When did the indifference start? Did it start with the beginning of your cycle/letro use and continue until now (even now that you're off the letro)?
I mean if you can perform its probably no biggie. Face the facts dude, we're in our 20s, we're not gonna get hard from smelling a girl's perfume as she walks by like we did when we were teenagers. I myself realized that earlier this year... desensitization, dude. That, plus maybe you're just fucking really ugly chicks
Personally I'm taking 700mg test and 350mg tren a week and I really feel absolutely zero percent different than I did pre-cycle, both personality wise and libido wise. I last longer, and maybe I'm more receptive to getting hard, but thats about it. I don't walk around foaming at the mouth for pussy like I see so many other people online say they do
I mean if you can perform its probably no biggie. Face the facts dude, we're in our 20s, we're not gonna get hard from smelling a girl's perfume as she walks by like we did when we were teenagers. I myself realized that earlier this year... desensitization, dude. That, plus maybe you're just fucking really ugly chicks

Personally I'm taking 700mg test and 350mg tren a week and I really feel absolutely zero percent different than I did pre-cycle, both personality wise and libido wise. I last longer, and maybe I'm more receptive to getting hard, but thats about it. I don't walk around foaming at the mouth for pussy like I see so many other people online say they do