed lgd I don't really care if there sponsors of yours or this site if you were on lgd you would Fucking know about it by now
Sorry but I don't believe that. A week or 2 is such a short amount of time. Especially for something like a SARM.
It's not dbol for crying out loud! Lol.
Look maybe that's how you react. How old are you? I'm 43 almost 44 maybe as we age results come slower.
Maybe you ate more than I am.
So many variables here. Most everything on SARMS is anecdotal.
To say Sarmsearch is bunk is way out of line to say.
Besides if they were gonna send out a sample for honest review wouldn't they at least make sure the sample was g2g??
Beyond that I guess anything could be possible but with so many forums all with so many sponsored and unsponsored reviews pushing bunk product seems a bit hard to do if you wanna keep generating sales.
I can tell you this. I have tried a bunch of peptides from a bunch of different sources and pinned myself silly carrying around slin pins in little cooler bags ..
.what a pain! I never saw any benefit.
And I have asked bodybuilder s if they use peptides like igf1 and they don't.
Asked if they use sarms and they don't. Why? Not cause they don't work....they don't know or care if they work... because they can get real AAS and they know what works the best. Sarms are just a shadow compared to AAS.
Good enough for a gym rat looking to add a bit of size in between blast?? That's what I'm trying to find out.
Mate all I was giving you was my personal experience with lgd and the experiences of people around me that have used ss if I had the results that you have gotten from my supplier I would also suspect underdosed gear.
But to be fair you are correct in stating that there a alot of different variables that can come into play age diet ect
I don't have anything against ss or any peptide Sarms steroid company nor am I affiliated with any all I said was latley I have seen a few bad reviews from people using ss some that I do know personally and know that it was ss that they used I saw the bottle sitting in there gym room as for what I said on the internet who knows whats true all I was doing was giving you my personal opinion from what I've seen with my own to eyes. I'm 26 by the way and as for what I said about it being safe yes it's a research chemical so know bodyknows the long term issues but as for what we do know
It's not liver toxic at BB doses at one stage I bumped my dosage up to 30mg a day for a week and im still alive no kidney or liver issues from This had bloods to check
Dosnt bind to the prostate
No needle related issues
No balding
No prolaction issues
No acne I could go on but
on every bottle of Sarms or vial of peptides I have owned it has said not for human consumption
If anyone reads this and still takes the product then whatever happens is on your back they are called a research chemicals for a reason
Guys I have to say. I'm all for sarms if they work
Being a novice I don't know what to expect but claims like putting on 15 lbs in 8 weeks?? Cmon on now.
I can put on 5 lb in a week and a couple a days if I attack every food particle in my sight AAS or no AAS.
I can put on 10 lbs in a month and a half maybe less if I dirty up my bulk.
Gayeyes.... let's just say you were eating a shit ton and you gained weight in fat,water and a bit of muscle. Because unless you were regularly checking BF% along with scale weight we don't know just how much Muscle you really gained.
No one is saying you can't gain roughly 2 lbs a week. But 2 lbs of muscle doesn't even happen with AAS.
Maybe that's what you ment? But your post really made it sound like 15lbs of muscle.
It's not liver toxic at BB doses at one stage I bumped my dosage up to 30mg a day for a week and im still alive no kidney or liver issues from This had bloods to check
Dosnt bind to the prostate
No needle related issues
No balding
No prolaction issues
No acne I could go on
Hey man, I'm just offering my experience, like you and most here I'm experimenting and learning. This is my first cycle on anything (never used PHs or AAS) after a good 25 years of lifting natty, so I'm as surprised as you are by these results... As I said before, I upped my calories by 400-500 above maintenance starting in week 3. I certainly didn't attack every food particle, lol. I did it on purpose since I tried to keep most variables as stable as possible to evaluate the true impact of the LGD.
According to my bathroom scale, my BF went up slightly, from 13% to 14%. So a bit of the gains were fat, but minimally as I said before. I've read that LGD helps prevent gaining too much fat. I'm positive that a significant chunk of the new weight came from water and glycogen however the water is all intra-muscle, not bloating. My muscles started feeling REALLY full and "perma-pumped". So much so that I started getting comments from random friends and co-workers. After that initial jump of 5-6 lbs (which happened in the first 1-2 weeks), my weight kept going up slowly and steadily for the entire 8 weeks, accompanied by strength gains and a string of PRs in most of my lifts. It was an amazing experience.
I'm in PCT now (week 3). I've done my best to keep the intensity at the gym although it's certainly difficult, especially given how suppressive LGD is. My Test was under 100 at the end so the lethargy hit me hard, and my libido is non-existent. My weight has remained stable, muscles not as full as during the cycle but a lot of the volume I gained is still here. I may have added a bit more fat, too since I kept my food intake the same to try and protect the gains. We'll see what happens in 2-3 more weeks and assuming the water/glycogen pump subsides. I think it's reasonable to expect that I'll retain somewhere around 7-10 pounds of real gains. Then it'll be time to do it all over again![]()
This log is awesome everyone is putting there 2 cents in and making this log what it should be. Logs are all about helping us members.
No sleep no problem. I been feeling great all day.
Trained DELTS this morning and cardio and abs this afternoon.
DB shoulder press drop sets x3
DB lateral raise drop set x 3
Front BB raise with static hold x 3
Smith machine shrugs dropset x3
Reverse fly machine dropset x3
Feel pretty strong and had good energy