Very nice, keep up the good work. Do you know what Body fat % you are currently at?
Nah dont really know, 8 months ago was 40 percent and the start of this diet was 25percent but thats using one of those bodyfat scales which are rubbish. I dont use it anymore,anyones welcome to take a guess,i think the only real accurate way is the bodpod
Nice progress man. I'm at 30% BF right now and am looking to get around where you want at 15%. Always motivating to see other people making progress.
End of week 10 pic,slight improvement but I have to say im finding it harder to keep motivated as im not taking any fat burners or anything anymore. I will probably go on cycle in a few weeks so should be some changes then
Mate looking really good, very happy for you.
Weeks 1 to 10 have you been taking any fat burners, and if so which ones?
Or is this just straight 3j diet?
Let me no thx