DaHurt's First Cycle

Who is the skinny kid on the left you should kick his ass!! LOL

Haha yeah I was pretty much just running about 20 miles a week and circuit training at that point. I had some success modeling the last few years and thought I wanted to take it to the next level, but I was never light enough...

I lifted weights hard most of my early years and I was actually 215lbs in high school (6-8% body fat)...and for a while I was actually pissed because of how muscular I was (most modeling agencies want you to be rail thin). So I tried and tried to ditch the muscle mass and lose weight...but ultimately I said "fuck it" and embraced my meathead within once again.

Ultimately I'm WAY better at just putting muscle on...and I'm much happier now.
Jesus, Hurt. Massive changes. Your friends/family notice the change?

haha of course...it's kind of hard to ignore 60 lbs of mass!

Old time friends and family members are more like "Well, it's good to see you back to your old self"...so it isn't too bad.

But I think if I KEEP gaining from now there will be some eyebrows raising haha.
Holy crap! You gain 60lbs & family & friends don't say a thing? Wtf I went from 204 to 214 & Peeps asking me what I'm on ect...... Damn
Holy crap! You gain 60lbs & family & friends don't say a thing? Wtf I went from 204 to 214 & Peeps asking me what I'm on ect...... Damn

Haha no they've said plenty, I just don't think they suspect gear because I used to be 215 totally natty.
Good stuff hurt, that pic is comedy, I def think you should bring the flow back!!

Btw when it comes to arms...Less is more!!

Yeah bro honestly I think I may back off on the arms a bit and see how they respond. I'm thinking about doing only 2 exercise for bi's and 3 for tri's for a couple of weeks....