Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

Age 40 and recently started TRT. Ran 3 cycles in the past 5 yrs at 525mg then 525mg then 400 mg of T Cyp. While running these cycles I never ran an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and seemed to have elevated BP (had a red face and felt some pressure but when checked it was not overly elevated) but on my 3rd cycle at 400 mg didn't have the same issue as bad.

It was on this thread many posts back when discussing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocols that I read advice to try running Adex at .5-1mg per week the day after your Test pin.
I am currently running 300mg/ E6D and hcg 250iu 2x wk and although I can't say I have any E issues but sometimes and only very slight I started to take .5 mg once a week in this fashion. After 3 weeks I feel fine.

I will be getting BW done in the next couple weeks. Should I stop taking the ADEX so that I can get a good picture of whats going on without it in my system? I'm asking because maybe I don't even need to run Adex.
Age 40 and recently started TRT. Ran 3 cycles in the past 5 yrs at 525mg then 525mg then 400 mg of T Cyp. While running these cycles I never ran an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) and seemed to have elevated BP (had a red face and felt some pressure but when checked it was not overly elevated) but on my 3rd cycle at 400 mg didn't have the same issue as bad.

It was on this thread many posts back when discussing testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) protocols that I read advice to try running Adex at .5-1mg per week the day after your Test pin.
I am currently running 300mg/ E6D and hcg 250iu 2x wk and although I can't say I have any E issues but sometimes and only very slight I started to take .5 mg once a week in this fashion. After 3 weeks I feel fine.

I will be getting BW done in the next couple weeks. Should I stop taking the ADEX so that I can get a good picture of whats going on without it in my system? I'm asking because maybe I don't even need to run Adex.

That is a really high dose for TRT. Why not get a blood test now? Odds are very good you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) taking that much test.

It would help a lot to inject 150mg every 3 days instead. And take .25mg adex with each injection. I would stay on that and get your labs.
That is a really high dose for TRT. Why not get a blood test now? Odds are very good you need an Aromatase inhibitor (AI) taking that much test.

It would help a lot to inject 150mg every 3 days instead. And take .25mg adex with each injection. I would stay on that and get your labs.

Yeah I know. Not sure why the Dr. is starting me out at this dose but I have to admit, I like it! I think he will adjust after my next BW but I wasn't about to point it out to him because , well, I like it!

As far as the ADEX is concerned I have .5mg caps and cant break em down to .25 so I instead chose to go once a week. The script says .5 EOD but I seriously think thats too much for me. The Dr Im sure doesnt and I didnt want to tell him about my previous 3 cycles that have given me personal insight to how I react. Im afraid if I tell him then he wont trust me.

When I go for my next BW I will just tell him that I chose to space out the dose based on how I felt. If my BW is off Ill let him yell at me or whatever and start following his protocol.

Just keep in mind, I may not be dealing with the best Dr and I am currently working on finding someone else. In fact I have to make a phone call today.
Yeah I know. Not sure why the Dr. is starting me out at this dose but I have to admit, I like it! I think he will adjust after my next BW but I wasn't about to point it out to him because , well, I like it!

As far as the ADEX is concerned I have .5mg caps and cant break em down to .25 so I instead chose to go once a week. The script says .5 EOD but I seriously think thats too much for me. The Dr Im sure doesnt and I didnt want to tell him about my previous 3 cycles that have given me personal insight to how I react. Im afraid if I tell him then he wont trust me.

When I go for my next BW I will just tell him that I chose to space out the dose based on how I felt. If my BW is off Ill let him yell at me or whatever and start following his protocol.

Just keep in mind, I may not be dealing with the best Dr and I am currently working on finding someone else. In fact I have to make a phone call today.

Can't you take them apart and measure out the contents to get .25mg? I didn't know you could get adex in anything other than 1mg tablets. You could try asking your pharmacy for tablets instead.
Im gonna take them apart then! Not a bad idea. If I do that then I just pop half the capsule in my mouth and down it but it just will prob taste nasty is all. I dont care bout that so Im gonna do that.
I've used test 250 e before .now I'm getting ready to start stacking it with tren A 100 and test 250e but not sure how much of a dose to take can someone please help me out thx
I've used test 250 e before .now I'm getting ready to start stacking it with tren A 100 and test 250e but not sure how much of a dose to take can someone please help me out thx
I've used test 250 e before .now I'm getting ready to start stacking it with tren A 100 and test 250e but not sure how much of a dose to take can someone please help me out thx

