Breathe problems after shot?


New member
Today I almost forgot to shoot Test E with Deca before my workout (that's just the time I usually shoot), I was in a hurry and forgot to check if I didn't hit a vein, I just injected.
I'd say that I injected 3CC pretty much fast, right after I got the syringe out blood popped out, and I felt really really weird, also got breathe shortness with dizziness, the dizziness went away in few mins but I still have breathe shortness, also I'm feeling pretty weird.

Is there are anything I should worry about?
agreed . you didnt inject all the gear into a vein . however some of it must have seaped into a vein nearby causing the infamous "cough" . it hit for about 2-5 mins . sometimes u cough , go light headed , sweat , go pale , feel like you are going to pass out , cant breathe properly . youll be fine
If you're reading this then no.

You injected a little bit into the vein. It happens.

Yep I have had that happen, the little dizziness and it goes away quick. Listen I'm a guy who promotes NO Aspirating because this should show that no one is going to get but a drop in the vein, if that much. It won't hurt you a drop and you couldn't have stayed in the vein to do anymore.

Blood spewing out is not a problem. It will seal itself right away. Usually it is from nicking or cutting thru a vein and the little suction and hole allows the blood to follow. I have had it squirt across the B/R floor. G2G man

DID THIS GUY EVER COME BACK... If so well thank you for dropping in.
If he s not embarrassed he should 10 yr old s got more moxy than most of these pip issue thread authors
Isn t that the guy who convinced those peep s to wear Nikes and catch a ride on that comet ???? Pre HIV I mean...
The PIP treads and the injection problems drive me crazy , oh and the aspirating. Their shaky to start scared and the aspirate jerking the needle and syringe all over the place and probably they pushed it in slowly.... ONG Ouch!

And they wonder oh why does this hurt. Fvck you just stabbed yourself with a foreign object and plunged in 1 cc or more of fluid. WTF it's common to sting, bite and or get a little sore. MAN the FVCK UP
The PIP treads and the injection problems drive me crazy , oh and the aspirating. Their shaky to start scared and the aspirate jerking the needle and syringe all over the place and probably they pushed it in slowly.... ONG Ouch!

And they wonder oh why does this hurt. Fvck you just stabbed yourself with a foreign object and plunged in 1 cc or more of fluid. WTF it's common to sting, bite and or get a little sore. MAN the FVCK UP

I pinned right into scar tissues last night and it was burning most of the night and now i have a huge tumor but im tsking some pretty hardcore blend must have been the solvents hurting...... Point is learn to love the pain because from pain comes success thats what they say at least lol