DaHurt's First Cycle

Know im getting confused here. ill be back doing some research on the subject

Some people havebetter genetics. just how it is. IMO...leg ext's are best for tear drop. I also like to put feet narrow on leg sled/hip sled and work it that way as well.
You had to been joking about being genetically superior (i had to copy and paste that it was hard to spell). Dude your were a beast before your cycle now your a freak gorilla!
You had to been joking about being genetically superior (i had to copy and paste that it was hard to spell). Dude your were a beast before your cycle now your a freak gorilla!

Just pronounce it ya know. Like we did back in grade school.

jah-net-tuh-cal-lee suh-peer-e-or

Good job. You get a smiley face
You had to been joking about being genetically superior (i had to copy and paste that it was hard to spell). Dude your were a beast before your cycle now your a freak gorilla!

Haha honestly I really don't think so man! I was always just a normal-sized guy nothing special. I don't have an exceptionally broad frame or anything like that..

I'd like to think it's hard work and discipline that helped me gain so fast! I think I have decent/okay genetics but nothing 'superior' to most people by any stretch!

Either way...freak gorilla...I like the way that sounds! haha
I agree on the squats and front squats hittng quads and tear drop just fine. You drop past parellel and it works the entire leg!
I just looked at a pic of you before this cycle and your avatar. Damn bro you're growing like a weed. How's the hammy doing?
I just looked at a pic of you before this cycle and your avatar. Damn bro you're growing like a weed. How's the hammy doing?

The hammy is a lot better man...still taking it pretty easy on it though...I only get pain when I fully extend the leg and stretch to touch my toes...so no straight leg deadlift for now.

Yeah sometimes you don't realize how much you've changed until you look back at pictures...crazy!
well first off thanx for the sweet log man. Partly thanx to you i have gotten supper motivated to put on some serious size. i have signed up again with 3j, first time i did was to loose some body fat %and was supper impressed he got me lower than i have been in a long time! anyone that wants results i HIGHLY recomend 3J. but this time the goal is to GROW. and i feel honoured to say 3J has invited me to the "team Frankenstien project" super pumped to start monday!! but man that is a sh*# load of food
I have two questions for ya. i have decided to go with the GHRP6 for hunger but i just noticed that you are added GRF(1-29) i have already got my GHRP6 coming, should i order GRF as well? and do you add it to same pin as your GHRP6? i see your taking 300mcg a day do you inject 3 times a day of 100 or twice at 150? thanx for the info!
well first off thanx for the sweet log man. Partly thanx to you i have gotten supper motivated to put on some serious size. i have signed up again with 3j, first time i did was to loose some body fat %and was supper impressed he got me lower than i have been in a long time! anyone that wants results i HIGHLY recomend 3J. but this time the goal is to GROW. and i feel honoured to say 3J has invited me to the "team Frankenstien project" super pumped to start monday!! but man that is a sh*# load of food
I have two questions for ya. i have decided to go with the GHRP6 for hunger but i just noticed that you are added GRF(1-29) i have already got my GHRP6 coming, should i order GRF as well? and do you add it to same pin as your GHRP6? i see your taking 300mcg a day do you inject 3 times a day of 100 or twice at 150? thanx for the info!

Awesome bro, welcome aboard! Yes, you should take both of those peptides concurrently to maximize GH release. I combine them in the same pin, 100mcg of each 3x a day. Good luck!
Thanx buddy, looking forward to it! I am gonna try to run a log to show progress, ha ha although I doubt it will come lose to ur blogs standard.
I will have to order some GRF today, should be here In a week, think its ok to run the GHRP6 solo just for the hunger factor for first week? I just can't do 5500 cal with out a "help" I don't think, lol
Thanx buddy, looking forward to it! I am gonna try to run a log to show progress, ha ha although I doubt it will come lose to ur blogs standard.
I will have to order some GRF today, should be here In a week, think its ok to run the GHRP6 solo just for the hunger factor for first week? I just can't do 5500 cal with out a "help" I don't think, lol

I suppose you could go ahead and start the GHRP6, but it may be useful to see how much you can eat without the added hunger effect - which you may or may not get using GHRP6.
Hey man u seem to be the peptide "guy" question for ya I started taking GHRP6 today but don't notice any hunger increase from it? Does it take a while? I've seen others say it is like ten min after u are starvin. I am just having a rough time with eating all the cals!!