My arms have always lacked, biceps especially and my tri's have been descent. I usually was scared of overtraining them so i stuck to 1x/week , maybe 2x here and there. Well i said fuck it, lemme try a new approach. i been following this 6 week routine i found in muscle & flaming please..haha. i been hitting biceps 3x/week, mon-wed-fri , im just starting the 3rd week, my arms are 3/4" bigger (doesnt sound like much, but when i look at them in the mirror, its a huge difference) taking 500mg/test...but even on previous cycles, i have never had great arm growth. I'm posting this for anyone who has had problems with there arms growing like me. I Know some of the genetically gifted folks are gonna be like " i dont even need to train my arms, they get enough from deadlifts and bench presses" or " 1x/week hit them hard and they willl grow" well i tried that and that shit dont work for me. If anyone wants me to post the routine , just ask.