DaHurt's First Cycle

Feb 29 (Day 53)

Felt like a beast today with shoulders...my training partner was having trouble keeping up!

DB Shoulder Press
15x45 w/u, 12x70, 10x85, 10x90, 10x90
Giant Set: Rear DB Fly w/ Side DB Laterals w/ Arnold Presses
Rear Cable Fly
15x30, 15x30, 15x35, 12x40, 12x40
Side Cable Raise
3x12x35, 12x40
Upright Cable Row FST-7
BB Shrug
25x135, 15x225, 12x315, 12x315, 18x225, 25x135
DB Shrug ss w/ Lying Inc DB Shrug (DB, Incline)
(12x100,10x60), (10x100, 10x60), (10x100, 10x60)
March 1 (Day 54)

Hammy felt good today, but I still went lighter on legs. Don't want to push it too hard and re-aggravate the pull. Still getting some pain when I try to do straight leg deads, so I'm just sticking to leg curls for the time being.


Leg Ext Warm-Up
15x135, 12x225, 10x315
Front Squats
Leg Press
15x4plates, 15x6plates, 15x8plates, 20x8plates
Leg Ext
4 sets of 10-12 reps, didn't record the weight but it was heavier...
Standing Single Leg Curl
Seated Leg Curl
Lying Leg Curl

Weighing in right at 230 tonight. Back on track and ready to keep gaining!
Thanks brother! You're def going to see some solid legs! Can't wait to start throwing around heavy weight on leg day again!

youll bounce back soon enough. I never thought Id say it but I miss my heavy sets of squat. This ankle of mine needs to heal up soon.
What exercise will build up your lower legs and really bring out that teardrop shape near the knee?

What really worked for me is medium stance leg press low on the platform with my toes pointed out...and an ass of a defensive line coach back in the day that would make us hold static squats for 1 minute +
What really worked for me is medium stance leg press low on the platform with my toes pointed out...and an ass of a defensive line coach back in the day that would make us hold static squats for 1 minute +
I'm going to try that one....minus the defensive line coach.

Leg extensions are best, or any type of squat/press with your feet very narrow apart.

I've found that narrow stances hit my outer quads much more

Soooo...feet narrow or feet more apart to kill your lower quad muscle fibers? What's the verdict here
It depends...lower inner quad I have more luck with them slightly more spread and toes out. Lower outer narrow stance toes pointing straight forward.
the narrower the better if that is the specific area you want. The "tear drop" is responsible for extending the lower leg so really the only thing that hits it directly are extensions.
the narrower the better if that is the specific area you want. The "tear drop" is responsible for extending the lower leg so really the only thing that hits it directly are extensions.

Good info i wanted to hear. So leg extensions are going to bring out my tear drops more. Im hitting these hard
the narrower the better if that is the specific area you want. The "tear drop" is responsible for extending the lower leg so really the only thing that hits it directly are extensions.

I must've gotten lucky then! Because I never did a single leg extension until a couple months ago and I had the 'teardrop' long before!