Creation or Evolution.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kane_Red_Machine
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Cak, Mat chapter 5 in a nutshell means that Jesus was a power hungry man that was not benevolent and unless you are completely evangelical you will not get into heaven

It goes on reiterating rules and talking nonsensically about chopping off your own hands and gouging out your own eyes if said body part cause you to sin.

Wonderful piece of work. Nice morality tale.
Cak, Mat chapter 5 in a nutshell means that Jesus was a power hungry man that was not benevolent and unless you are completely evangelical you will not get into heaven

It goes on reiterating rules and talking nonsensically about chopping off your own hands and gouging out your own eyes if said body part cause you to sin.

Wonderful piece of work. Nice morality tale.

If that is your idea of teaching then that wasn't good bro. What subject do you teach, just so I'll know?

LOL, powerhungry? Just to give the true story here not to be confused with a message board educator that was forced to read the bible so he hated it, so now thanks to his upbringing we are all idiots that believe in God.

The Sermon on the Mount encapsulates what it takes to be a true christian. This was Jesus's teaching to the Beatitudes. Funny thing is if everybody tried to live thier life that way we wouldn't have the problems we have in today's society. Rightousness, Mercy, Poor in Spirit, Mournful, Peacefulness, Pure in heart. Blessed are the persucuted ones when they(Strega,Non-believers) revile against you. We would live in a much more peaceful world.
BTW, Mat 5 10-13 is nothing but ifs and nuts and monkey butts.

"IF" is not a basis for anything.

It's called covering your ass and its a copout.

The worst part is that you in all of your humbleness think that YOU are righteous!

What a crock of shit.

Would you like for me to go through your all of your post to point out your hypocracy?

Matthew chapter 5 is a mess. It is full of nonsense and contradiction that has no meaning except to those that try their damnedest to read into it what is not there.

Mat 5:4 4"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted."
If a person is to be blessed for mourning over some sorrow or misery, the reason for the blessing must consist of something more than just being comforted. Is the dedicated Christian supposed to go out of his way to look for occasions to mourn, so that he may be comforted by someone and thereby be blessed? There needs to be more to this beatitude for a teacher of wisdom to have spoken it. One may then suspect that the lack of substance here resulted from the writer of Matthew having altered his source for some reason.

Mat 5:5 5"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth."
As suspected this verse appears to be essentially a copy of a verse from a psalm:[3]
Ps 37:11 But the meek shall possess the land, and delight themselves in abundant prosperity. Most Logical folks find the Matthean verse to be false, in that in 2,000 years of history we see no evidence that it is primarily the meek who inherit land.

Mat 5:6 6"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they shall be satisfied."
Whether today or two thousand years ago. Many who have hungered for righteousness have died for that reason, or lingered in concentration camps or in mental hospitals, they did not receive righteousness. If this verse and the other beatitudes are instead interpreted to mean that the satisfaction or reward will come after death, then there would have been no point in Jesus speaking them; he could merely have said: "Don't be concerned with the way things are, everything will be OK after you get to heaven." What was the point?

Mat 5:7 7"Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy."
This one cracks me up. This verse lacks any semblance of truth or common sense, since the dispensers of mercy are often persons in authority who do not need mercy, and hence do not receive mercy. Conversely, persons in need of mercy are often those who have not been in any position to dispense it to others. What was the point of this nonsesnse?

Mat 5:8 8"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God."
Head scratcher here too. No one was/is supposed to be able to see God and live. So... If it really means to "see" God really means to be in his presence without seeing him, which is an obvious contradiction. Keep in mind that if you see "him" you are 'zzzzot!'

Mat 5:9 9"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God."
Mat 10:34, where Jesus says he came not to bring peace, but a sword. Thats a pretty damned strong contradiction between the two, which only an inordinate amount of interpretation can reconcile if even then. Jesus' actions so often were of a nature to provoke. However much one may wish that Jesus had been a peacemaker, his words directed against the scribes, Pharisees and chief priests, his action in "cleansing" the temple, etc., all contradict. Would the Son of God himself bless peacemakers if he himself were not one?

Mat 5:10 10"Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven."
"for theirs is the kingdom of heaven," competes with the very same wording in Mat 5:3 further detracts from its authenticity. I.e., does the kingdom of heaven belong to the poor or to the persecuted? I guess you have to be pretty damned miserable to belong to the Kingdom of Heaven.