This is the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section of the forum. That's not a suitable question here.
Hi,ive got a couple questions,my new doctor has agreed to handle my trt,he has already wrote me scripts for test c 200 mg a week based on what ive told him i was doing,with no blood work,ive been on a blast n cruise since he prescribed me the human grade test doing 600 mg a week,have also thrown in 400 mb of masteron a week,now i have to get labs n physical done,i need to know if the masteron will show up as anything on my labs,also ive quit the high dose this last week,im going to drop down to 100 mg a week so not to crash,yet get my t level to a desirable level,should of ended the blast a couple weeks ago,i dont want to lose this testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) with him.can you please help?i can stall off the lab work for a few weeks,
New here. Hoping I could get some help. Been feeling less driven over the last year. Had a gf for a while and she was fun but even though she was attractive I wasnt all over her like I used to be with girls. Between this and just feeling overall less energetic I wondered if something was up. She would ask me if i was even attracted to her and if i was completely honest my answer would Have been "kinda". I'm 24 And have always had a hard time putting on weight. I'm currently sitting at about 175lb And roughly 10% to 12% bf And the highest I get no matter How much I eat and how hard I lift is around 182. Keep in mind that my diet is spotless and I'm working out 2 to 4 Times per week. I do work over 12 hr days (not physical) up to 6 days a week but I average around 7hrs of sleep per night.

Finally went to the doc and got my test checked.

Here are my results:

9am test (woke up at about 815)

Testosterone - 496
Free Testosterone - 95.2

Of course the Doctor says this is fine and I'm in the normal 250 to 1100 range that "applies to all men." But after looking at some of the averages per age in charts I found that I have the test level of a 60 year old. This seems low especially for a 24 year old male.

At this point I'm looking for advice. Should I be on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT)? I Have a mma/football/contact sports background that may play into my current readings. Any help would be appreciated.
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I want to hear from people who have been on testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) for ten years or more. Do you have any health issues that are associated with the medication?
Hi there,

I have just had my first cycles of steroids, being new to the game I have little knowledge or experience just what I have had from the gym. I have been on tri test 400 the first bottle I did 1 ml per week then my second bottle I did 1ml 2x a week for 5 weeks then repeated with the 3rd. All in all 20 weeks. Could I do another 5 week or is there a limit to what I can use??? I have PCT could u tell me after the cycle is finished how long it is before I can start them and how long after there finished I could start a new course of tri test.the gains I have made are outstanding.
Would really appreciate your advise.
Hi there,

I have just had my first cycles of steroids, being new to the game I have little knowledge or experience just what I have had from the gym. I have been on tri test 400 the first bottle I did 1 ml per week then my second bottle I did 1ml 2x a week for 5 weeks then repeated with the 3rd. All in all 20 weeks. Could I do another 5 week or is there a limit to what I can use??? I have PCT could u tell me after the cycle is finished how long it is before I can start them and how long after there finished I could start a new course of tri test.the gains I have made are outstanding.
Would really appreciate your advise.

Wrong forum for cycles. You want the AAS section of this website. You posted in the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section.

I have a feeling you are going to be joining us hypogonadal guys pretty soon though based on what you are doing for a cycle. You might want to see a doc soon to make sure you haven't developed a case of gynecomastia.
I have a Dr appt coming up in 2 days and I'm needing advise. The Docs had me on 120mg of T Cyp every 7 days for a month. My issue is I feel great the first 5 days then weak the last two days before my next shot. The doc won't increase my dose because my total T is at 850 up from 312 when I started. Neither will he write script for home injections so I could split the dose up. My E2 is 14 and PSA very low at .003. I feel I would be great all week at 150mg.
I have a Dr appt coming up in 2 days and I'm needing advise. The Docs had me on 120mg of T Cyp every 7 days for a month. My issue is I feel great the first 5 days then weak the last two days before my next shot. The doc won't increase my dose because my total T is at 850 up from 312 when I started. Neither will he write script for home injections so I could split the dose up. My E2 is 14 and PSA very low at .003. I feel I would be great all week at 150mg.

When we're those labs taken relative to your last injection? I'm trying to see if 850 is a peak, mid-point, or trough reading.

E2 at 14 is pretty low. Are you taking an AI?

I would demand self-injections. Ask him if he would allow a diabetic to self-inject. If your doc won't allow it tell him you will be looking for a new doc.

You might want to contact the board sponsor here. They are called IMT and lots of guys will sing their praises for treating their low testosterone. You will find their ad to the right side of your screen.