Ask Anything You Want about TRT Thread........

Ok newbie to the forum here with a couple of questions maybe someone could shed some light on. I know this topic has been covered in a few posts on here to one extent or another but the last time those posts were responded to was over a year ago so I wanted to start a new question in this thread.

A little background about me

I had a childhood trauma at the age of 13 that damaged my testicles to the point they had to be completely removed. Because they were completely removed I don't get testosterone production from them therefore I have complete hypogonadism (SP?). I have been on TRT injections from age 13 to now which I am currently 31. I have been self injecting since I was 19 (thank god as it saves on "nurse visits" at the doctor).

When I was 13 they started out at a small amount and frequency and over the years increased it as I got older.

My current Dosage as of now is 1.5 ML of 200 mg/ML Cypionate injected every 7 days into the outside thigh. Blood test 3 days after injection puts me at 630's for Testosterone which is normal from what I understand.

My question with this is, I have never been put on an estrogen blocker by any doctor but I have been reading up on them and it seems that I should be taking an estrogen blocker with this kind of complete TRT. I am pretty sure I need to take one because I have put on weight over the last 3 years that even with moderate exercise I can't seem to get rid of. I also have the "man boob" thing going on (not gyno tho as they are not hard nor do they hurt). I am also starting to feel less energectic in the last couple years as I used to be on TRT almost like I haven't taken any TRT. I did some research on high estrogen levels in men and found that high estrogen can cause the same symptons as low testerone which obviously my testosterone isn't low as I take my shots weekly without fail.

I have brought my concerns up to my doctor and he is adamant that I don't need an estrogen blocker which I think is completely incorrect based off everything I have researched and read. I am thinking about switching doctors because of this but unsure yet.

That being said my question for you all is..

Should I be taking an estrogen blocker? If so what are some good over the counter ones to take and what dosages should I shoot for based off my situation? I ask for over the counter because I haven't switched doctors yet and switching to a new one will take some time to get new blood tests, explain situations and get my test script right so it could be a bit before I even get to the point of getting an estrogen blocker.

I also have a secondary question... I recently got diagnosed with high cholesterol (triglycerides), could this have something to do with my TRT replacement and the possibility of having too much estrogen in my system or just TRT use in general as I have read that before as well?

Thanks in advance for your input!
Ok newbie to the forum here with a couple of questions maybe someone could shed some light on. I know this topic has been covered in a few posts on here to one extent or another but the last time those posts were responded to was over a year ago so I wanted to start a new question in this thread.

A little background about me

I had a childhood trauma at the age of 13 that damaged my testicles to the point they had to be completely removed. Because they were completely removed I don't get testosterone production from them therefore I have complete hypogonadism (SP?). I have been on TRT injections from age 13 to now which I am currently 31. I have been self injecting since I was 19 (thank god as it saves on "nurse visits" at the doctor).

When I was 13 they started out at a small amount and frequency and over the years increased it as I got older.

My current Dosage as of now is 1.5 ML of 200 mg/ML Cypionate injected every 7 days into the outside thigh. Blood test 3 days after injection puts me at 630's for Testosterone which is normal from what I understand.

My question with this is, I have never been put on an estrogen blocker by any doctor but I have been reading up on them and it seems that I should be taking an estrogen blocker with this kind of complete TRT. I am pretty sure I need to take one because I have put on weight over the last 3 years that even with moderate exercise I can't seem to get rid of. I also have the "man boob" thing going on (not gyno tho as they are not hard nor do they hurt). I am also starting to feel less energectic in the last couple years as I used to be on TRT almost like I haven't taken any TRT. I did some research on high estrogen levels in men and found that high estrogen can cause the same symptons as low testerone which obviously my testosterone isn't low as I take my shots weekly without fail.

I have brought my concerns up to my doctor and he is adamant that I don't need an estrogen blocker which I think is completely incorrect based off everything I have researched and read. I am thinking about switching doctors because of this but unsure yet.

That being said my question for you all is..

Should I be taking an estrogen blocker? If so what are some good over the counter ones to take and what dosages should I shoot for based off my situation? I ask for over the counter because I haven't switched doctors yet and switching to a new one will take some time to get new blood tests, explain situations and get my test script right so it could be a bit before I even get to the point of getting an estrogen blocker.

