Buzzbaits Journal With (PSL) and 3J

TNE day, love that warm and fuzzy I get on test. Absolutely smashed today's. In and out in about and hour. Here it is
WU Sets
315 for two (left a rep in there)
295 for 5 (one more rep)
275 for 6 ( felt great not to failure)
225 wide grip for 8

I don't see the need for more than 2-3 sets for a warmup with 20-30% lower weight then your working sets. Of course warmups vary considerably between individuals so its up to you.

DB Incline Press
100 for 7 Great Set
100 for 6 another great mid rep set
90 for 9 killed set

HS Press
Three 45's ES for 10 killing shit
""""""""""""""" for 9 dropped to Two 45's ES for 9 (wow)

Pec Deck
156 for 14 (too light)
168 for 9

Perfect - no issues whatsoever with anything for your chest workouts.

DB Standing Press
70 for 9
60 for 10
60 for 10
50 for 13

I personally prefer the barbell version of this move for maximum growth but to each his own.
You should sacrifice 1 set here for some side delt work since these don't really get hit on vertical presses. 2 sets of lateral raises would be enough.

DB behind Neck
110 for 9 YEOW. Killing it
110 for 7
100 for 8 another good set

Straight Bar Press
225 for 9
185 for 12

Rope Press
105 for 11
85 squeezed for 10

The volume here is a little bit high for the triceps (almost equal to chest) so I would drop 1 set for DB behind the neck OR do 3 sets for 2 exercises- one overhead tricep move and another to the body.

Ok I'm still going extremely heavy on big movements, then going lighter with different exercises. I love feeling the weight, but at same time, keeping great form. TNE again today, feeling my nipples being a little itchy:) increasing AI 1/4 tab eod.

405 for 5 (good slow parallel reps) holy fuck getting stronger:)
425 for 2 (left a rep)
405 for 3 DEEP
405 for 3 FUCK yes got way the fuck down

Leg Press
825 for 7 great set
915 for 3 (I'm shot)
735 for 8 failure
735 for 8 another great set

Lol I love how everyone who does logs cant resist going really heavy/low reps on squats.
In general, for compound leg movements you respond much better at higher reps so I would switch it up to 3x15 for both squats & leg press.

For squats if you really want a challenge then try paused squats in your final set - killer.

Leg Extensions
Stack and top plate for 9
"""""""""""""""""""" for 9
"""""""""""""""""""" for 9 three drop sets for reps

Leg Curls
144 for 6 going a little heavier
144 for 5 another great set
144 for 4 ok got to go a touch lighter
132 for 6 getting stronger
132 for 6 """"""""""""""""

No problems with leg extensions.
I would sacrifice a couple of sets of leg curls in order to get some glute work in there - hip extensions, something like that at 2 sets of 8-12.

Calves Press
465 for 25
465 for 18 I think
465 for 20
375 for 30 FAST Movements. Fuckers are on fire

I'm assuming this is the standing version of calf presses.
For the part of the calf that this move focuses on (the upper half aka the gastroc) you want to go really low reps since its a fast twitch muscle.
Depending on how developed your calves are, I would do some 5x5 work here with an emphasis on slow eccentrics.
You may also want to rotate this move with the seated calf raises during the week if your gym has the machine for it.

Feeling good as usual, didn't get as much sleep last night, but still got my ass up. Preworkout was 40 DBOL, 25 prov, 100 TNE, four cups of coffee. Pumps do get a little to insane especially on back extensions. Here she is:

HS Pulls
WU sets
45 and 25 ES for 12 good squeeze at the bottom
45 and 35 ES for 7 another good set
45 and 25 ES for 9 that didn't take long for a huge pump:)

DB Rows
110 for 10 great slow movement
110 for 9 failure
110 for 8 fuck pumps insane

Seated Rows
168 and top plate for 8 great pull
156 and top plate for 9 another great pull

Close Grip Cable Supinated Pulls
132 and top for 8 getting spent
120 for and top plate for 10

Back Extensions
50 for 12 good set not failure
75 for 11 great set not really failure
75 for 9 damn spent

All of this looks absolutely fine but I just want to add that if your going to do back extensions then you should really put some ab work somewhere in your training programme as well to maintain balance in your core.
I remember you mentioning that lower back health was a priority so you may want to youtube McGill curl ups - a safer version of crunches.

Machine Press
216 and top plate for 20 yea smoked that bitch
216 """""""""""""" for 16
216 """""""""""""" for 13
216 """""""""""""" for 12

Similar to my comments on delt work during chest day - you want to add some rear delt work specifically here (goes well on back day).
Drop 1 set on the machine press and add 2 sets of rear delt flyes/face pulls/other variations of these moves.

