Ok feeling great after a day off. I know I said I wasn't going to ever take orals again, BUT tried 20 DBOL before workout and going to take 10 later in the day. Maybe 50 was just too much, I just can't believe I can't fucking take orals. So we will see, trying 30 and if guts get to flipping again, I'll drop it. Just checked and my TNE and prov from PSL is in route as of last night. Getting strong as shit as you will see. Here it is
315 for two slow felt good
295 for four better reps then last workout. Is that deca speaking to me?
PSL, fucking awesome
275 for 6 (almost same amount of reps on third set as first set four days ago
275 for five. Feels fucking light.
225 wide grip pauses for 9 slow
Smith Inclines
225 for 7 gone up 20+ pounds on this lift alone
225 for 8 yea fucking 8, thought on stopping at 6 and said get two fucking more dumb ass
225 for 6 lol seriously all I could get
Hammer Press
2 45's ES and 25 for 14 (to light) slow negatives, explode concentrics
3 45's ES for 9 getting strong
"""""""""" for 9 fuck, you don't know how bad I wanted to add weight. Good sets though
Delts Standing Barbell Press Front
155 for 8 feels good for standing
155 for 7
155 for 6
135 for 9
135 for 9
Tricep Skull Crushes
50 ES for 6 felt good slow movements
50 ES for 6 fuck feels I'm getting stronger as I go??
50 ES for 5
V Bar Press
Whole fucking stack for 8
"""" for 5
185 dropped for some reps for 11
Supinated grip press
45 for 13-15 I don't fucking know
45 for 13-17
45 for 16 I think
Bicep cable curls preacher
65 for 30
Legs tomorrow. Can't wait, starting to dig squats again