I also have a secondary question... I recently got diagnosed with high cholesterol (triglycerides), could this have something to do with my TRT replacement and the possibility of having too much estrogen in my system or just TRT use in general as I have read that before as well?

Thanks in advance for your input!

sad to see that you have not taken any Anastrozole to control your E2 levels. what sides have you been experiencing from this?
sad to see that you have not taken any Anastrozole to control your E2 levels. what sides have you been experiencing from this?

You mean side effects? See that is the thing I am not sure what the side effects are that I would experience but I have started getting this...

Weight gain and can't seem to lose it
Mood Swings
Feeling Depressed all of a sudden
All of a sudden really high triglceride levels? (don't know if that has anything to do with high E2 or what).

I mean I just started experiencing this stuff within the last 12 months. Is there other side effects for sure from having high E2 levels that I don't know what they are but possibly have been experiencing them?

Couple things..... sounds like your doing 300mg per week of testosterone but your levels are 630 ng/dl? That doesn't seem right so I just want to double check that you are actually taking 300. If you are taking that much your levels should be closer to 1500 ng/dl at trough. Or you are converting a lot to E2 or are a hyper-secreter.

There are no good over the counter aromatase inhibitors, if your E2 is high you want the real thing.

Symptoms of high E2:

Water retention or a sudden gain in weight, 10 or more pounds in 3-5 days.


Feeling tired or exhausted

Edema in the feet, ankles or fingers

Sometimes Gyno, better known as man boobs. This is the least likely symptom but at your dosage its possible.

Lastly your cholesterol is out of wack because you are taking too much T, this should most certainly be addressed.

Hope this helps.
Hi all.

Mid 40s and have been using blasting/c***sing for a few years now. About two weeks ago I stopped cold turkey and want to go legit with a scrip for TRT. My question is what should I be doing to prepare for the labwork my Dr. is going to order? Obviously my T, FSH, and LH are all going to shot so is there anything I can do to jumpstart my hpta so it just looks like I have low T? Or should I just coast for a couple of months and then go to the Dr?

Hi all. I got some blood tests back from a private lab recently. I got it done since I was feeling some of the symptoms of low t. My TT is apparently in the normal range, but we know the normal range includes everyone of every age. I am 37 and have been involved in mixed martial arts for well over a decade and have not before taken steroids. I feel low in mood and motivation, libido is almost non existent, body fat has become more difficult to shift, I feel weak and fatigued... I just feel like my experience of life is dampened and I feel like an emotionless robot. Here are my results:

DHEA sulphate: 4.88umol/l range 0.44-13.40
FS: 3.9 iu/l range 1.50-12.40
LS: 7.63 iu/l range 1.70-8.60
TT: 15.4 nmol/l range 7.60-31.40
SHBG: 46.4 nmol/l range 16.00-55.00
FAI: 33 range 24-104

I would appreciate any advice on how or if I should be approaching my doctor with these results. I have nothing I'm my life that is causing me to feel the way I do, in fact quote the opposite, nonetheless I feel only semi existent. Thanks again.

P.s I now know I should of gotten my free testosterone checked, but that's another £130, so before I do that I thought I'd check with you guys to see if I had adequate fire power already.
Hi all.

Mid 40s and have been using blasting/c***sing for a few years now. About two weeks ago I stopped cold turkey and want to go legit with a scrip for TRT. My question is what should I be doing to prepare for the labwork my Dr. is going to order? Obviously my T, FSH, and LH are all going to shot so is there anything I can do to jumpstart my hpta so it just looks like I have low T? Or should I just coast for a couple of months and then go to the Dr?


You could try PCT but regardless you will have to wait several months either way.
Hi all. I got some blood tests back from a private lab recently. I got it done since I was feeling some of the symptoms of low t. My TT is apparently in the normal range, but we know the normal range includes everyone of every age. I am 37 and have been involved in mixed martial arts for well over a decade and have not before taken steroids. I feel low in mood and motivation, libido is almost non existent, body fat has become more difficult to shift, I feel weak and fatigued... I just feel like my experience of life is dampened and I feel like an emotionless robot. Here are my results:

DHEA sulphate: 4.88umol/l range 0.44-13.40
FS: 3.9 iu/l range 1.50-12.40
LS: 7.63 iu/l range 1.70-8.60
TT: 15.4 nmol/l range 7.60-31.40
SHBG: 46.4 nmol/l range 16.00-55.00
FAI: 33 range 24-104

I would appreciate any advice on how or if I should be approaching my doctor with these results. I have nothing I'm my life that is causing me to feel the way I do, in fact quote the opposite, nonetheless I feel only semi existent. Thanks again.

