are keto diets good?

Popichulo said:
R-ALA or ALA is a glucose disposal agent it memicks insulin and helps shuttle carbs out of the bllodstream and into the muscles for immediate usage. Some people say they can eat carbs and take 200-400mg R-ALA and still stay in Ketosis.

Anyone been around since the days of the ALA craze over at EliteFitness. Fonz basically doing his own "research" on it. Taking something like 1,000 - 1,200 mg and other crazy shit.

Maybe I'm just to old.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Anyone been around since the days of the ALA craze over at EliteFitness. Fonz basically doing his own "research" on it. Taking something like 1,000 - 1,200 mg and other crazy shit.

Maybe I'm just to old.
Your not alone on that, I was around then too.
Brat said:
Is there any point to it??

I doubt it- I experimented once with it at that dose and basically had the worst heartburn ever.

I wouldn't get caught up in the glucose disposal agents. If your looking for the health benefits it provides fine, otherwise its money on something you really don't need. First Chromium, then Vanadyl Sulfate and now ALA. We'll have something new in a couple years.

POPICULHO- Do you remember when Liquidex came on the market on ELITE and people were posting how long it took to get to their door. I remember people posting 8 hours from the time they ordered.
DirkMoneyshot said:
I doubt it- I experimented once with it at that dose and basically had the worst heartburn ever.

I wouldn't get caught up in the glucose disposal agents. If your looking for the health benefits it provides fine, otherwise its money on something you really don't need. First Chromium, then Vanadyl Sulfate and now ALA. We'll have something new in a couple years.

POPICULHO- Do you remember when Liquidex came on the market on ELITE and people were posting how long it took to get to their door. I remember people posting 8 hours from the time they ordered.
Gotcha...I have a bottle that I got a while ago, but I don't remember if I ever took it...dunno proper timing or dosage, so it stayed in my gym bag...IA said 400 mg post-workout...
DirkMoneyshot said:
I doubt it- I experimented once with it at that dose and basically had the worst heartburn ever.

I wouldn't get caught up in the glucose disposal agents. If your looking for the health benefits it provides fine, otherwise its money on something you really don't need. First Chromium, then Vanadyl Sulfate and now ALA. We'll have something new in a couple years.

POPICULHO- Do you remember when Liquidex came on the market on ELITE and people were posting how long it took to get to their door. I remember people posting 8 hours from the time they ordered.

YEah I remember that people were all praising how quick it arrived and blah blah blah. Man I remember the days back at elite with Fonz and Natty and the rest of those guys.
Popichulo said:
YEah I remember that people were all praising how quick it arrived and blah blah blah. Man I remember the days back at elite with Fonz and Natty and the rest of those guys.
Don't want to hijack the thread but did Fonz ever post here? I see a lot of reference to Fonz and even some quotes but can't remember if they were quoted from this site or Elite. I would have loved to have been around during his hayday.
Fender said:
Don't want to hijack the thread but did Fonz ever post here? I see a lot of reference to Fonz and even some quotes but can't remember if they were quoted from this site or Elite. I would have loved to have been around during his hayday.
NAH as far as I know Fonz never posted here, a lot of us left Elite back when the whole Platinum Membership crap started. I really havent been back over there since then maybe a few times just to look around. Anyways back to the point NOPE I have never seen a post from Fonz over here though.
DirkMoneyshot said:
Anyone been around since the days of the ALA craze over at EliteFitness. Fonz basically doing his own "research" on it. Taking something like 1,000 - 1,200 mg and other crazy shit.

Maybe I'm just to old.

Yeah, this is my first time here, but I was a part of that back at Elite. I remember all the debates about ALA. Then, they said that regular (racemic) ALA was poo, so they marketed R-ALA. Personally, I still use regular ALA and it works extremely well, it has since then. I can eat about 5x more carbs and still stay in ketosis, plus they allow you to eat more if you're interested in bulking. You need to take them with food, not after, not before, because it's acidic as hell. Muscletech's secret ingredient for their post recovery drink was ALA back in the day.

anyway, hi lol.

btw, CKD and TKD work very wonderfully.