Creation or Evolution.

  • Thread starter Thread starter Kane_Red_Machine
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do i smell a holy roller have u ever heard the saying dont believe everything u read

This sir would mean don't believe parts of the bible and I choose to believe it. So sorry, and yes I have heard the saying but here it doesn't apply! And no not a holy roller, I sin as much as any of you do and by no means extremly releigious. I just happen to know what the book says and choose to follow it the best my sinful self will let me.
i just dont believe in god i believe the bible was written so people can be controled and obey rules
i just dont believe in god i believe the bible was written so people can be controled and obey rules

I wouldn't expect for you to stray from your belief no more than I'm willing to stray from mine. I don't judge you for your belief regardless whether I think it's right or wrong. We could be best friends and you could still believe what you want bro, that's your right.
god didnt wright the book thow, a GROUP of men did and put the scrapbook together.
god didnt beam down and wright it up.

that beaing sead i do beleave in god and was born roman catholic but i dont beleave all of it maybe 10% the rest is common sence in my eyes and some aghh .
eather way we will beleave what we want so ..
good day :-)
god didnt wright the book thow, a GROUP of men did and put the scrapbook together.
god didnt beam down and wright it up.

that beaing sead i do beleave in god and was born roman catholic but i dont beleave all of it maybe 10% the rest is common sence in my eyes and some aghh .
eather way we will beleave what we want so ..
good day :-)

couldnt agree more
Theory of evolution = THEORY

Scientists can't conclusively prove this! Its a theory, just as creationism is a theory.

Utterly ridiculous.

Typical misunderstanding of the word ,theory, when used in scientific terminology.

A theory is not a guess or assumption when articulated by individuals in the scientific community.

You should read this before posting mis-information again.

Evolution: Fact Or Theory? How Can It Be Both? What's the Difference?

For scientists, evolutionary theory deals with how evolution occurs, not whether it occurs — this is an important distinction lost upon creationists.
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c- sharp minor hmm kinda reminds me of csharpjava or mc sharp
Wow. Good thred. My 2 cents. WE evolved to what we are at this moment. Anybody ever own or maintain a coral reef rock aqarium in thier home ? Guess what they EVOLVE in very short period of time, always changing to survive(and the life you itroduce into it ). On the oher hand I believe in ALiens , Ghosts. ANd always say a small prayer evernight. and i'm not religious . I'm what u call an angnostic.
Some people, even some scientist like Stephen Hawkin think that tehory of alien bringing life in other planets believable... Whynot...

But it mean, than we accept the fact than, the life proven form an intelectual form of existence, and not a chemical form... like the tehory of evolution said...

makes more sense to me then being created by an invisible man in the sky.....i vote for evolution
Evolution, without a doubt....just keep giving science sum more time and its going to reveal lots and lots of the so far 'unknown'. Look at the world around you now and how far its come....this always amazes me, every single fucking day.

know one knows for sure, i dont know for sure. At the end of the day though, thank fucking science.....for mostly everything. Ill play on the E team all day everyday.

Plus, the creationist rebuttals are usually very far-fetched and flat out retarded,....ive seen some on youtube and i really kind of feel bad for them. But lots of people are raised with a certain religion so its expected that they are going to remain loyal and turn a blind eye on differing/ opposing ideas. I want to see science continually rules or boundaries applied.
Cak, you statethat you "believe" in the bible and that you have to believe it all or none of it.

I guess the same can be said for science.

How do you reconcile this?

1.5 million-year-old human footprints found - LiveScience-

I cant wait for his answer so I can pick it apart.

With respect to the rest of the board to reading this. I had this discussion on another thread. I believe in the bible and that is it for me. Whatever you believe in is your business. What i have found is noboby respects your beliefes they want to look like a message board hero behind a keyboard and make others look like idiots. I dont' care to have this discussion again.ANyting over about 4-6K years I don't believe. Again I believe in science and I believe the bible. But just like Global Warming is melting away the world which is stupid, we are finding cures for true diseases everyday. NOw both of those are science and I believe one of them.

I'm not implying you would be a jerk and we couldn't have a adult conversation but I've just found out that it's better to talk about how testosterone effects receptor sites after long or short cycle and if dbol is better than drol. I think you and i had a thread about that actually. Politics and Religion is divisive and I dont' care to divide my relationships on this board.
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For me evolution is pretty much a fact due to new evidence from DNA. I think this argument is excellently covered in a set of videos on YT YouTube - Why do people laugh at creationists? (part 1).

As for is evolution a process started by God I doubt we will ever know. For me if there is a God he is far beyond our comprehension. And sorry theists but the bronze aged mythology/bible is absolutley rediculous please check out some of the lectures given by Sam Harris YouTube - Sam Harris: lecture on religious faith - Part 01.
White flag noted.

call it what you may, but it's a stupid discussion that's not worth it. I'm not going to beat my head against the wall in this forum with idiots which is what comes out of the wood works for some reason on this board. I had this same discussion on my HD board and it was very mature and was a great discussion. You have it here and it's nothing but a bunch of egotistical jerks that think everybody should believe the way they do. They act like kids and call names to look cool and I dont' care to do that. If I want to have an educated discussion about it I will go back to my other forum so I can actually learn instead of dealing with a bunch of idiots that want to tell me i'm wrong but can't prove me wrong or at the very least give me educated reasons for their beliefs. in the end we'll think both are stupid. i'll be in church tomorrow, want to come?
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You say you want "an educated discussion" when you want nothing of the sort.

It is impossible to prove your faith as wrong since there is NOTHING to disprove. You keep saying that we are trying to prove you wrong when in fact we are only making you face reality which you conveniently either ignore or you choose not to answer. You are hypocritical in your thinking and choose to believe whatever is convenient. Science doesnt give a rats ass about faith. Science and scientist are not concerned about disproving anything. Science is about understanding and you choose not to understand or you are being intellectually dishonest. You cant say that you believe in the bible word for word in one sentence and then say that you understand science. If you truly do understand science then you are conflicted because you are coming to grips with the fact that your faith is based on fairy tales.

Painful isnt it?
Well for me is most def. God and his creation. The bible is the oldest book on earth and everything it says is happening. As a matter of fact look at the other religions in other countrys. Like budah,Jesus or whoever. The person they beleive in are all the same.
Another brainiac.

Since when is the bible "the oldest book on earth"? Its not even close.

Everything it says is happening... What???

Look, I can write a book today and if it is long enough and says enough gibberish, a person a 1000 years from now will be able to pick through it and swear that I am friggin prophetic!

Try reading Homer's Iliad as translated by Lattimore. It was written in complete form 2000 years before there was written so called bible.

Should have gone to school, fellas.
The oldest book maybe the oldest plagiarised book.

Horus born on the 25th of December 3000 BC. 3 Kings followed the brightest star to the East to witness his birth. At the Age of 13 he became a teacher. At the age of 30 he went around the world with 12 Disciples, healing, teaching and giving love with my rays of light. At the age of 33 he died on the cross and 3 days later he rose again.

Does this sound familiar at all?