P.s I now know I should of gotten my free testosterone checked, but that's another £130, so before I do that I thought I'd check with you guys to see if I had adequate fire power already.

Did you run the labs first thing in the morning after a good night of sleep? That makes a difference.

Your TT is at 444ng/dl which is on the lowish side for your age but not considered Hypogonadal. I would recommend repeating labs again and also checking Estradiol, Prolactin, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Free Testosterone, CBC, and CMP.

How is your diet and sleeping habits? Could you have sleep apnea?

Any trauma to your testicles or issues with them? I am a little worried by how high your Luteinizing Hormone is.
Did you run the labs first thing in the morning after a good night of sleep? That makes a difference.

Your TT is at 444ng/dl which is on the lowish side for your age but not considered Hypogonadal. I would recommend repeating labs again and also checking Estradiol, Prolactin, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Free Testosterone, CBC, and CMP.

How is your diet and sleeping habits? Could you have sleep apnea?

Any trauma to your testicles or issues with them? I am a little worried by how high your Luteinizing Hormone is.

First off thanks for the reply megatron. Yeah my blood was taken 30 minutes after waking and I slept fine.

Diets always been good. Plenty f***t and veg, lean meats and quality carbs. I'm 5 foot 7 inch and weigh 74kg and haven't really been out of shape since I was a kid. Always exercised etc.

I've not been diagnosed with sleep apnea, so other then testing it out myself, I wouldn't know I guess.

No trauma to the testes, maybe the stray kick in them here and there over the years of mma training, but only happened a handful of times and non were notable.

I was more concerned at how low my FAI looked on the scale, is this something that doesn't look concerning? And how concerned should I be about my LH level? I shall proceed as you have laid out and get more blood works done privately if I haven't got the firepower to go to the doctors, which is obviously free here in the UK, providing I have just cause. Could you also suggest a particular book that is considered good for a person looking to start/read on TRT.

Again thanks for your time and if there's any other info I can provide I will. I really do feel like shit a lot of the time for no such reason. I have a great and beautiful girlfriend, a non stressful life, great social group, etc.

Would the volume of baby making juice being notably reduced also correlate with any results of these blood works?
Did you run the labs first thing in the morning after a good night of sleep? That makes a difference.

Your TT is at 444ng/dl which is on the lowish side for your age but not considered Hypogonadal. I would recommend repeating labs again and also checking Estradiol, Prolactin, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Free Testosterone, CBC, and CMP.

How is your diet and sleeping habits? Could you have sleep apnea?

Any trauma to your testicles or issues with them? I am a little worried by how high your Luteinizing Hormone is.

Hey megatron,

Found this test at the same lab. I think it has everything you mentioned, I don't know if the estradiol is the "sensitive" test. Just thought I'd ask your opinion before spending another £120. If you just scroll to the bottom of the page it's shows you all test involved. Massive thanks again to you and any one else who inputs:

****Please no links allowed copy and paste the info, thanks!****
Hey megatron,

Found this test at the same lab. I think it has everything you mentioned, I don't know if the estradiol is the "sensitive" test. Just thought I'd ask your opinion before spending another £120. If you just scroll to the bottom of the page it's shows you all test involved. Massive thanks again to you and any one else who inputs:

****Please no links allowed copy and paste the info, thanks!****

Wow I really didn't contemplate any connection here, but I'm at the beginning of my quest and I'm finding a lot of indication that diazepam can have affects on T. I've been on around 10-15mg per night for a long time now (years). Should this be my first focus? Tapering off will take many many months, which obviously isn't a problem, however the notion of feeling as I do for even another week pretty annoying...
If your TT levels are low you want to address that first and foremost.

Lots of our clients have gotten off all types of oral medication after optimizing their T levels.

It is our opinion, that at this stage for you, you do not need a sensitive E2 test. Here is what you should be looking for, the basics:

Total T
Free T
If your TT levels are low you want to address that first and foremost.

Lots of our clients have gotten off all types of oral medication after optimizing their T levels.

