Cyp 250 locking up


New member
No problems until 3-4 draws from the vial. I am keeping my whole house warm and the stuff is on an inside/inside wall so the cold isn't the issue as once thought.

2%, 18% and SFO.

Keeps fine until vial takes some hits. This is just crazy!! The stuff is good man, I am pop'n at 5weeks and 750mgs is turning out to be too much and I am dropping the mgs to 600 starting today. I've done 1000mgs of all the top brand shit and not felt like I need to pull back on mgs. The quality is not an issue.

Big Dogs I need your help!!!

IDK WTF but I think air is causing it to crash. I have Cyp 400 with EO holding fine but never tapped her ass. I am going pump some air into her and shake and see if I get a crash.
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Either way I have to bust some caps and adjust this to 200mgs or risk adding some EO. Not getting good feedback on EO, but who leaves their oil in a syringe for more then a 3 minutes? Jus say'n.
Sure as shit I pumped the vial with air and it locked up! This same Cyp 400 with EO was refrigerated for 3 days and didn't crash until it got air inside the vial. Where are you JS??
I put together some Cyp 200: 3%, 20% & GSO to see if mg/ml is the problem. Please hit me back with some options. I have some 250 that I need to fix ASAP.
Either way I have to bust some caps and adjust this to 200mgs or risk adding some EO. Not getting good feedback on EO, but who leaves their oil in a syringe for more then a 3 minutes? Jus say'n.

Whats up crazymike!

It's not about what the EO does to the plastic in the syringe! The point is if that is what it does to plastic what the heck is it doing once it gets injected into your body. Just sayin :p
Morn'n Zeek, how you Brother?

I still need some options here.

What about jacking the BA & BB? 2 & 18 now but going to 3 & 20?

The 200mgs with 3 & 20 is in fridge and holding fine. The 250 is turning as I type this now :-(

I'd like to keep the mgs at 250.

My sust250 at 2\18 has been holding, Did not put it in the fridge but still.....Perhaps I should get crazy and try that.
Tested volume was 217mg per ML, my recipe is a little off.

Could you perhaps be over 250?
Mr Dark,

I am doing the fridge thing for extremes and to accelerate the diagnosis. It is going to lock up at even 60F once the vial takes some hits.

Over 250 is possible, I used the Steroid Powder Calculator but may have made mistake somewhere.

I just hate going to 200mgs and moving up to a 5ml syringe.
I weigh my gear. The steroid cal is great but to make sure you have it exact get a scale !!!

And if your making your own gear what is wrong with making it just a bit weak. like 240 or 230mg If your not selling it to any one. You can make up for the diff in your pin. And then you would not have to worry about it jelling up.....

And when i mix I do 3 and 6 for every 50cc
I was just thinking about this. If you make a batch of cyp and a batch of test e you could replace one cc of cyp with one cc of e and that would stop your jelling problem.
I have a top of line Ohaus, so the only thing that could off is

I like that Test E idea allot.

I am trying the EO right now for chits a giggles but most likely going to 200mgs as the 200 is holding A-OK at 39F.
I have a top of line Ohaus, so the only thing that could off is

I like that Test E idea allot.

I am trying the EO right now for chits a giggles but most likely going to 200mgs as the 200 is holding A-OK at 39F.

Well, if you're off at 250 and it's much higher than that then I don't know if my advise will work.
If you ever get testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) and get a script written for test C you will find that MOST pharmaceutical brand don't make Cyp over 200mg/ml period.
Cyp is just so damn finicky anyway. But try this.
2% on your BA as 3% BA or even 5% will not make you gear hold any better. But on your BB use 22%. Or as far as the EO goes, I have reaction to EO as well but.... I still use it because it makes my gear brewing life much more easy. Use 10% of OIL VOLUME!!!! in EO. and then just keep your BB at 20% !!!!!!!!
This should work. In the end, if it doesn't, then simply use Enanthate and tell yourself it is Cypionate..... LOL because contrary to popular belief...... The only difference people feel between the two esters is HONESTLY "ALL IN PEOPLES HEADS" This is a guarantee bro!!!! If you have any bros that juice and have had Cyp and Enanth then when you give them some juice for their next cycle tell them it's Cyp and give them Enanth and watch how they tell you shit like "Oh yeah, I can tell it's Cyp cause I'm holding more water" or "Yeah, this is Cyp cause I've gained more weight in a shorter period then when I'm on Enanth." BLA BLA BLAAA
LOL Ha ha ha ha It's fucking hilarious because you're just sitting back laughing cause you know at that point that 1 day difference on the ester is NO difference and people go shit brains in their own minds over all this crap!!!
Good to have that in print from you on the BA and BB. And yes the Cyp/ Enan thing I know, just didn't know Cyp was going to cause all this problem.

I am going to 200mgs next time. This shit at 250 I had to back down my mgs. This is real dosed shit and I didn't know I was getting burned all these years until now.

22% BB sounds better than EO to me but if JS uses EO I need not question it :)
Here is what I did and NO CRASH even at 39F all night. I added EO: 1ml/30ml of crashing Cyp 250 and heated to 170F swirling, capped and violent shaking. Back on heat and swirling to 170F for 3 times total and cooled to 120F and ran through a .22 and pulled one vial and stored receiver in frig overnight and vial in cold window. Vail I pumped full of air and shook well (as that definitely promoted a crash) and now 24hrs later and both experiments holding fine.