Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

my 2 cents

This has probably been asked a million times, I just want to know when is the best time to take the Aromatase inhibitor (AI). I'm taking 100mg test cyp on Wednesday, and the dr told me to take .5 mg anastrozole on the same day I take the injection. I realize Test peaks 48hrs after and Aromatase inhibitor (AI) peaks sooner, so if I take it on day of, am I catching it on the upswing? Or is the Aromatase inhibitor (AI) dropping out too soon?

What I'm experiencing is I feel better on Friday Saturday and Sunday. Monday and Tuesday are ok, Wednesday is iffy, and Thursday pretty much sucks. Anxiety and emotions are up, and motivation, confidence goes down.

My peak T level is 941
My E2 level was at 40 <=29 but last test had them down it was at 13 when I was taking .5 twice a week. So the DR recommended .5 once a week. So anyway, should i take it on the day of injection, 1 day later? Or maybe even split it to .25 twice a week. What do you recommend?

Getting trough levels tested on Wednesday. My hope is that the Dr will increase my Test. because I think my troughs are too low.


I would simply inject 50mg of test twice a week and take 0.25mg of Aromatase inhibitor (AI) on the same day. Say Monday morings and Thursday evenings. That should even you out.
I agree, but for some some reason Drs around here think that injecting once a week is fine (I think if I didn't push it, they would have me on every other week). I'm trying to follow what he is saying at least through the "stabilizing" time so that I don't mess with the numbers (and make him think he is better than he is). I think if I injected 2 times a week he would say the trough is fine. This way hopefully I can show him that the differences are too great, and he will agree to twice a week injections, and possibly increase to 60 x 2 or 75 x 2. I still feel 941 for a peak is too low for me. I think 941 should be mid week levels.

But anyway, if I stay at the current regiment (at least for now) what is the best day to take the AI?

I am 22. been cycling since 17. so 5 years on and off. My wife is 3 months pregnant which I am very pleased with because my sperm count had been low. With that said, if testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) ruined my chances of conceiving again, which i doubt it would being that i was able after 5 years of almost continuous use, i would not be upset. My concern is the quality of life from here on out. I am a registered nurse so I do not mind injections and I am knowledgeable in medicine and the endocrine system. Forever is a long time though.....
and DET OAK I forgot to mention this is my third try of restart with the help of a urologist and endocrinologist. I also have a pretty severe varicocele in my left testicle which the urologist seems to think is hindering my recover....
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I found a tab that seemed the place to let an administrator know of the situation but never received a reply back. Any help would be appreciated!
im starting my cycle after 2 days, just wanted to know when's the best time of the day to take my shots of test E and Deca, is it before my workout? after? before bed? when??
I had my blood work done for the first time in 10 years. Everything but my Testosterone was good. My Test level was at 259. Dr says my insurance won't cover testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) replacement so I'm considering doing it myself. I work out a lot and am already big naturally so I don't want to do a "cycle" I guess. Will it be beneficial to run about 150 or 200 a week, if so how long. Also do I have to do any type of PCT?

I'm 36yo 5"11 255lb and about 20% bf
I had my blood work done for the first time in 10 years. Everything but my Testosterone was good. My Test level was at 259. Dr says my insurance won't cover testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) replacement so I'm considering doing it myself. I work out a lot and am already big naturally so I don't want to do a "cycle" I guess. Will it be beneficial to run about 150 or 200 a week, if so how long. Also do I have to do any type of PCT?

I'm 36yo 5"11 255lb and about 20% bf

Call us and do it the right way, its nice to not have to worry about getting in trouble over at our age.
Yo!! ok so I have hit a wall and really frustrated. I have been on diet (carbs in the am, after 12 lean and green) and I have not lost anything. I am 260lbs 5'8" and at like 20% body fat. I have tried over the counter supps and shit dont work. I am massive in size and strength but cant get rid of the body fat.

I finally said F it and ordered some testosterone cypionate 250. my question is how should I cycle to get the best results. my goal is to retain size but cut.

currently at:

260 lbs
20% BF
18 1/2" arms
18" neck
56" chest
cant measure my shoulders tape is not big enough
40" waist

my goals:

10-12% BF
34-36" waist
19" arms
58" chest

I dont want washboard abs so to say but enough to look good. I have a nice tire around my waist and I hate it.

diet is as follows;

7am 1/2 cup brown rice, 3 egg whites

9am 1/2 cup brown rice 3 egg whites

11am one scoop protein shake

1pm chicken salad (chicken, lettuce, tomatoes, cuccumbers, carrots and balsamic dressing)

3pm proetien shake

5pm the other half of my salad

7pm fish and veggies

9pm 3 egg whites

1 gal of water through out the day and been eating like this for 1 year now ( i have seen nutritionist and my doc)

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This is the testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) section of the forum. You should post your question in the AAS section. One tip though, get labs done now so you know what your baseline is. You'll be glad you did later. And another tip, you will probably put on more fat using AAS.
I wanted to start a thread for all those people reading that have questions but may be too intimated to post thinking there questions are dumb or someone will make fun of it. So basically this is a no flaming thread.

Please make sure ALL questions are related to testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and not cycling and try to keep them short and sweet :D

I am not saying not to write it out, but lets try and keep it to 1 question per post, if you have multiple questions start with the most important and as we get them answered then feel free to make another post about your next question.

Fire away................:uzi:

Here is a bad question,

I have read about monitoring your blood and all but is this something that you have to discuss the reason for it with your family doctor? I mean i'm new and half way through my first cycle and never done blood work to monitor it but I also don't know if I just go to my doctor (which i'm sure going to stay confidential) or there are other ways. The blood work would tell me what and at what dosage I have to run my PCT also right.
How do I proceed? is my assumption the way its done?

Here is a bad question,

I have read about monitoring your blood and all but is this something that you have to discuss the reason for it with your family doctor? I mean i'm new and half way through my first cycle and never done blood work to monitor it but I also don't know if I just go to my doctor (which i'm sure going to stay confidential) or there are other ways. The blood work would tell me what and at what dosage I have to run my PCT also right.
How do I proceed? is my assumption the way its done?


I wouldn't go through your doctor for anything unless its a medical emergency. If your doctor finds out is is legally obligated to make a note in your medical history file which will follow you around forever anytime you want to get life insurance or medical indurance, etc.

To get accurate, cheap blood work read through this thread. It is 100% discreet, inexpensive, and results only you get to see.
I wouldn't go through your doctor for anything unless its a medical emergency. If your doctor finds out is is legally obligated to make a note in your medical history file which will follow you around forever anytime you want to get life insurance or medical indurance, etc.

To get accurate, cheap blood work read through this thread. It is 100% discreet, inexpensive, and results only you get to see.

DreDay187, Thanks I appreciate it.

Are you saying that one should not have a free test serum level done through insurance?

No. But he is saying do not do it if you have supra physiological testosterone levels due to the running of a cycle. On testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosages it is perfectly fine to get labs through your doc.
No. But he is saying do not do it if you have supra physiological testosterone levels due to the running of a cycle. On testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) dosages it is perfectly fine to get labs through your doc.

Thanks Megatron. Exactly on point!