It is our opinion, that at this stage for you, you do not need a sensitive E2 test. Here is what you should be looking for, the basics:

Total T
Free T

Thanks for your feedback. The test I'm looking at will include all listed below, this is titled as a trt blood test and it looks like all basis are covered. I've been to see my local doctor today and explained the diazepam situation and previous blood works suggesting low T. He seemed more open minded then expected, however he wanted to tackle the diazepam situation first then lool at testosterone, which is a long road, feeling the way I feel right now..... He also mentioned that they treat people with a 3 monthly injection of testosterone. I have read so much on test cypionate being split into 2 jabs per week for optimal stability, that the notion of a 3 monthly injection shocked me! He insisted that this injection is slow release and gives stable test levels. I've since read a little, but seems to be mostly companies promoting it. Any input on this 3 month administration would be appreciated. Again I'm UK so the docs route is free for me, however I don't want to end up worse off. Aforementioned test:

Red Blood Cells


White Blood Cells

White Cell Count
Blood Film Report

Clotting Status

Platelet Count

Kidney Function


Liver Function

Gamma GT


Total Protein


Iron Status


Cholesterol Status

HDL Cholesterol
LDL Cholesterol
Non-HDL Cholesterol

Heart Disease Risk

HDL % of total

Thyroid Function



F Test. (calc)

Prostate Screen

PSA (Total)
Did you run the labs first thing in the morning after a good night of sleep? That makes a difference.

Your TT is at 444ng/dl which is on the lowish side for your age but not considered Hypogonadal. I would recommend repeating labs again and also checking Estradiol, Prolactin, TSH, Free T3, Free T4, Free Testosterone, CBC, and CMP.

How is your diet and sleeping habits? Could you have sleep apnea?

Any trauma to your testicles or issues with them? I am a little worried by how high your Luteinizing Hormone is.

Hey megatron

As explained above, things are in motion, but, as said, the docs mentioned this 3 monthly injection. I expressed the fact I'd read in depth about the text cypionate x2 per week for stable T, however he reckoned this 3 monthly injection maintained stable levels.... Is there any truths in this, is there a magic 3 monthly jab out there? From what I've read it's no, but I certainly do not profess to know everything. Thanks for any help.
The 3-month injection is almost certainly not cypionate, but undecanoate - trade name Nebido. I think it is commonly used in the UK, not approved in the US at this point.

Nice complete bloodwork, except maybe the calculated free T.
I've been lurking for a while. Read through the stickies and several threads. Decided to give TRT a try. I'll make my own thread with specifics a little later. I received my scripts from IMT, but Todd seems to have his hands full with the hurricane. I have a pretty good handle on everything except how to start. I was prescribed 200mg test c once per week, hCG twice a week(not sure of the dosage. I have mixing instructions and the amount to take), and 0.5mg of anastrozole twice a week.

My question is simply do I start out with all 3 meds at once or do I start with the test c and then add in the others later? Or?
I've been lurking for a while. Read through the stickies and several threads. Decided to give TRT a try. I'll make my own thread with specifics a little later. I received my scripts from IMT, but Todd seems to have his hands full with the hurricane. I have a pretty good handle on everything except how to start. I was prescribed 200mg test c once per week, hCG twice a week(not sure of the dosage. I have mixing instructions and the amount to take), and 0.5mg of anastrozole twice a week.

My question is simply do I start out with all 3 meds at once or do I start with the test c and then add in the others later? Or?

I was able to get a hold of Todd. Was a miscommunication on what time we were going to talk.
This may be excessive but what amout of an injectable is in the actual needle itself. My vial of test for example. Total volume is precisely a certain number of doses. If it's 10 mL, and an injection is .5 mL . . . How much would I be short on my last pull if my drawing needle is full when I remove it?

If when drawing I am at the far end of the .5mL line with no air. I remove the syringe, swap end for injection. The new end is empty. I can see a tiny air bubble. I slightly push until I see the compound show its self. I will move from the far end . . . . Long .5mL . . . To the bottom of the line. . . Short .5mL.

Will this cause my last pull from a vial to be short? Say . . . . .4mL?

Is this even enough to be concerned about? This comes from framing and carpentry. Precision cuts. "36" Long meaning leave my pencil mark/ to the end of the pin mark or a "short" meaning till the end of the plungger touching the .5mL line?

If you've ever done trim 1/16" of an inch can be the difference between the right fit and not fitting.
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