Mat 5:12 12"Rejoice and be glad, for your reward is great in heaven, for so men persecuted the prophets who were before you."
If This verse does not imply that martyrdom should be eagerly sought in order to get to heaven quickly, at least implies a greater reward in heaven for those who have been persecuted than for others. It is those that have been unrighteously persecuted who will receive much reward. But... Jesus never taught what the different levels of reward or pleasure in heaven are, if any. Buttttt... Mat 18:1 when he is asked: "Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven?"
No wonder the maniacs in the Middle East do what they do. They have a better friggin book!

Look, I could go on and on and on, but to what end other than make you cry.

It is a book written(poorly written at that) by men that had no real clue how the world worked, full of flaws, errors and contradiction much of which was lifted or plagerized from other writings.
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I cant faintly see a white flag fading into the distant horizon. I never knew that the surrender flag was also the flag of retreat.

must be a French thing. LOL
Yoga, we can sit here till Jesus returns and go back and forth and it will not get anywhere. You have your beliefs and I have mine. I do however disagree with your idea of the Sermon on the Mount. j

Mat 4:4 He talks about mourning from the standpoint of feeling bad for your sins. You should mourn when you know you have gone against what Jesus taught and you are genuinly mournful. It means nothing like going to look for something to mourn about. I think your overemphasizing the statement here, but you would so you can be ridiculous.

Mat 5:6. Just because you thirst for righteousness doesn't mean you will have a great life and live forever. Are you telling me the jew in Hitler's concentration camps died because they may have believed in Jesus? There are still other thing in the world bro that can certainly cause different outcomes, especially a dictator like him. It still doesn't mean you can thirst for it.

Mat 5:7 Mercy
The mercy in the bible is different from the mercy we deal with everyday. So you are wrong here. Mercy in the bible refers to God being able to destroy your life if he wanted to for you sinning against his son but he doesn't because Jesus paid for those sins already. That is mercy in the bible.

And so on and so on. You haven't taught me anything Yoga except you have a totally different view of the bible so it can be convenient for you not to believe it. Not to mention the Sermon was not meant for you to prosper from this while living on earth but in the after life when you are called home. So most of your description don't make sense relating to the scripture because yoiu are writing it in present tense and it is meant for afterlife.

Again, We can go around and around but we are getting nowhere. I think your interpretation of the bible and your agnosticism is wrong. Period. I believe in the son the father and the holy ghost and none of you teaching are going to change me. You can classify it as to whatever you want but your getting nowhere. Go form a cult like David Koresh and teach whatever you want or try teaching this in your school and see if you keep your tenure. You'll be jobless real quick, if you don't believe it then film yourlself teaching and put in on youtube for us to see and we'll see how long you have a job.

By the way, What subject do you teach again? Also I'm proud of you for reading the bible and giving it some thought. May God Bless you!
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Strega give me your input on Colossians 1:15-18 and of course Matthew 24:5-8. Then I want you to tell me why you think nations are at war right now. NOONE really knows do they? People say terrorist,oil,race,beliefs,religion,money,9/11,revenge? What and why. These are all rumors right? Whats going on in this world today? Is the economy just bad in the US? Does the bible speak of all these things? How did them nasty toothless men covered in mud living in a cave thousands of years ago know this was going to happen?
csylift, I dont care what the bible says, i dont care what you think my interpretation is. It doesnt matter, its a friggin book. that was plagerized many times over.
I do not attempt to teach the bible because i feel it is not worth teaching as it is so chock full of error, contradiction and flawed logic that it makes ones head spin.

The only reason that any of you "believe" in this so called book is because you have been told to by people that have been told to and so on and so on.

The church(all religion) relies on ignorance and this is no accident.

The dumbest people on the planet are the poorest.

The poorest people on the planet are the most religious.

Do the math.
once again bro. I do not down you at all for not believing in the book. And yes it can make my head spin sometimes too. lol! And bro I did not grow up in a religious family at all. But I do believe in God and the bible cause it makes since. Cause if evolution was the way who started it all. God did with Science!!!!!!!!!!!
But I do believe in God and the bible cause it makes since. Cause if evolution was the way who started it all.

