DaHurt's 4 Week Epi-Strong Cycle

So my PCT is going to be pretty standard: nolva 40/40/20/20 and Activate Xtreme 4 caps a day for 4 weeks, as well as 4 weeks of IGF-1 DES at 80 mcg pre-workout.

Any thoughts on the Nolva? Is a full blown 40/40/20/20 treatment necessary for 4 weeks of Epi?

In other news I've officially ordered the Test E for my first 'real' 12 week cycle! Went with Sparty so the dosing will be 600 mg/week.

Ahhh I can't wait! haha
OK so I'll interpret no feedback on the PCT as good feedback and go with Nolva as specified.

My apologies DaHurt! I missed the post until just now.

I don't like nolva only for PCT when used to kick start production after an AAS cycle. Can it be enough to kick start things from epi?

Weird questions coming your way but they are important lol

How do the testicles look as opposed to before the cycle? are they full size, partially shrunken? raisins?

Sperm volume...same as before the run? less? few drops at best?

really trying to gauge how shut down you really are. How is the sex drive?

If you fall under being shut down hard I would buy Clomid for sure. If everything is almost as it was before I feel nolva would get that job done.
No worries Zeek!

Haha 'the boys' are unchanged - no atrophy whatsoever. Sex drive is normal and sperm volume normal.

I've read many logs of folks using OTC PCT for Epi cycles and the most intense PCTs were SERM only (either nolva or clomid - though I only found few), so I figured Nolva may be fine to kick start along with natural test boosters.

Because everything 'seems' fine I think I'll go with Nolva and maybe get bloods after 2 weeks @ 40 mg/day.
Been a few days since I've updated - post cycle therapy (pct) is going well. Loving the IGF-1 DES, haven't lost any weight and it seems my strength is still increasing. I'll add the last few days' workouts tonight. Eating like a beast - I just realized I'm eating 3 lbs of meat a day haha...
Nov 29 (Day 2 PCT)

Dropping back down to training once per day now...my body was starting to feel a little worn down after a month of twice daily training.


Incline DB Press
20x65w/u, 12x85, 8x95, 8x95
Flat BB Press
10x135w/u, 4x225, 10x205, 15x185, 10x135 (5 count down, 5 count up)
Cable Fly
15x60, 12x60, 15x60, 15x60
Incline Press Mach FST-7
7x12xvariable weight
Pec Deck
12x120, 15x120, 14x120

Pinned 40 mcg IGF1-DES in each pec prior to workout. Got great pumps and felt like I was getting lots of bloodflow to my chest. Haha I just kept thinking about the nutrients being pushed into those muscle cells while I was working out...

Weight is staying around 202-204.
Nov 30 (Day 3 PCT)


Preacher EZ Bar Curls
15x50w/u, 10x60, 10x60, 10x60
Alt Incline DB Curl
7x30, 10x30 -> 4x25, 8x30 -> 3x25, 8x30
Hammer Curl
10x25, 12x25, 15x25 -> 10x15
Standing Cable Curl (the one that looks like a double biceps pose)
7x12x30 @ 30 sec rest between each set
Tri Pressdown with Rope
15x80, 12x110, 10x110, 8x110 -> 5x100 -> 4x80, 8x110
DB Tricep Extension
12x70, 10x90, 12x90, 12x100
20xbw, 12xbw, 12xbw, 10xbw
12x20, 12x20, 12x20

Pinned 80 mcg IGF-1 DES bilat in biceps...arms were PUMPED.
Dec 1 (Day 4 PCT)


Leg Ext Warm-up
12x135, 12x225, 8x315, 6x335, 3x345, 10x225
Leg Press
20x315, 15x495, 12x675, 10x855, 8x1035 -> 6x855 -> 6x675 -> 8x495 -> 8x405
Backward BB Lunge
8x95, 8x115, 8x135, 8x135
Seated Leg Curl
12x90, 12x110, 12x130, 12x130 -> 8x90

Pinned 80 mcg IGF DES bilat in quads.
Dec 2 (Day 5 PCT)

Pretty intense shoulder/trap workout. Didn't log it so I can't remember exactly what we did (didn't have time to write, we kept rest between sets very low). I know we did quite a few dropsets on the shrug machine ss/ w/ Shoulder Presses, Smith Mach Shrugs ss w/ Side laterals, and then lots of other stuff.

Sorry I didn't log it all!