Barbell Curls
115 for 5
115 for 5
95 for 8

Preacher Curls
35 ES for 8 good set
35 ES for 7 good set

Straight Bar Cables
125 for 7 dropped for three more sets
105 for ??? Can't fucking remember dropped for three more sets
105 for ??? Dropped three sets

That's a wrap, off tomorrow and coming back Wednesday for chest or maybe just arms. Haven't decided.. Cheers Gents

For biceps its similar to my comments on triceps - do you really need 3 exercises and this much volume for a such a small muscle group UNLESS it happens to be lagging behind?
I would stick to 2 exercises for 3 sets, which exercises is completely up to you.

Alternatively, you could add some weighted chins first to get some biceps and back work done at the same time - something I'm currently getting good results from.

A couple of minor points regarding some of the more advanced techniques such as going to failure & drop sets.
You only want to go to failure or utilize drop sets on 1 exercise per day and it should be the final set, ideally placed later on in your workout (not necessarily last).
This is to make sure that the effort involved in this set doesn't negatively effect everything else for the day - for example if you go failure early on for chest, then inevitably triceps will be effected.
Personally, I would pick your weakest exercise for the day and utilize these advanced techniques on that.

In terms of volume, it doesn't look like your overtraining, in fact your sets/reps in general look very good - which is why my corrections are pretty minimal.
Great log, keep up the good work :)
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I don't see the need for more than 2-3 sets for a warmup with 20-30% lower weight then your working sets. Of course warmups vary considerably between individuals so its up to you.

Perfect - no issues whatsoever with anything for your chest workouts.

I personally prefer the barbell version of this move for maximum growth but to each his own.
You should sacrifice 1 set here for some side delt work since these don't really get hit on vertical presses. 2 sets of lateral raises would be enough.

The volume here is a little bit high for the triceps (almost equal to chest) so I would drop 1 set for DB behind the neck OR do 3 sets for 2 exercises- one overhead tricep move and another to the body.

Lol I love how everyone who does logs cant resist going really heavy/low reps on squats.
In general, for compound leg movements you respond much better at higher reps so I would switch it up to 3x15 for both squats & leg press.

For squats if you really want a challenge then try paused squats in your final set - killer.

No problems with leg extensions.
I would sacrifice a couple of sets of leg curls in order to get some glute work in there - hip extensions, something like that at 2 sets of 8-12.

I'm assuming this is the standing version of calf presses.
For the part of the calf that this move focuses on (the upper half aka the gastroc) you want to go really low reps since its a fast twitch muscle.
Depending on how developed your calves are, I would do some 5x5 work here with an emphasis on slow eccentrics.
You may also want to rotate this move with the seated calf raises during the week if your gym has the machine for it.

All of this looks absolutely fine but I just want to add that if your going to do back extensions then you should really put some ab work somewhere in your training programme as well to maintain balance in your core.
I remember you mentioning that lower back health was a priority so you may want to youtube McGill curl ups - a safer version of crunches.

Similar to my comments on delt work during chest day - you want to add some rear delt work specifically here (goes well on back day).
Drop 1 set on the machine press and add 2 sets of rear delt flyes/face pulls/other variations of these moves.

For biceps its similar to my comments on triceps - do you really need 3 exercises and this much volume for a such a small muscle group UNLESS it happens to be lagging behind?
I would stick to 2 exercises for 3 sets, which exercises is completely up to you.

Alternatively, you could add some weighted chins first to get some biceps and back work done at the same time - something I'm currently getting good results from.

A couple of minor points regarding some of the more advanced techniques such as going to failure & drop sets.
You only want to go to failure or utilize drop sets on 1 exercise per day and it should be the final set, ideally placed later on in your workout (not necessarily last).
This is to make sure that the effort involved in this set doesn't negatively effect everything else for the day - for example if you go failure early on for chest, then inevitably triceps will be effected.
Personally, I would pick your weakest exercise for the day and utilize these advanced techniques on that.

