Day 40: Weight 247 (this is a log for yesterday 4/10/12)
So my weight may look the same, but over the last week or so I've dropped a lot of water, have had a few compliments in the gym saying I look a lot leaner, and my face is much smaller (thank god!)
Today was back.
All back felt great. Pumps and strength were wonderful. I'm sweating like a fucking pig but it feels good, and makes me feel like i'm lifting harder.
Widegrip Pull up
8, 7, 7
I really want to get my pullsups back up to 10/10/10 but being 250lbs, I dont' know if this will happen.
about 3 warmups
210 x 4 sets
Yates row
185 x 12
205 x 10
205 x 10
Love my some yates row, I've recently started working it again, really feels like it hits my upper middle back hard. I've posted a pic of Dorian doing his lift.
Dead lifts
225 x 10
285 x 7
315 x 5
315 x 5
I didn't want to deadlift today, but I did anyway. I went slow, really locked out each one, and lowered them down slowly, tried to get more of a workout with less weight. Don't think I did.
Seated Row
FST 7 style with 185
12, 12, 12, 12, 10, 9, 10
When I was doing these about the hottest girl at the gym started doing abs RIGHT NEXT to me. Kinda messed up my mojo! I really tried not looking at her, but damn she is shredded, and her stomach is perfect.
Single Arm DB bent over Rows
100lb DB's 3 sets.