does anyone know the actual SIZE of the 50mg british dragon tabs? they seem EXTREMELY small to me, MINATURE tabs! does anyone have any measurement on how big they are supposed to be?
They are EXACTLY 6mm across in size, could anyone please please value the authencity of these 50mg BD winstrol tabs? are they supposed to be this small??? i was shocked when i opened the packaging (they didnt come in the foiled sealed pouch though)
Maybe I am freaking out over nothing, but this is the very first time I have got any BD winstrol tabs. Everything else looks fine, the score down the middle, BD and 50 imprinted on either side and they are yellow. also my source is very legit, so thats even more confusing!
any input would be deeply appreciated!
many thanks
p.s. i have a feeling these are the "new" tabs, because the 10mg tabs I have (in the original sealed pouch) were manufactured this year, so maybe the same for the 50mg tabs?
many thanks for any help!!!