I can see that no matter what I post, no matter how it is presented I will not reach a person that does not have the mental capacity of a rhesus monkey. You're right. we havent evolved. At least not all of us.
I can see that no matter what I post, no matter how it is presented I will not reach a person that does not have the mental capacity of a rhesus monkey. You're right. we havent evolved. At least not all of us.

Funny you've done all this preaching about how ignorant you think we are and then you want to draw a comparison to a monkey. Isn't that where you started?
Strega give me your input on Colossians 1:15-18 and of course Matthew 24:5-8. Then I want you to tell me why you think nations are at war right now. NOONE really knows do they? People say terrorist,oil,race,beliefs,religion,money,9/11,revenge? What and why. These are all rumors right? Whats going on in this world today? Is the economy just bad in the US? Does the bible speak of all these things? How did them nasty toothless men covered in mud living in a cave thousands of years ago know this was going to happen?

They must have gotten really really lucky. Does the bible talk about the blackjack table in Vegas cause then we could be wealthy, crazy, stupid chrisitians.
Once again good one cak!!!! How can Strega compare me you or anyone in this world to a monkey (meaning bad). If thats where he thinks we come from.
Maybe the blessings and prayer and reading the bible are paying off. I still wish I knew what kind of teacher he is. I have asked him twice and he hasn't told me yet. I bet he wish he had that one back, LOL.

Uh oh, white flag waving noted.
I hope you guys realize how juvenile you sound going back and forth e-fiving each other about Strega's monkey comment. You nauseate me. Seriously. Also, if you guys are so into the bible, what are you doing using steroids? You guys must be pretty vain huh? I think the good book speaks against vanity.

*edited to stay within the rules of general chat*
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I have many arguments with bible bashers on YT it’s always the same story you show them the evidence and highlight the fallacy of their arguments with critical analysis, logic and reasoning. Their rebuttals 99% of the time is to simply quote passages from the bible. You would think that science has eroded enough of the bible for them to be a little hesitant about doing this but unfortunately the mind meld is to strong. Eventually you have to give up arguing or you start banging your head against a wall.

If you want to argue on an intellectual par with bible bashers you may as well reason with them by quoting passages from Harry Potter.
The bible version of the creation was made for simple people with poor cuclture ( -1473)

But with a goodwill to understand anbody can see clearly a great diffrence through the version of creation in bible and other belief in the same period of time.

Jude didn't pray an "elephantman" or a "doctor octopus" like did, and do, the Indy.

they were logical with the mean of ther period of history.

the only belief which stay stable trough the time, writers to writers, is : if anything... from god it came. All the rest is supposition, or phylosophy.

So proof of what it need to proove the evolution? All... always it's anever ending story.
everyday passing the ripped curtain lay the place to an other curtain more solid.

To proof the creation is impossible by words, by the fact himself creation mean than the worlds came from nothing, but the volonty of a superior kind of entity.

Some call him Jehova. other call it bing-bang. anyway is the beggining and the ending of all thingS.

BTW: I DON4T BELIEVE IN LIVE AFTER LIVE. what you can do. do it now. you, may be, never return on earth.
I have many arguments with bible bashers on YT it’s always the same story you show them the evidence and highlight the fallacy of their arguments with critical analysis, logic and reasoning. Their rebuttals 99% of the time is to simply quote passages from the bible. You would think that science has eroded enough of the bible for them to be a little hesitant about doing this but unfortunately the mind meld is to strong. Eventually you have to give up arguing or you start banging your head against a wall.

If you want to argue on an intellectual par with bible bashers you may as well reason with them by quoting passages from Harry Potter.

LOL, LOL Non-believers to the rescue. I love it.
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I hope you guys realize how juvenile you sound going back and forth e-fiving each other about Strega's monkey comment. You nauseate me. Seriously. Also, if you guys are so into the bible, what are you doing using steroids? You guys must be pretty vain huh? I think the good book speaks against vanity.

*edited to stay within the rules of general chat*

You just made steroids sound very bad by saying that bro. I never said I was so into the bible I just said I believe in it. I also said I respect them for there beliefs too. And there was no going back and forth about the monkey comment, I just gave him props on it. And that was the end of it
LOL, LOL Non-believers to the rescue. I love it.

Sorry I am confused you sound like you think you are winning at something. Delusional about the bible I am therefore not surprised that you are also delusional about this.

Irrational beliefs = irrational thoughts and actions.