arm growth.....................

I don't think Matt has made a comment in the last two pages, just saying bro

And don't take this the wrong way, but your lifting techniques and methodology in your diet wouldn't shine so bright without your God given genetics.
Some people are just screwed from birth for putting mass on certain parts of their frames
Bigben your so full of shit and just like i suspected you are noney driven a trained liar that uses gear alot of it and promises clients success if they follow your diet and routine. You think your the only mother fucker that knows how to "properly lift" gtfoh lmao and your female client has bigger arms than matt? Hilarious dam you better be a millionaire since you have the answers to everyone's dream. You may fool naive people or newbs but dont insult me with your shenanigans that ive already witnessed on every forum the last few years i know plenty trainers and they thrive off the weak clueless people and use there looks to profit and sell false hope of achieving something that takes plenty of gear to do
Bigben your so full of shit and just like i suspected you are noney driven a trained liar that uses gear alot of it and promises clients success if they follow your diet and routine. You think your the only mother fucker that knows how to "properly lift" gtfoh lmao and your female client has bigger arms than matt? Hilarious dam you better be a millionaire since you have the answers to everyone's dream. You may fool naive people or newbs but dont insult me with your shenanigans that ive already witnessed on every forum the last few years i know plenty trainers and they thrive off the weak clueless people and use there looks to profit and sell false hope of achieving something that takes plenty of gear to do

I have zero reason to lie, I've said my piece, you keep doing what you do, it's obviously working out for you.

I am selling nothing.

Those people on here who's opinion I do care about have seen my stage and shoot pics, know how I live and work, and that's all that counts to me.

BB out.
God given genetics... don't make me laugh, I was a fucking beanpole!

Genetics can affect several things. For one, not everyone responds exactly the same to x mg of gear. One dude can build an impressive physique with 3 or 4 moderate cycles, whereas the next guy would have to take enough aas to kill a horse.
I'm not saying your physique isn't impressive, or that your training is shit, and you don't have a clue about proper diet to build muscle, But don't think for a minute you can take any bloke off the street, have him mimic your diet, trying, and aas,and he will be your twin. There are just too many variables to consider
You have obviously found what works for you. And my hats off to you. But there really isn't a cookie cutter approach to national level bodybuilder
I don't think Matt has made a comment in the last two pages, just saying bro

And don't take this the wrong way, but your lifting techniques and methodology in your diet wouldn't shine so bright without your God given genetics.
Some people are just screwed from birth for putting mass on certain parts of their frames

Matt is the master of these threads. He'll post another on arm exercises with cables or something here shortly and it'll have pages of dudes goin back and forth about a topic they've done forgotten about....and then he'll disappear lol
Matt is the master of these threads. He'll post another on arm exercises with cables or something here shortly and it'll have pages of dudes goin back and forth about a topic they've done forgotten about....and then he'll disappear lol
And when Matt and 49er resurface, they will still look like crap and be skeptical of others with results and envious they have none to speak of. It's a viscious cycle
And when Matt and 49er resurface, they will still look like crap and be skeptical of others with results and envious they have none to speak of. It's a viscious cycle

You look the same always you guys cant get under my skin i actually have alot going for myself and im actually winning powerlifting events and i will be at nationals next year. You keep doing your thing your body is aesthetic at best BB is beyond your level i totally believe your doses are low no doubt avout that. And please work on your dam fish stick legs or dont even go on stage
Matt, one of my female clients has bigger arms than you

lol this is hilarious . who cares . her clit is prob bigger then your dick bro ;) and 18" arms just looks delightful on a woman now doesn't it. you may be given her bad advice and too many steroids man, back off building the 'she beast' of your dreams
The most useful information i got out of all this is 10-12lbs. Lbm to gain approx 1" on arms
As far as onk and bigben go there no help, never any help, very negative people wrapped up in there own little world
this thread is pure comedy

Matt you looking great. Like I said, drop that waist down 1-2 inches and you will look even better
I agree but on a lean bulk bro
Trying to add mass while staying lean as possible
Been on test and deca for 12 weeks but i know some of u are going to hate for me posting this but adding a low dose of tren a starting next week
Currently my diet is high pro, high fat, low carbs
1-2 cheat meals a week
Once i start the tren ill be adding in abit more cals to my diet
Wanna slowly get up to 240-260 so if it takes till next spring to do so ill do just that
Test 800mg ( currently on)
Deca 500mg( currently on)
Tren a 300mg

360G protein roughly ( strickly from protein sources)
Egg whites, wholes eggs, chicken breast, lean ground beef, tuna, canned corn beef, cottage cheese ( maybe 1 shake a day at times if in a rush, but stick to whole foods
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The most useful information i got out of all this is 10-12lbs. Lbm to gain approx 1" on arms
As far as onk and bigben go there no help, never any help, very negative people wrapped up in there own little world

Pic last night
Sitting around 222lbs

Oh the irony. You will notice Matt that I help the beginners and refute the bullshit by the guys that fail to listen/change (you). I'm yet to see you help any beginners to date. But then, you don't know where to start do you?

Enjoy your stay in ology over the last 2 weeks and we'll see you in another 6 months.

It's rare that an individual is so universally disliked, so you always create quite active threads.