Creation or Evolution.

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Well for me is most def. God and his creation. The bible is the oldest book on earth and everything it says is happening. As a matter of fact look at the other religions in other countrys. Like budah,Jesus or whoever. The person they beleive in are all the same.

Bro, I know your probably new on here but just for your sake let me explain something to you. There are a few guys on here and Yoga is one of them that no matter what you say they are going to tell you your wrong so don't even try to discuss it with them. I believe what you do and it kills them that we are convinced of it. They have no beliefs and have no idea if the sun will even come up tomorrow for them and surely have no idea what is going to happen to them when they die. They will be the ones that when the doctor tells them they have 2 weeks to live will amazingly find this thing called the "bible" and start reading it. They don't understand that it is the top selling book of all time and BILLIONS let me say again BILLIONS of people believe it. All they care to do is try to disprove my belief which they will never do. I have no reason to have a discussion with ignorant immature kids.

Your right a lot of the things happening today are in the bible but the idiots on here don't want to hear that. You get the "well you can interpretit anyway you want,blah blah, blah. They are just a bunch of fools.
Another brainiac.

Since when is the bible "the oldest book on earth"? Its not even close.

Everything it says is happening... What???

Look, I can write a book today and if it is long enough and says enough gibberish, a person a 1000 years from now will be able to pick through it and swear that I am friggin prophetic!

Try reading Homer's Iliad as translated by Lattimore. It was written in complete form 2000 years before there was written so called bible.

Should have gone to school, fellas.

LOL may God bless you Yoga, you need a belief!
Well noone in life is perfect and we all have our beliefs. So I am not going to argue with anyone who dont believe in whatever. I could tell you about my uncle. He has a pace maker. He has died 5 times!!!!! And been brought back. He was a drunk and did not believe in GOD either untill then.

OMG this is great!

I guess he would have been better off and died the first time without the pacemaker. God damned science was holding up his judgment day!:laugh3:

He died 5 times huh? What brought him back to life? Just curious.

Since his fifth rebirth he found Jesus? Thats fuckin stuborness I guess.
this is what usually happens in this kind of debate, people get mad. People find it appauling that there are other people that hold belief in something that completely goes against what they were brought up to believe in. People dont believe in any religion until there caretakers and peers instill it in there brains.
God is a myth unless your on your death bed or a prisoner on death row! LOL!

And this is the saddest of all.

People that are aware of their own mortality that grasp at straws. This is the greatest hipocracy and single biggest reason I cant stand religion.

Fear of the unknown.

The only way we live forever is by our deeds or misdeeds and through our offspring.
I totally agree with you gdaddy. But I hold no belief against anyone. Therefore I hold nothing against Strega and AA for their belief! There are many religions on this earth and I will never down one of them.
and that is how it should be cyfit. I myself am a non believer but i would not ever down another persons beliefs. I do believe that religion gives people a good moral backbone and helps round a persons life. I have seen it with my own eyes how having faith changes some peoples lives for the better.

So, i say, ppl should believe whatever the hell they want and not have others persuading them or belittling them.
Finally some folks with reasonable post. Thanks guys, much better than the ones trying to claim someone's a fool for his beliefs. Have fun, believe what you want right, someones right and someones wrong, by the time we figure the true answer to that it won't matter.
Group hugs everyone. Sorry but while I am sure you are all decent humanbeings there are amny problems with religion. If we wish to progress the moral zeitgeist then we can no longer respect dogmas e.g. strong beliefs without evidence that interfere with the due process of state. For example.

Why do Christians expend more "moral" energy opposing abortion than fighting genocide. Why are christians concerned about non-sentient human embryos than about the lifesaving promise of stem-cell research.

Why does God have an obsession with consentual nonharmful sexual activities? Hence preaching against condom use in sub-Saharan Africa while millions die from AIDS there each year. HPV causes nearly two hundred thousand women to die each year from cervical cancer. We have a vaccine for HPV but christians have stopped a vacination program due to beliefs it will encourage pre-marital sex.

Also the most secular countries-those with the highest proportion of atheists and agnostics-are among the most stable, peaceful, free, and healthy societies. And the most religious nations-wherein worship of God is in abundance-are among the most unstable, violent, oppressive, and destitute.

Just look at the violence we see today it is indigenous or between the most theocratic countries due to irreconcilable religious differences.
Do you know how many countrys in this world actually beleive in Jesus man? Do you know that crime,drugs,rape,kids killing adults,adults killing kids, etc. gets worst and worst every year? As there are fewer and fewer people every day that beleive in him. I am not going to argue about it but remember this. Wether you believe in him or not, christians do indeed donate tons and tons of money to science. And when you are sick or hurt there just might be someone who beleves in him thats praying for you to get better, wether hes real or not!
AASynergist, you cant be rational with faith.
Faith isnt founded on anything concrete or rational itself, so how can anyone be surprised when believers of faith dictate policy that the policy is irrational?

As a far right wing member of the republican party, I am pissed at what the religious right has done to the party. They have destroyed the credibility of the party because of this irrational mindset.

If you want to know why I am so against religion the above is the main reason. Because you morons have ruined the advancment of too many good and right things in the name of christianity and your irrational fucking faith.
If you could ever break from your myopic view and open your eyes to reality instead of cowardly clinging to your bibles you could see just how many good and noble things you and your kind have wrecked and the pain and suffering that you have caused to our nation by making the republican party be the party of religious zealots that allowed a no nothing senator get elected president, caused the collapse of any chance of the pubs from gaining any ground and LOSING seats in both houses to the communist scum. Yes it is you, the religious moronic masses that have caused this and it is you whom i shall enjoy making feel uncomfortable while attempting to show you just how wrong headed you are.
Wake up, welcome to the 21st century, Cak.

End of rant.
AASynergist, you cant be rational with faith.
Faith isnt founded on anything concrete or rational itself, so how can anyone be surprised when believers of faith dictate policy that the policy is irrational?

End of rant.


This is the problem with religion. People ask why I am determined to show the fallacy of Christianity. It’s the same reason we teach our kids eventually that there is no Santa clause because it is unhealthy for the mind to have such absurd beliefs. Irrational beliefs = irrational thoughts and actions. No wonder we are looking at mass killings + possible use of WMDs based on arguments about who has the better imaginary friend.
Do you know how many countrys in this world actually beleive in Jesus man? Do you know that crime,drugs,rape,kids killing adults,adults killing kids, etc. gets worst and worst every year? As there are fewer and fewer people every day that beleive in him. I am not going to argue about it but remember this. Wether you believe in him or not, christians do indeed donate tons and tons of money to science. And when you are sick or hurt there just might be someone who beleves in him thats praying for you to get better, wether hes real or not!

It is this kind of moronic crap that i am talking about!

Countries dont believe in anything, people do.

There is no corelation to worldwide crime and the belief in Jesus. That is a retarded notion and fallacious thinking.

Oh, Im sure it is the prayer and not the science that makes me well when I me sick.

One last thing... I before E except after C.