Hello All, Total Newb to this site and to self med of TRT 250ml Test E and Somatropin with a different reason than most I believe.....
I am posting here for feedback and didnt want to clog up the other abundant threads with the basic questions and besides the title states "Questions for Newbs" so here I am.
Age- 46
Weight- 175
Height- 5'9"
Build- Medium Athletic- toned
Activity Level- Always Active( Offroad Motorcycle Enduros and hare Scrambles)
History- 2016 Diagnosed with Lymes.
So back in 2016 I was diagnosed with Lymes and after 2 courses of Doxycycline (30 days each) the ailments were somewhat staved.However, I have noticed lingering symptoms of the Lymes(achy joints/stiffness) and the Doxy(leaky Gut)..I have chosen for most the natural approach which means change of diet,no/little sugars , lo carbs and fitness....this has been working fairly well. However both of my Distal Tendons Left(2016) and Right (2017) have torn during typical activity and needed surgical repair. Although I will never get a straight answer from a Doctor.... the tearing comes from the Doxycyline. Known to weaken Tendons. Obviously this will take the pep outta your step and have never fully recovered back to 100%. My last visit to a Disease Specialist stated he'd put me on a 30 day Pic line with a bag of some heavy duty Antibiotics.....um No.
Yes I am only 6 weeks post surgery Distal Tear Left Bicep and have been released for resistance bands "No Weights" for Physical Therapy....haha just stacked 2 cords of firewood with that arm. I know slow down and take it easy but life goes on and need to get stuff done.
My Source has provided me with:
4 of 250mg/ml-10ML of Test E (TORO)
3 boxes HGH(powder vaccum sealed)no label 10 small sealed vials per box and the water. Each small vial is 1 Ml. So 2.5 servings(.4 ml) per x 30 = 45 days worth
After spending the past few days reading this site i have gathered tons of information the one common denominator I see is a blood test.....I did not do this.
I am:
4 weeks into Test E @ 750ml EW or 3IU's per every 5 days
1 week into 2x day .4 ml of HGH(front load?) I will now drop that down to 1 x.4ml. per day.
My questions are:
-Is 750 Ml or 3 IU's of Test E per every 5 days too much and not required? Honestly dont feel like an 18 yr old...just a small lift in energy. mostly feel the lethargy post injection one day later-tiny bit flu like
-Should I split 500 ml of Test E to 250 ml per serving 3 days apart? i believe it equates to 2IU's.
-I am holding water will this subside? Mostly noticed during the HGH being introduced to my system. My face is starting to look like a Shar pei
-Blood Test? I see mid cycle literature in "Ology" and Links for Blood work Female Hormone w/E2? Is it worth my effort most likely this is my only cycle.
-Will I need a secondary Blood Test post cycle? obvious follow up from above question
-TRT long term or will one cycle help me get back?
-What is a normal TRT cycle length and typical amount daily?
-I have ordered DIM from info gathered on Ology and at 19 bucks didnt feel it to be too much of a gamble if not needed. Should I include this in my daily routine?
-I am also on Antler drops IGF-1. Took prior to surgery for its claimed healing properties. I say it works..... should I just stop that ?
Feedback greatly appreciated.