Pinned 80 mcg IGF DES bilat in my delts...they felt like balloons while I was in the gym.
Dec 3 (Day 6 PCT)

WG Chins 3x10
15x135, 15x225, 10x315, 8x315
Lat Pulldown (wide)
15x130, 12x170, 2x8x200
Pulldown behind head (normal)
Close Grip Pull-down
DB Row on Incline
DB Pullover ss w/ cable pullover (DB, cable)
(12x50, 8x120),(12x50, 10x100),(12x50, 10x100)

Pinned 80 mcg IGF DES bilat in my bi's because I couldn't reach my lats...

Weight staying constant at around 202 lbs.
Epi is way underrated on this site, good stuff. What is your DES protocol?

Zeek, I haven't done any real AAS but it seems most use it as a kicker at the beginning.
Epi is way underrated on this site, good stuff. What is your DES protocol?

Zeek, I haven't done any real AAS but it seems most use it as a kicker at the beginning.

Hi Noob,

Right now my DES protocol is 80 mcg preworkout injected IM in the muscle group to be worked. Running this for 4 weeks (duration of my PCT from the Epi cycle), then 4 weeks off, then running 4 weeks again and so on.

I'm running my first 12 week cycle of test e in Jan and plan to run DES and LR3 the middle 4 weeks and during the 4 weeks of PCT. LR3 of course will be injected post-workout (probably subq because it becomes systemic anyways).
Dec 5 (Day 8 PCT)


Flat BB Press
12x135(w/u), 10x205, 8x225, 6x245, 3x250, 1x275 + 3 assisted reps, 225x6 -> 135x12
Incline DB Fly ss w/ close grip incline DB Press (squeezing two DBs together) (fly, press)
(10x40, 10x30),(10x40,10x30),(8x50, 8x35)
Rotary Incline Machine FST-7
7x10xvariable weight (pretty light)
Cable Crossover
CG push-up on med ball w/ fee elevated

Pinned 40 mcg DES in each pec 30 min before gym. Starting to see increased development in inner upper pecs, which is making me very happy! Also noticing increased vascularity in chest - not sure if this is due to the DES, or coincidental.
Thanks guys - I'm going to try and be even more detailed in the log for my first test e cycle in January.

Going to try and update pics pretty soon.
Dec 6 (Day 9 PCT)

Weight = 202.5
Body fat % = 8.2%


Standing BB Curl
16x50 (w/u), 10x70, 10x70, 10x70
Incline DB Curl
7x35, 7x35, 8x30, 8x30 -> 6x20, 10x20
1 arm Preacher Mach Curl
6x40, 8x30, 10x20 -> 6x15
Standing 2 arm Cable FST-7 (the one that looks like a double biceps pose, haha)

Overhead DB Ext
15x75, 12x100, 8x110, 12x100
Skullcrushers ss w/ cg press
12x80, 10x90, 10x90
CG press
12x80, 10x90, 10x90
Tri Pressdown w/ V bar
14x100, 12x120, 12x130, 10x150

Pinned 80 mcg DES bilat in biceps 30 min pre-workout. Great pumps and wicked vascularity in arms today.
Dec 7 (Day 10 PCT)

Weight - 202 lbs

Today was pretty interesting - it was like every time I turned around I was getting compliments:

-A guy in the gym told me he wished he had my calves (a first for me - always thought I was a hard-gainer in this area...but they are the same size as my arms so maybe I'm just delusional haha)

-My neighbor told me he didn't recognize me from behind on the sidewalk because my back was so huge.

-A girl in the gym asked me how I got so big so fast.

-The lady at our property management office told me I get bigger every time she sees me and that I wouldn't fit through the door if I keep it up.

Don't know what it was - haha maybe I was just walking around with more confidence...but it was definitely nice :D


Did legs a little different today because I want to emphasize hamstring development for a bit. I forgot my damn log book so I'll list what I did, but I have no clue on most of the weight.

Superset leg ext w/ lying leg curls (4 sets - high reps - in the 20 range)
Ham/glute kickbacks - 3 sets
Reverse BB lunges - pyramid up from 135 to 205 for 4 sets
Squats (was feeling pretty beat from the lunges) - 12x135, 12x225, 6x315, 10x275, 16x225
Leg Press - kept it pretty light for high (12-20) reps, pyramid up to 8 plates/side, then one final dropset (1 plate at a time) back down to 4 plates/side.
Straight Leg Deadlift - 4 sets pyramiding up from 135 to 225. (10-12 rep range)

Pinned 80 mcg DES bilat in my quads preworkout.