Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

Questuion for all you experienced guys out there, ive been experimenting with my TRT injections via the muscle and stomache Fat (Subcutaneous). Anyone have like a specific way? i feel a better since of well being shooting Subcutaneously. Will i have better muscle growth working out shooting into the muscle?
I want to ask a question about testosterone and motivation. Does high testosterone (1000 ng/dl) gives huge motivation?

not at all.. like Mega said , motivation is mental not hormonal. On the other side of the coin though, the hormonal changes can negatively effect your motivation (ie. misplace it). So instead of being responsible and 'motivated' in work and your general responsibilities, the high testosterone may have you misguided and you could spend 3 hours a days chasing pussy instead.
pluses and minuses thats what gives motivation. we are motivated because being succesful makes us attractive...
sexual force is the force of life...

Motivation is mental, not hormonal. But hormones have a massive impact on our mentality.
Is blood test timing important?
Do time of day, diet, or other factors affect testosterone levels?

For years, the recommendation has been to get a testosterone value early in the morning because levels start to drop after 10 or 11 a.m. But the data behind that recommendation were drawn from healthy young men. Two recent studies showed little change in blood testosterone levels in men 40 and older over the course of the day. One reported no change in average testosterone until after 2 p.m. Between 2 and 6 p.m., it went down by 13%, a modest amount, and probably not enough to influence diagnosis. Most guidelines still say it***8217;s important to do the test in the morning, but for men 40 and above, it probably doesn***8217;t matter much, as long as they get their blood drawn before 5 or 6 p.m.

There are some very interesting findings about diet. For example, it appears that individuals who have a diet low in protein have lower testosterone levels than men who consume more protein. But diet hasn***8217;t been studied thoroughly enough to make any clear recommendations...
So in the long rung HCG is not good?

" If HCG is used for too long and in too high a dose, the resulting rise in natural testosterone would eventually inhibit its own production via negative feedback on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland." - Wikepedia
So in the long rung HCG is not good?

" If HCG is used for too long and in too high a dose, the resulting rise in natural testosterone would eventually inhibit its own production via negative feedback on the hypothalamus and pituitary gland." - Wikepedia

That is not a concern when on TRT as you are already shut down. You don't want to overdose though.
Do you absolutely have to be on an AI while on TRT? I notice my IM injections with no AI my E2 is to high, but if I do SubQ injunctions at my 200mg weekly dose I'm fine with my ranges. What's the rules with this? Everyone's different I guess?
Do you absolutely have to be on an AI while on TRT? I notice my IM injections with no AI my E2 is to high, but if I do SubQ injunctions at my 200mg weekly dose I'm fine with my ranges. What's the rules with this? Everyone's different I guess?

Nope. Many guys don't need an AI while on TRT. Just keep checking your E2 to make sure it stays in the healthy range
Thanks for help, last question is it ok to drink while on TRT? I like to have a couple drinks at night but some one told me this ruins TRT treatment, and someone told me it has no effect on TRT what's your opinion?
Hi mega. How are you? I have a question for you. If I go on TRT with hCG, infertility is possible. What is the probability rate? This question is for cycle too. Thanks.
Question.. When injecting 200 mg Test Cyp weekly could a person inject every 5th or 6th day or should you stay on the same injection day every week?
Question.. When injecting 200 mg Test Cyp weekly could a person inject every 5th or 6th day or should you stay on the same injection day every week?

Sure, you could shorten the time between injections if you wanted. Just be sure to adjust your dose for each injection accordingly.

For instance if you were to inject every 5 days, you'd inject 140mg. This would keep you ~200mg for your total weekly dose.
Anyone alternate weekly injections areas? thinking of alternating my two weekly injections, one Sub Q, and the other IM? for me doing IM injections only, sky rocket my levels to high