bulking pics


New member
age20,been training for 2 and a half yrs, curently bulking.
chest49.5, arms18.5, legs31, calves19.5, neck18.5- all measurements unpumped,height 5"11, weight 260
totally natural, been alternating between powerlifting and bodybuilding
bench- 350max, deadlift 550max, squat 500max.
please comment, all input welcomed.
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Looking big man. Numbers are good for age 20 as well.
Holding some serious fat - Take that down and see what you have. That way you can make adjustments on your training and bring up weak points. You've got plenty of size, now its time to take it to another level.
Holding some serious fat - Take that down and see what you have. That way you can make adjustments on your training and bring up weak points. You've got plenty of size, now its time to take it to another level.

DirkMoneyshot said:
Holding some serious fat - Take that down and see what you have. That way you can make adjustments on your training and bring up weak points. You've got plenty of size, now its time to take it to another level.

the hell with the fat! go for 20inch guns, 4 plate bench, then lean up. at age 20, and natural, you have a great foundation to start with. keep up the hard work!
Your a thick ass mofo. Back looks nice and wide, and once you lean out you'll be looking nice and ripped.
thanks for the comments guys, im about to start my first cycle of test enanthate at 500mg for 10-12wks so i dont see the point in cutting when im gonna be puttin more weight on with this, but when im finished the cycle i do plan to start shreddin up, get down to about 210.
dr.skat said:
the hell with the fat! go for 20inch guns, 4 plate bench, then lean up. at age 20, and natural, you have a great foundation to start with. keep up the hard work!

This is the dumbest advice i've heard - Yes i agree that being 20 and natural you are doing well.

Go for 20" arms??? Who cares if they're 20 inches if half of its fat.

A 4 plate bench? Who cares this is bodybuilding - Its about looking good. And i can tell from his pics he needs to change his chest training up. It looks flat from the side and has now lower lip.

Having the discipline to get yourself to a bodyfat of single digits while maintaing a significant amount of bodyfat is what seperates everyday gym rats from the real Bodybuilders.

Also - Why continue putting on a significant amount of fat only to stretch your skin out and leave ugly stretch marks. Get rid of the fat and then continue and you'll be better off skin wise.

Any one can hid weak points when their 20% bodyfat, its a little harder to hide them when you 3 - 6%. And your only as strong as you weakest point.

Gettingstronger this has nothing against you, but stupid advice is just that "stupid"

Your doing fine and i hope you listen to the Vets that responded with solid advice.
ahhhh..... the old id rather look strong than be strong shit. thats hding behind the fact that you afraid to move some weight. wonder how ronnie got so big? it wont from making excuses not to train heavy. we ran all the whimpy ass BBers out of our gym. the ones that remained are hardcore and getting bigger all the time. anyone that says they dont wanna bench four plates is lying.

there's always one or two that post negative feed back no matter what is posted. if you wanna be shredded and weak then thats your choice but telling someone else that it is stupid to wanna be strong is stupid.

the only comment i have for the guy is i think he is too young to start juicing. other than that my hats off to him for hitting it hard and being dedicated. nice job bro.
thanks again for all the comments and advice. there all right, but for me i want to get as strong as possible and look good if thats possible
I see a powerlifter in the making. ;)

You've got some nice size, hun. Keep hitting it hard. I'm with PB on the juicing issue though. Why not wait and see how far you can take it naturally?
DirkMoneyshot said:
This is the dumbest advice i've heard - Yes i agree that being 20 and natural you are doing well.

Go for 20" arms??? Who cares if they're 20 inches if half of its fat.

A 4 plate bench? Who cares this is bodybuilding - Its about looking good. And i can tell from his pics he needs to change his chest training up. It looks flat from the side and has now lower lip.

Having the discipline to get yourself to a bodyfat of single digits while maintaing a significant amount of bodyfat is what seperates everyday gym rats from the real Bodybuilders.

Also - Why continue putting on a significant amount of fat only to stretch your skin out and leave ugly stretch marks. Get rid of the fat and then continue and you'll be better off skin wise.

Any one can hid weak points when their 20% bodyfat, its a little harder to hide them when you 3 - 6%. And your only as strong as you weakest point.

