Why does God have an obsession with consentual nonharmful sexual activities? Hence preaching against condom use in sub-Saharan Africa while millions die from AIDS there each year.
So why do you believe in the bible, but not any other book? You see the faith is in something that is not observable, not concrete. You are believing in a book because you were told to.
You were told to.
There are over 600 prophecies that have bible that have been proven. .
I know more about that book than you ever will. I dont have a need to study a book that I was indoctrinated in from 3rd to 9th grade by way of snobish southern baptist schooling any further.
Go back to waving your white flag as you answer nothing.
Your faith is a convenient copout.
LMAO!!! Very good Cak. ecfmnicikswolmnvc;nc;CN bcikcv,BCKD. OOOOPS!! Sorry I meant to say that since Strega is against the BIBLE he is for gay rights....