In terms of volume, it doesn't look like your overtraining, in fact your sets/reps in general look very good - which is why my corrections are pretty minimal.
Great log, keep up the good work :)

All I can say brother is Thank You. Thanks for taking the time to really give insight from a more knowledgable stand point. Seriously Thanks Again. You have been extremely helpful in all pm's and threads. All information will be implemented ASAP. Once again thanks Zilla
If you get bored I wouldn't mind some critical advice on my current offseason training mrz, but whenever you have time is soon enough - also I haven't been posting reps/weights so it may be less to work with :)
If you get bored I wouldn't mind some critical advice on my current offseason training mrz, but whenever you have time is soon enough - also I haven't been posting reps/weights so it may be less to work with :)

I'm always willing to give advice man, I'll check it out sometime tomorrow when I have a little bit more time :)

You guys should always PM me like Buzz did if you want me to check through something - easiest way to get my attention & I'll never refuse.
Off day today, much needed. Starting to think there's something to this rest day thing. Killing chest, tris and some delts tomorrow.
Btw-Tuesday and Friday injection day. This morning. 350 test, 325 deca. 40 DBOL, 50 prov. feeling great. What the fuck is up with these random bonners?:) btw, started me 5 grams of creatine this morning!!!! Whoooo Hooooooo, now we are on gear!!!!
Implemented some advice from Zilla in my workout and pretty stoked about that. Ok I'm only going to do two HEAVY sets of bench each chest WO it's kinda a measure of how much I'm getting stronger. (Old school shit I know) I'm going to stay at 315 and see how many reps I add each time I do chest. They are low reps, but very controlled, no bouncing or shit like that. But the rest of reps will be mid to high range.

Bench Press
315 for 4 (2 more reps then four days ago) good controlled movement
315 for another great 4

DB Press
110 for 7 great mid rep set
100 for 9 Great set, extremely slow
100 for 8 fuck yes great set

DB Incline
100 for 7 felt great for mid reps
90 for 9 hell yes love that stretch DBS give you
80 for 10

Peck Dec
180 for 12 getting strong as shit
180 for 10 damn I'm done chest is killed

Machine Delts Press
216 plus top plate for 11
216 plus top plate for 11

DB Side Laterals
25 for 12
25 for 11

Smith Machine close grip
225 for 12 slow eccentric, explosive concentric
225 for 10
225 for 8 pauses

DB Behind Neck
100 for 12 felt light
110 for 10 that felt light also
110 for 8 rushed to get to last set. Still killed it
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Like chest going to do only two heavy sets with squats. I'll measure strength gains with 405. I'll just see how many more reps I can do each WO. And still excited about implementing some advice from Zilla. Trying to creep up to 15 rep range...

405 for 6 (great set) added a rep
405 for 4 great set again
315 for 10
315 for 7 fuck me

Leg Press
645 for 12 not failure
645 for 11

Leg extensions
180 for 12
156 for 14 DAMN

Leg Curls
144 with top plate for 6
144 with top plate for 5
132 for 6 good set

Glute kicks ?? (Have always seen this machine but never used it)
90 for 9
90 for 8

Calves Press
465 for 30
465 for 23
645 for 6 slow pauses
645 for 6 """""
645 for 6""""

Getting stronger, but gradually going to drop sets and amount of volume in each workout. Love hitting body parts twice per week, but may still be overtraining a touch....
Like chest going to do only two heavy sets with squats. I'll measure strength gains with 405. I'll just see how many more reps I can do each WO. And still excited about implementing some advice from Zilla. Trying to creep up to 15 rep range...

405 for 6 (great set) added a rep
405 for 4 great set again
315 for 10
315 for 7 fuck me

Leg Press
645 for 12 not failure
645 for 11

Leg extensions
180 for 12
156 for 14 DAMN

Leg Curls
144 with top plate for 6
144 with top plate for 5
132 for 6 good set

Glute kicks ?? (Have always seen this machine but never used it)
90 for 9
90 for 8

Calves Press
465 for 30
465 for 23
645 for 6 slow pauses
645 for 6 """""
645 for 6""""

Getting stronger, but gradually going to drop sets and amount of volume in each workout. Love hitting body parts twice per week, but may still be overtraining a touch....

If you wanna hit legs twice a week, I would do your squat on one day and pick another main exercise for the other day. and 1-2 other movements after that and call it a day. Maybe do some rest-pause type stuff for the exercises after the main to bring in some intensity.
If you wanna hit legs twice a week, I would do your squat on one day and pick another main exercise for the other day. and 1-2 other movements after that and call it a day. Maybe do some rest-pause type stuff for the exercises after the main to bring in some intensity.

I've been considering splitting quads and hams into seperate days, pair them both with calves or forearms, and a bit of cardio

Not sure even hormonized that I would be hitting quads hard more than once per five days, but I'm getting old so if it works for you...
If you wanna hit legs twice a week, I would do your squat on one day and pick another main exercise for the other day. and 1-2 other movements after that and call it a day. Maybe do some rest-pause type stuff for the exercises after the main to bring in some intensity.