Gettingstronger this has nothing against you, but stupid advice is just that "stupid"

Your doing fine and i hope you listen to the Vets that responded with solid advice.

thanks for the clever mock dirk....you are right- all suggestions shouldnt be welcomed even thought the thread starter requested otherwise. but you are a vet, right? a body building one? and you know what is good for complex training concepts like skin care and body fat percentages. sorry for stating my opinion which differed from yours. the last thing i want to do is convince someone to work hard toward stretch marks and unhealthy body fat percentages. lol...

work hard gettinstrong and your goals will be met- whether it's a 3-6% body fat percentage, funkin slam 4 plates like a savage, or both!
pullinbig said:
ahhhh..... the old id rather look strong than be strong shit. thats hding behind the fact that you afraid to move some weight. wonder how ronnie got so big? it wont from making excuses not to train heavy. we ran all the whimpy ass BBers out of our gym. the ones that remained are hardcore and getting bigger all the time. anyone that says they dont wanna bench four plates is lying.

there's always one or two that post negative feed back no matter what is posted. if you wanna be shredded and weak then thats your choice but telling someone else that it is stupid to wanna be strong is stupid.

the only comment i have for the guy is i think he is too young to start juicing. other than that my hats off to him for hitting it hard and being dedicated. nice job bro.

This dude said it perfect. Almost the word's right out of Arnies mouth. You have to build your foundation to cut it. I personally feel and could be wrong about this, but I wanna be as big and strong as possible before I cut. Def. stay away from the juice at 20 also.
pullinbig said:
ahhhh..... the old id rather look strong than be strong shit. thats hding behind the fact that you afraid to move some weight. wonder how ronnie got so big? it wont from making excuses not to train heavy. we ran all the whimpy ass BBers out of our gym. the ones that remained are hardcore and getting bigger all the time. anyone that says they dont wanna bench four plates is lying.

there's always one or two that post negative feed back no matter what is posted. if you wanna be shredded and weak then thats your choice but telling someone else that it is stupid to wanna be strong is stupid.

the only comment i have for the guy is i think he is too young to start juicing. other than that my hats off to him for hitting it hard and being dedicated. nice job bro.

Big thumb up to PB!

I am sick of people trying to cram their own goals down everyone else's throats.
Dlove said:
This dude said it perfect. Almost the word's right out of Arnies mouth. You have to build your foundation to cut it. I personally feel and could be wrong about this, but I wanna be as big and strong as possible before I cut. .

That is my exact view on things. When I started lifting 2 years ago I was a skinny 160-165 at 6 ft, now Im around 230, granted some mass was fat I still gained muscle since my strenght has gone a long way. gettinstrong, you definatly have a good base going, and once you cut down your gonna have some seriouse size on you and still look good.
I'm not sure who's "craming" things down his throat - My response to Pullinbig, I don't disagree - You have to put the time in under the heavy weights. No way around it, thats the only way to get truly big. However my point being - This kid is holding a ton of fat, A.) Its not healthy B.) Getting his nutrition under control now will only lead him to greater things later. C.) How does he truly know what is a lagging bodypart if it is covered by fat.

You don't have to look good and be a weakling - and be a fat ass to be strong -

Mr. dB said:
Big thumb up to PB!

I am sick of people trying to cram their own goals down everyone else's throats.
AMEN PB Who tha heck cares if you look like your strong??? Id rather see a 180 pounder bench 400 as a 250 pounder @ 2%bf come in a gym and grap the 20lb dumbells and start screaming.Bodybuilders are like a show car, all show and no go. Powerlifters are like a top fuel dragster, ALL GO!! Lets quit being so vain and move some weight!
Powerlifter mentality versus Bodybuilder mentality...

The two are different schools of thought for two different purposes, but the fact remains, no matter what kind of foundation is built, if this guy wants to lose the fat its easier to lose 15 lbs of fat than 60 lbs of it. I played Rugby in college for a Division 1 team. I saw many guys who were forwards (bigger guys) decide they were going to cut to become backs (faster guys)... They almost killed themselves losing the fat and they lost a ton of muscle while doing it.
Dirk : >>> This is the dumbest advice i've heard - Yes i agree that being 20 and natural you are doing well.

Go for 20" arms??? Who cares if they're 20 inches if half of its fat.

agreed ! i'd rather have 17' pipes than 20' of lard !