Nov 13 (Day 14)
Two weeks down, two to go! Today is the last day of the 30mg dosage and tomorrow I start 45mg. I'll just try to keep the dosages evenly spaced - taking 15mg 3x per day.
Arms AM
I really need to work on my biceps, especially since they are over-powered by my delts - so all of my curls are being done with very strict form. I have to always think about pushing my delts back and disengaging them, otherwise they'll take over when I do heavier curling motions (e.g. standing BB curls).
Standing BB Curl (very strict form)
15x50w/u, 10x80, 8x90, 6x90, 20x50
DB Preacher Curls (both arms at once - very slow - 2 sec squeeze @ top)
14x20, 11x20, 8x25, 12x20, 8x20
Cable EZ Bar Curl
12x50, 12x70, 12x50, 12x50
Cable Standing Dbl Biceps (FST-7, 30 sec stretching between each set)
12x35, 15x30, 12x30, 12x30, 12x25, 12x25, 12x25
Rope Pressdown
20x60 w/u, 13x80, 12x100, 12x100, 13x100
Overhead Mach Extension
12x100, 12x120, 11x140, 12x160, 5x120 (5sec down, 5sec up on this last one)
Reverse-Grip Pressdown w/ EZ Bar
DB Skullcrushers (DB in each hand, done just as normal skullcrushers, but more challenging due to stabilization)
Weight is still at 197 today - of course after a day of eating I break 200, but I want to be there depleted and naked!
The goal I set at the beginning of September was to hit a lean 200 by the end of the year. I thought it was a bit lofty considering I weighed just shy of 170 but figured what the hell I'll aim high and would have been happy with 185.
Well here I am, November 14 and I weigh 197 with single digit body fat (it has probably gone up to 8 - I'll check later today). So it looks like I'll definitely reach my goal (knock on wood), maybe with a few lbs to spare
EDIT: Damn I almost forgot my evening shoulder/traps workout!
Shoulders/Traps PM
DB Shoulder Press
15x40 w/u, 12x65, 8x75, 5x80
Side Lateral DB Raise ss w/ Front Raise (side,front)
(12x25, 8x25),(10x30, 8x30),(10x30, 5x30)
Rear DB Fly
12x20, 12x25, 12x30
Upright Row
12x70, 10x90, 10x90
Single Arm Cable Raise
8x30, 8x30, 8x30
Rear Delt Pec Deck Fly
15x110, 12x130, 10x160, 5x190
Shrugs on Smith Machine
20x135, 15x225, 12x315, 10x365 ->315 to fail ->225 to fail ->135 to fail
Cable Shrugs
3xfailure with stack