New member
Great session today bro, Thats good news you get a new job..congrats
Yeah, but i'm on my feet all day at the new job! I'm a beer distributor.
Great session today bro, Thats good news you get a new job..congrats
Nice session man! Quit whining about deadlifts and just do them LOL
Day 41: Weight: Same
Shitty leg day... a trainer had a client sitting on the hack squat machine the length of my ENTIRE workout.
Front squats, got up to 225
Don't know weight... heavy
Leg Press
FST-7 style, with 4 plates each side.
Extensions. Was upset with this, I really wanted to do hack squats. Stupid, fat trainer taking up space in the gym.
180lbs 4 sets
Lying leg curl
?? 4 sets
seated calf raise
calf raise on leg press.
them legs are fucking Tree trunks dude!! looking nice! no homo
Thank you. Have been training them hard for some time now.
I feel like the test/deca has really kicked in this last week and a half. I've heard people say they get very horny off deca and the test just makes it even worse, it's insane man. I feel like I HAVE to get off before I leave teh house in the morning, or I might rape something.
247 Waoo gaining weight like crazy man...