Not a bad idea, and a good possibility later. I'm just playing around with different amounts of volume per WO to see what's the best zone for me, while hitting body parts twice a week. The only thing that I know will remain for a while is the 3 on one off. Twice a week per body part. I love this, always been old school, one body part a week guy, but I'm responding phomominal. My legs are evening growing, at fucking 40!!!! Lol... I'll always be in debt to Schredder for this. Dudes a beast...
I've been considering splitting quads and hams into seperate days, pair them both with calves or forearms, and a bit of cardio

Not sure even hormonized that I would be hitting quads hard more than once per five days, but I'm getting old so if it works for you...
I really didn't think it would work at first. I had to extremely drop volume per workout, from the once per week. But brother, I've got heads on quads now.Lol...I had to get lean enough to see them, but them fuckers are growing like weeds now. And wheels have always been my weakest muscle for growth.
Doing a few heavy sets like I do on squats, chest. Going to stay at 405 until I can go over 10 reps. Feeling extremely strong. Can't wait to run labs at 6 weeks. I know PSL is gtg, just curious as hell at where everything is at:) once again Zilla's advice is implemented, hats of to that guy that's a wealth of info for people to utilize.. Thanks again bro.

Dead lifts
405 for 7 great seven, correction, fucking fantastic 7. Not failure
405 for 7 another great set.
405 for 5 good set, rushed from previous set

Smith Machine Rows
225 for 13 love smashing weight in controlled movements
"""" for 12
"""" for 11

HS Lat Pull
45 and 25 ES for 8 PAUSES
"""""""""""""" for 7 PAUSES
45 ES for 12

Close Grip Supinated Cable Pulls
132 and top plate for 9
132 and top plate for 9

Military Press BB
225 for 4 WOW
225 for 4 Guy just said damn thats what I bench. LOL
185 for 10 great explosive movement
185 for 9

Real delt peck deck
120 with top plate for 10-12??
120 """" for 12

DB Curls
50 for 8 good set
40 for 11 great set
40 for 9 money set

EZ Bar Curls
30 ES for 10?? I think
30 ES for 9
30 ES for 14
Are you eating less or more on your off days?

I am eating all day everyday. I'm doing a real bulk, not going to try and risk not consuming enough calories by doing a lean bulk. I'm not doing anything in excess, and will not consume sweats, or fried, but I'm going to enjoy putting great mass on. Macros are (roughly) 400-500 carbs 300-400 protein 150-200 fat. Roughly 5k-6k calories per day. I've adjusted a little, waist is growing, but I'm getting thick and strong as fuck. After this huge PSL bulk, going to take a little break for maintenance, (TRT) THEN going to do a PSL CUT.... Tren is in my future:)
Thanks brother. Only lil over two weeks in on a 20 week blast and with everyday I walk in the gym, I'm a little bit stronger. I'm really stoked, because I've still got 18 weeks to go. Just started some proviron this morning also. It's fun to bulk but damn all I do is eat.

I read in your opening post that your on TRT. Would it be ok to do a 20 week blast if you weren't on TRT if you had all the proper ancillaries?
I read in your opening post that your on TRT. Would it be ok to do a 20 week blast if you weren't on TRT if you had all the proper ancillaries?

In my opinion you risk not ever going back natty with a cycle that long. I'm on TRT so it's back to 225-250ew for me. If you are wanting to stay natty your chances are better with shorter cycles

Great workout. It's amazing the strength and size, and I'm not even got into the deca zone yet. This blast is going to be on hell of a ride. Here's today's WO, in and out in less then an hour:)

315 for 5 (one more rep then 4 days ago)
315 for 3 (one less on last set, think I left one)

DB Press
110 for 9 (fuck yes 2 more reps)
110 for 7 great set. This how many u did on first set 4 days ago
110 for 6 of 7 great exercise set

HS Press
Three 45's and 25 ES for 8 holy fuck getting strong as shit
"""""""""""""""""""""" for 7
""""""""""""""" 10 ES for 10

Pec Deck
204 for 11 shit this has gone up tremendously
216 for 9 that's the stack

Delts DB Lateral Flys
30 for 11 pretty easy
35 for 8 another easy set.
30 for 9 squeezed at the top

DB Front Raises (hammer)
25 for 8 damn
25 for 8 DAMN

Smith Machine Skull Crushes
135 for 8 fuck theses are pretty cool
135 for 6 lmao that set snuck up on me
115 for 9 killed that set

Cable Press VBar
225 for 9 great squeeze
225 for 8 another great squeeze
185 for 8 (two sec pauses)
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Going to take off today. It was suppose to be legs, but they are still kinda tender from last workout. Thought about blasting delts and bis, but just going to chill on the couch. Killing legs in early AM